Sunday Selections # 383

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

a multi-themed post today:

beginning with a few of my neighbour V's things:

V has one of those coffee tables made of "books"

it's lightweight and she put the castors on by herself, they don't come with wheels.
I love these book tables and would love to get one, anyone know where?

this is one of V's cats, I think the oldest one, who has been unwell lately and I successfully diagnosed a thyroid problem. This old boy is now getting well again.

here are two of V's spinning wheels, another is in another room with the small loom. Notice the rug in the bottom right corner? and a few in the picture above with the cat, V makes those herself from cat hair and alpaca hair.

Here's a few photos of Lola doing what cats do best:

on the couch

on the fleecy blanket

on the chair

oops, she caught me :)

much more relaxed now than this frightened girl I collected from the animal welfare shelter almost a year ago

here's an unusual sight for Adelaide


I haven't seen any for several years, not in the city anyway. I often look towards the hills and see fog.

I couldn't see the end of the street

nor past the little roundabout just at the end of my block.


  1. I love fog. So mysterious. So . . . imagination inducing!

    1. Diane Tolley; I'm a fan of fog myself, it's the stuff of mysteries and ghost stories :)

  2. Mother Nature created fog just for photographers.

    That's a known fact.

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; mother nature deserves a big thank you.

  3. I learned to spin on a wheel like the one on the right. Then I discovered the wheel on the left, and spun on it for thirty or forty years! I made myself allergic to animal hair, which is everything except sheep wool. I am so allergic to my cat!

    1. Joanne; interesting that you learned and used the exact same spinning wheels. V no longer spins, her arthritis is too painful. I'm sorry to hear you are allergic to Toby.

  4. Love all these photos, especially Lola and the fog (wait, "Lola and the Fog" - great name for a music group, yeah?)

    1. Grace; Lola and The Fog...would they have an eerie synthesiser sound to their music?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was about to pounce on your language usage as you sometimes do on my spelling with your use of the "Mist of time" instead of the "midst of time" alas you are correct and i am once again an idiot...curses River, you've foiled me again.

    I'll get you yet...LOL.

    1. joeh; typos don't bother me so much these days. I'm trying to remember where I used Mist of Time.

  7. I had to delete my first comment as it had a typo in it.

  8. Books, cats and fog? These are a few of my favourite things...
    A lovely post today. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; I knew these would make you happy :)

  9. Oh, yeah! I love that fog, and the obvious change in Lola. I've never seen one of those book tables.

    1. Val; the change in Lola is mostly due to contentment I think as there hasn't been any big changes since she arrived and we've managed to work out which foods suit her best. The book tables used to be in a mail order catalogue but I haven't seen any of those for a long while.

  10. Yes...I saw and heard about the Adelaide fog via TV reports.

    I've never heard of or seen a book table before.

    I bet V was grateful you diagnosed her beautiful ginger mate's problem. Good to know he is on the mend.

    Have a good week, River and cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola, who, indeed, is looking very much at home...and loving it. :)

    1. Lee; the fog made the news all over Australia, I checked in with Mimsie and she'd seen it on her TV too. V is happy her ginger cat is getting better, it was pure chance that I mentioned thyroid trouble, the clue for me was the dullness and roughness of his fur which used to be so shiny. My daughter's hair was the same when she was diagnosed with an under active thyroid.

  11. That fog is a bit thick much like fog we have in the city sometimes here.
    The bookcase is different.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; you probably get much more fog than we do. It's rare here, with most of being up in the colder hills area while the flat lands are slightly warmer, so any fog usually dissipates before dawn.

  12. Multi themed means multiple pleasure River :)
    And the foggy city of churches made it onto Melbourne tv news as well lol. Mind you we've had enough of our own fog to contend with recently.
    Your friend's book table is quite striking isn't it as is your beautiful Lola as well as that lovely ginger cat
    Take care

    1. Cathy; I like fog and don't mind seeing some here, as long as it isn't a pea-souper so people can't drive. The book table is a real novelty.

  13. The book table is novel. I briefly thought, you could make your own, but then thinking further, how would you do it?

    We've had a bit of fog this week, but not so rare for us.

    Lola's eyes look relaxed and confident that she is safe in the photo before the one from one year ago.

    1. Andrew; the book table isn't real book, they are hollow and just painted to look like books, so it isn't at all heavy. They were available for a while from a mail order catalogue but I haven't seen any for a long time. Lola is very content now.

  14. One year has passed already?

    1. Andrew; almost, Angel's disappearance is almost a year ago now, on the 19th of this month, and I collected Lola at the end of July last year.

  15. Once i met a woman who used a spinning wheel to spin hair from a friend’s cats into thread which was then knitted into sweaters.

    Your friend has beautiful cats and lovely items in her home.

    We do get fog regularly, yet i still find it fascinating.

    Just a few pictures of last week's guests.

    1. messymimi; I find the idea of spinning yarn from the fluff left by your cats rather intriguing, but I don't think I could have that patience myself.

  16. You don't get fog? How very odd. We often get fog. Lola is such a sweetie.. I just love those little white feet.

    1. only slightly confused; Adelaide is in a little basin of mostly flat land between the sea and the hills and going north is almost completely flat, that's where a lot of the market gardens are, and we get the warm northerly breezes a lot.

  17. Here's one place you might look:

    1. fishducky; thank you so much, I'll check it out right away.

  18. I have to wonder how many books people haul off to the thrift store. I know I have

    1. peppylady (Dora); I've taken lots of books to thrift stores, but only those I knew I'd never read again because the story didn't 'grab' me or it was poorly written or any other reason like that. Most books I keep are favourites that I know I enjoy reading over and over. and I have plenty of new books again also.

  19. I've never seen a table like that - it's perfect for a book lover like so many of us here are. I hope you can find one.

    Lola is such a beautiful girl. I'm glad you were able to help your friend get her cat's health back to par.

    1. jenny_o; I found several online via fishducky's link, but the prices are way out of my league.


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