Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child usually participates, and she may or may not be back today.

I managed to get photos off my camera after my pretty little laptop had a nice long beauty sleep. 

this is the honey I'm currently using in my cups of tea,  Beechworth brand, which is always nice tasting, 'Bee Cause'  Mountain Honey.

100% Australian Honey...Always!
Every jar of Beechworth Honey enjoyed contributes to saving Australia's honeybees.
And for me, that's a cause worth standing behind.

Following doctor's orders, I have been out walking every day (almost), gradually increasing time spent walking and speed of walking, not rushing, but walking more normally than the heavy-footed shuffle that's been happening recently.
Yesterday I took my camera with me.

I thought this bark pattern looked interesting,

and the way the branches grew out in a circle around the tree, starting above my head height and growing shorter as the neared the top of the tree. 

this is what the leaves look like, and no, I did NOT pull these off, they were already lying on the ground.

a little further along, this old tree stump caught my eye. I've walked this path before, although it wasn't brick paved back then, and I remember this tree being very large and half dead. I'd say it was cut down so as not to be a danger to people walking and riding their bikes. It's well dried out, so must have been cut several years ago.
It's quite large, about ten feet from the front right hand corner to the back left just beyond that little bit sticking up higher.

this split, charred section tells me it may have been struck by lightning at some point.

the wood grain may not show very well, but it is quite pretty with its multiple growth rings. I wouldn't mind having a slab of this polished up as a coffee table. The general shape of the entire stump reminds me of the large polished slab, mounted on a piece of old trunk/root section of another tree, which is used as a dining table in the Arkaba Hotel. It's a huge table, the Coles girls and I sat around it at our Christmas/New year dinner.

The setting sun backlit these clouds very nicely.

Let's finish with Lola:

doing an excellent Angel impersonation.


  1. That was fascinating. Loved learning about the honey and loved the tree close ups. That stump was amazing. Plus it is nice to see Lola bringing you such joy.

    1. Granny Annie; Beechworth Honey is always a good brand and to see the costs go towards saving our honey bees means I'll buy it always.The stump looks better in real life.

  2. Love Lola! The tree stump is fab. So glad you got the pic thing figured out. Do you transfer your photos directly from the SD card inserted into a SD card reader on your laptop, or do you run a cable from your camera to your laptop? That could make a difference. I think the SD card readers are more reliable and they are very inexpensive to buy if you don't already have one built into your computer (like less than $10 USD) and as for photo editing there are so many great FREE ON-LINE photo editors, so you are not using up precious computer space for the programs. My favorite is - you can do amazing editing with this program and then save your finished work to your computer without using up space on your laptop for the program itself. (In my total ignorance, I don't know if sites available to me in the US are also available to you in Australia).

    1. Thanks for the photo editing link. It looks like a keeper.

    2. Grace; I run the usb cord from camera to laptop, it's always worked well, and the SD slot is in an awkward place, almost under the power cord so I rarely remember to try it. I have Paint as part of the inbuilt programming on my laptop and I use that to resize and put the blog name on the photos. I don't do any other editing. What I take is what you see.
      goatman; welcome to drifting

  3. That's an amazing tree stump. Lola looks quite relaxed.

    1. Val; I wish that tree stump was in my yard, I'd polish it up. It isn't high enough to put chairs around as a table though. Cats are champion relaxers.

  4. I love the taste of honey, and with your honey being native to your area and proceeds going to help save the Australian honey bees makes your choice even better.

    I had to zoom in and look at this the wood grain on that tree stump, it is really beautiful and I can just imagine a table made with a slab of this trunk, the grain, knots, and splits give it so much character, it would be really amazing polished up.

    I still say Lola has it made and knows it, I am so glad that you two found each other.

    1. Jimmy; I never buy imported honey, I believe in keeping our own honey bees in business and I like that this company is helping to keep them safe and healthy.
      the stump is great, I wonder how long it will last out there. Probably a couple of decades at least.

  5. Isn't wood beautiful? And you are so right, that stump would be an amazing slab table.
    For Lola to recline on.
    I hope the walking is going well - and love what you have shared of it.

    1. Elephant's Child; nice to see you back :)
      I'd love to have that slab as a table, but Lola wouldn't get to lie on it. Not while I'm at home anyway. one of her names is "get off the table", but I haven't had to use it for a while.
      the walking is going well, from ten minutes around the block and being exhausted to two forty minute walks yesterday with a minimum of huffing and puffing.

  6. Glad your computer is co-operating again. That is/was one big tree. Lola is a little those little paws.

    1. only slightly confused; Lola is a sweetie, when she's sleeping, but she has her moments. I remember that tree standing and towering over many of the others.

  7. Honey, I love honey, and I love Aussie honey even more! :)

    I bet you sighed a massive sigh of relief when your camera and laptop met at a happy place and behaved as they should, River. :)

    Have yourself a great week...cuddles to Lazy Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee' I'm happy the computer and camera reached an agreement too. I must remember the computer is an old girl and needs her naps. I love honey on crumpets and according to my list I'm allowed both, just can't put butter on them :(

  8. I ate something the other day that was from Australia, according to the lable. I wish I could remember.

    1. Joanne; sweet? sour? savoury? a spread of some type? Jam? You'll remember eventually.

  9. Not sure what that honey would taste like, although I would asume it taste good...For Christmas I recieve some buck wheat honey

    1. peppylady (Dora); it's excellent honey, good in cups of tea, good on toast and crumpets, and good in baking too. nice flavour and not too sweet.

  10. Beechworth Honey is good. The tree is a Norfolk Island Pine, not a great tree for closed in areas. I've seen cockatoos snip those leaf branches off the trees. There are lots of stories in the tree stump, but Lola is not interested.

  11. Andrew; I used to buy Beechworth honey by the bucketful when I had the kids at home, it's got the best flavour. I thought the tree might be a Norfolk Pine, but wasn't sure, I've never looked closely at them before. Cockatoos aplenty around here right now, snipping off green pine cones and leaving them half eaten all over the footpaths. Imagine the stories that tree stump could tell.

  12. Thank you for taking us on your walk, it was lovely. Someday i want to come visit your country.

    It's spring here, even if we are having a cool spell, and my spring selections are here.

    1. messymimi; you're welcome to visit Australia anytime you like, but be warned my state is the driest one in the whole dry country. You'll need plenty of sunscreen if you travel in our summer.

  13. Walking everyday is such a good thing. The things you see are the icing on the cake. I have honey in my tea also. Canadian (Ontario) of course:) Hug B

    1. Buttons Thoughts; I used to be able to walk for miles and not even notice. When I started feeling better my first thought was "how did I lose this?"

  14. Maybe you could see the wood grain better if you painted it with water for the shots? Love old wood.

    1. Sharon; not a bad idea, but the stump is quite a way from home.

  15. I love the honey brand's play on words (bee cause) and the description "i am strong and bitey" almost as much as I love that honeybees are being saved by each purchase...

    It sounds like you are making great progress with the walking and quite quickly at that. Well done. Great pictures. And Lola looks quite at home. Those white socks are spiffy :)

    1. jenny; "bee cause" is what caught my eye, that's why I bought it.
      Walking used to be my favourite thing, I'd go out and walk for hours, the not being well just crept up on me, at first I was just a bit tired, then I was too tired with no energy at all. I put it down to the asthma, but I was so wrong.

  16. Lovely photo of your cat.
    Nature is amazing re-trees.
    That homely looks good and Australian too, makes it even sweeter :)
    Enjoy your walking. Today I did a fair bit of that along Ocean Beach near Strachan, Tas.

  17. Isn't it interesting how you tend to notice the things around you more when you're carrying a camera to record them? :)

    I'd buy that honey for its clever name alone. That it supports the honey population makes it even better. The only thing I can think of that I buy that comes from Australia is lamb. YUM!

    That tree stump is gorgeous, and you're right. It'd make an amazing table.

    Lola is a cutie. Made me start singing in my head: "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets..."

  18. This doesn't sound like a good way to spend your day, but I am glad that you went in and got yourself checked, and that you are back home resting with Lola.

    ** Royal1688**


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