Sunday Selections # 382

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today I'm showing you a few knick-knacks I picked up in thrift stores (op shops) while on a day out with a couple of neighbours. 
The day began with the op shops, lunch was had at a hotel, then a visit to a neighbour who had moved out of the city to a small hills area town and now has more space than she knows what to do with. 
We finished up with a stop at another thrift store on our way back to the city. 

this beautiful little owl was my first find and I was so happy to find him,

look how well his colour matches with my things.

this charming little bracelet fit my wrist perfectly, so I left it on and handed over the amount on the price tag, $3

this is blurry, but maybe you can see the silver pieces each side of the central blue bead are Buddhas

a little something that isn't wood as I first thought, I'm not sure what it is, but I like the kitty on the face of it, she stands out a bit, isn't just painted on, so I think this is some kind of pottery or ceramic work, but not glazed.

a small pottery goblet

a little purple elephant with a silver bead necklace

now leads the line-up on top of my kitchen cabinet

and I have since found these three jewelled girls to add

I also found this tiny ceramic skull, not even 2 inches high, painted with a different coloured flower on top, back and sides.

I know, I know, dust catchers, but I like them.


  1. I like them, too!!

  2. Well didn't you just luck out with all of these lovely finds! (I don't understand the whole skull as decor thing, so I'll take that off my list of lovelies.)

    1. Grace; the owl was a perfect match, just like the llama a few weeks ago, so I was very happy to find them. Skulls aren't for everyone, but I like the way this one is painted.

  3. Replies
    1. Joanne; it's pink and he ties for first prize with the aqua llama from a few weeks back.

  4. Some most EXCELLENT scores. I don't remember ever being that successful in a single day. And yes, the owl is my favourite too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I do have lucky days quite often and it was fun seeing thrift shops in a different town.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A colourful feast to lift even the most down of moods.

      I hope this coming week is filled with only good things...enjoy....and cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)+

    2. Lee; I do like to have colour around me. Lola is being not exactly cuddly, but since the weather has cooled, she seems to need to be always in whatever room I'm in. Right now she is curled up sleeping on the couch, just an arm's reach away.

  6. That owl was made for you to find! Such a match. The bracelet is a beauty, and so unique, like that kitty.

    Hick has a lady who comes to his Storage Unit Store to buy elephants. So he's always on the lookout for them. He likes return customers. I'll have him take pictures of any new elephants he finds.

    1. Val; I do think I was in the right place at the right time for that owl, he was the first thing I saw as I walked into the shop. My friend V was jealous of the kitty, she was looking for kitty things and didn't find any. The blue on the bracelet matches a couple of my summer tops.

  7. The owl is perfect on the wonderfully painted drawers. The kitty looks nice too. The part of the clock that is visible shows that it is minor marked as a 24 hour clock, the first ordinary clock like that I have seen.

    1. Andrew; those mini drawers were the first thing I ever painted years ago. Many years. I had to go and look at my clock, I've had it about 14 years and never noticed the 24 hour markings.

  8. Love owls and I don't own one, yet!
    Nothing is a dust catcher if you like it :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; you'll have to go around a few thrift shops yourself and maybe find a pretty owl or two.

  9. There is nothing wrong with dust catchers, as long as you are willing to dust them, or not worry about the dust on them.

    Last week, i took care of these plants.

    1. messymimi; I usually ignore the dust for a long while, then one day I get so fed up I clean everything I can reach.

  10. With the help of a magnifying glass I did see the little Buddhas. How lovely.

    1. only slightly confused; I'm glad you could see them, they're quite cute.

  11. Wow! What a bunch of good finds! Whimsical knickknacks like that make our homes interesting. Our house is full of 'em, too.


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