Sunday Selections #?

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Let's keep walking:

I like the finials, I've never seen any quite like these

here's another one, from this angle you can see some clouds moving in, I don't remember what day I took these photos, but by the following Sunday 4th, the cloud cover was complete and dense, keeping the noise from the jet doing its show off circuits, down low to the ground, so I had to keep the windows and doors closed to minimise the racket.

a bit of the side of the main building

a view from the south west corner where the carpark area is largest

a closer look, I love those chimneys. I remember Jayne loves chimneys, but I don't remember her address to link to.

a bit of the south wall of the old, right next to the new, I'm not sure what the new building is part of, I hadn't even known it was there.

Another of the older buildings, this time with white quoins and window framing? edging?

the entrance to the previous photo

remember the black mesh fence from last week?

here's more, in green, and behind?

new construction. The beginning of many, many, new apartment buildings.

I believe they are going to be four stories high and I've heard the price for these begins at about $800,000 for the cheaper apartments. A little out of my price range. heck, WAY out of my reach. I wouldn't want to live there anyway.

and we'll finish with some of the machinery, I do like watching these big boys at work.


  1. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; I'm glad you like them.

  2. Those finials are special. Really lovely. I may have to look around here.

    1. Elephant's Child; finials are something not seen so much anymore. I like them, they give the gable a nice finish.

  3. I like finials, too. I only ever associated them with lamp toppers.

    1. Joanne; lamp toppers? that's new to me, could you perhaps post a picture of one some time?

  4. That would be fun to watch, those machines at play.

    1. The Happy Whisk; in the hands of an experienced operator who loves his work, those machines can almost dance.

    2. Oh yeah. Same is true with other art forms as well. Skills and such. The good ones always make it look easy.

  5. An interesting array of photos to kick-start Sunday, River...thanks for sharing. :)

    I hope you have a good week...I noticed last night on the weather forecast that your temps today should be on the cooler side of the scale...something I'm sure you're thankful about. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; glad you liked them. The weather here is lovely now, still blue skies with a bite in the sun, but the breezes are so much cooler and we've had bits of rain too.

  6. I don't suppose the finials would be original. They would have surely rusted away by now. I wonder if the housing development is pay off for the restoration and keeping of the original buildings.

    1. Andrew; the finials are definitely new looking and probably placed to keep birds off. The original buildings were restored some time ago and used for the current purposes for quite some years now, so can't say about any payoff. You might be right, the development has been on the cards for several years now.

  7. Jayne is

    1. Andrew; that's right, thank you. I wonder if she will pop in and see the chimneys? I remember now I don't go to her site because the comments are disabled.

  8. $800,000 for the cheaper apartments how much for the others, prices are falling in Sydney at the moment well thats what we are told. I've not noticed finials here but will keep a eye out for them in the future.

    1. Merle; apparently they are going to be very posh apartments and being close to the city makes them more expensive too.

  9. I don't know what finials are, but I think they could act as lightning rods!

    1. Val; they aren't long enough to be lightning rods and finials aren't always metal. Most I've seen, especially in older times, are wood. They are pieces of wood (or metal) decoratively turned (like a table leg) and attached to the top of a gable to hide the join of the eaves facing, which has a name of it's own but I can't remember it. If you google for images you might get a better idea of what I mean.

  10. Lovely collection.
    I remember living in houses in the past with a fireplace in the bedrooms and my father lightening mine. Good old days :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I remember fireplaces in every main room too, but only the lounge room fireplace was lit and if there was one in the kitchen, that was lit too. and of course the old wood stove was almost always going too.

  11. Lovely finials, and i wonder if the new construction will clash much with the old.

    Watching large machines at work is as almost as fascinating to me as it was to my sons when they were little boys. In fact, i got to drive a small "bobcat" vehicle once when we were moving rock from one part of our yard to another, and it was loads of fun.

    Kitten pictures from the past caught my eye and got posted for today..

  12. Now there is a thought (from MessyMimi)- the beautiful old buildings, up against super modern buildings? Not a happy thought. I like both, but in such close proximity?

  13. Accommodation for lotto winners the nouveau riche.
    I am at ease living on a lower level and a less pretentious habitat. needless to say they are great pics. Well done.

  14. Never heard the term finials. I guess that what google for. But still remember using a dictionary.
    Coffee is on

  15. Brick buildings give off such an aura of permanence and grace. Even as a child I remember being attracted to them. I hope I'm not just livinging in the past (well, maybe I am) when I say most older structures give off a presence of quality. Recently I got lost in a new subdivision (imagine getting lost in Helena) but they put in all these curly worly streets that lead one right back where you started. I actually stopped for a moment and noticed the shoddy workmanship and cheap construction of building materials. Each house was big but different from the others. I recognized the impression the whole area was trying to convey but it left me with a feeling of flight. I could never live there and I had to get out of there fast.
    Evidently a lot of people could and do live there because the whole mess of cheap-looking houses seemed to go on forever. I'll end this by saying, "chosing a place to live is such a personal choice." I hurried for home, as you probably know is a very old farm house, needing a new roof.
    I got off the subject which is finials. Is a weathervane on top of a barn considered a finial?


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