hereafter known as The Hippie

I'm typing on my backup laptop, not my favourite machine by a country mile. I actually hate this thing, but in the middle of doing something on the Toshiba, the screen went black, the battery was flat. How could this happen? I charged it this morning!

Anyway, here I am on the HP, hereafter known as The Hippie, which also has not much power in the battery, but after searching half the drawers in the house, I found the power cord for Hippie and plugged him in, so I can keep doing what I was doing.  If only the brain interruptions would stop. There is too much happening lately and I'm not in a good place mentally.

Everything that Needs To Happen seems to be happening this week and next week isn't looking any better, with five days booked out of the seven for Things That Need To Be Done. 

Yesterday, Tuesday,  I had a day to do almost nothing, a couple of loads of washing were scheduled, but at least six times people came knocking on my door, so there went several hours, add in taking my old printer to an electronics drop-off point for disposal and Tuesday was over.

Today, Wednesday,  I had someone coming to install a pet door, so Lola could come and go from the back porch without me having to keep the screen door propped open. The door was successfully installed hours ago, but she seems confused by it and when I go to show her how to push it open, she runs away. She will just have to work it out on her own.
I also made a trip to the bank, did a bit of shopping, (I was out of eggs and bread) and now it is after 4pm already.

Tomorrow a building inspector is coming around (at 8am!) they're doing a check on building structure and also taking photos inside and out of any changes that have been made since moving in. He will ask if I put up the curtain rods (yes) or were they there when I moved in (no) and other stuff like that. He'll probably photograph the cracks in the walls and ask if they were there when I moved in. Did I install the airconditioner? Well, no. Not personally, I'm not that clever, ha ha. I've heard from others who have already had this inspection that EVERYTHING gets photographed. I'm going to have to ask him to not photograph the family photos on the wall.

Tomorrow is my usual Friday away from home, Monday ditto.

Tuesday next week I have to do a fasting blood test to check how the cholesterol is going, that means a trip to the clinic, two buses, and two buses to get home again. Day over.

Wednesday, two buses again to the clinic to see the doctor and discuss the results of that blood test. Then two buses home again. Day over.

Thursday, a "Home Visit" is scheduled. A housing officer comes around asking questions and taking notes. How are we? Are we coping alright? Do we have any issues about living here? Do we need help with anything? and so on.
There's other stuff going on that I'm unable to talk about, family stuff...

All of this is in my head going round and round and I'm unable to settle to any one particular task.
My calm has vanished and taken my serenity with it. My multitasking gene is dead and buried.
Time for a nice hot chocolate.


  1. I am so sorry. I hope all that business can be brought to a successful conclusion and the stress backs off.

    1. A week from now, I'll be calmer. At least this morning the Toshiba is working again :)

  2. people around here seem to think I'm the girl with all the answers and keep coming to my door with their questions :(
    Perhaps I have "ask me, I can help" tattooed on my forehead (*~*)

  3. So tough to overcome everything, but all will come to one end at sometime...

    1. Weekend-Windup; in those famous words said by somebody "this too shall pass"

  4. Hot cocoa, and write it all up on a paper calendar where you can see it. Sounds crazy, but it helps.

    My prayer for you is peace through the storms.

    1. messymimi; everything is marked up on a calendar where I see it every time I enter or leave the kitchen. it looks like I have nothing scheduled for the whole of July :)

  5. A tough time for you, it seems. Focus on what is really important, which I am sure is not the building inspector, but also know that you can't fix some things in life and some need to take responsibility for what they do. Pick up the piece to the extent you can, but you can't fix some things.

    1. Andrew; thank you, I am picking up pieces as much as I can, but I do know that I can't do everything. Some things need to be taken care of by the people responsible and all I can do is watch and worry from the sidelines. I know it will all work out eventually, but one son is having a hard time of it with no light at the end of his tunnel just yet. Maybe a very dim light.
      The building inspector was nice, very efficient, took photos of things and said my place was lovely.

  6. Every so often life seems to gang up on us doesn't it? Just keep calm and one day after another this spell shall pass and normalcy will return.

    1. only slightly confused; every so often and all at once is what it seems like. I know it will pass and just taking things steady will help.

  7. Holy cow! You DO have a lot on your plate. As others have said, this too shall pass.

    1. Kathy G; I need a smaller plate so some of the troubles will fall off. Or perhaps a bigger plate so they can spread out and not converge all at once.

  8. Deep breath, go with the spin. Keep your hands up and elbows out; you will be bouncing off walls. You can't control it, so outlast it. And, chocolate helps.

    1. Joanne; deep breathing, chocolate and naps. That should see me through. It's a bit like riding a stormy sea, I can see the land but can't get there yet.

  9. I agree with the "write it down" advice. Even if you have this schedule memorized, writing down my upcoming "chores" makes me calmer.

    Sorry about your own "Shiba," but at least you have Hippie.

    1. Val; I do have it all written down and writing it out here helped too. Hippie is a pain in the patootie, luckily my Toshiba, (her name is Kaylee) is working again this morning.

  10. I'm exhausted just reading all that! But you'll get through it and then feel proud of yourself.

    1. Around My Kitchen Table; it's one of those times where it seems I never have a minute to myself and I'm looking forward to days when I can just sit and read for hours in between naps. I know they will come.

  11. You'll get through it--I have faith in you!!

    1. fishducky; I have faith too, just don't remember where I put it. It must be around here somewhere...

  12. Yikes, you're busy. Sometimes being busy is good, though. Just think, next time you're bored and not doing anything, you can look back at this time and remember how you wished for that. It all seems to balance in the end.

    1. Liz A.; welcome to drifting. I remember younger days when I was so busy working and raising the kids too and had all the energy that goes with that. Now that I'm retired I enjoy doing nothing, boredom doesn't come into it when there are so many books that need reading. I'll get the balance back and the peace and quiet too. I'm just impatient and want it now.

  13. When I get that stressed, I just take one thing at a time and ignore the rest that is pending. Sometimes those other things take care of themselves or don't even occur. Got a feeling you will nail this.

    1. Arkansas Patti; taking one thing at a time is what I was forgetting and had me running around doing bits of this or that task without finishing any of them. Not at all my usual style. I think I need to schedule my days in two-hourly blocks for a while to get that "finish it" focus back.

  14. My "calm" has disappeared over the past few days....I won't go into details, other than to say I've let off a lot of steam (in private)...the stupidity, thoughtlessness and ignorance of some people is amazing...and that is all I will divulge! :)

    I've already been out this morning...dropped off a couple of ginger-cinnamon loaves I made to the local aged care facility. A friend's mother who is there turns 101 tomorrow. I'm popping in again tomorrow (Friday) morning with flowers and a parcel filled with some special little treats for the lady...the Queen for the day. It doesn't seem like 12 months since we all celebrated her 100th birthday. Time certainly is flying by.

    Don't get yourself too stressed, River...remember to take a few deep breaths every so often. I've been doing so over the past few days...not sure if it's working, thought! :)

    1. Lee; I'm sorry to hear your calm has gone AWOL, probably camping out somewhere with mine :)
      ginger-cinnamon loaves sound lovely, perhaps I'll take a bit of time and make my ginger cake. The smell of something baking is always soothing, and I can work out a bit of frustration by beating the mix vigorously.

  15. You certainly have a busy week next week - can't imagine taking 2 buses there and back, day over - good luck with it all..

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; Two buses is normal these days, all buses go to the city, then you have to get a different bus to the suburb where you are going, unless it is somewhere in the city.

  16. UGH! Sounds like you need a nice cuppa tea and a bubble bath.

    I hope you have a restful weekend.

  17. I feel for you -- I do not like times like that where every day is busy, and not in a good way. It's always a relief to go back to quiet days with a good book to read. One foot after the other, River; just keep trudging :)


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