Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Margaret Adamson and friend Sue, also photos by friend Bill and can be found here.

This week's words are a phrase: "Back to the drawing board" and a photo which I have included.

Here is my story:

Stan slammed the door against the wall as he entered the office, red faced and angry.

"Back to the drawing board Johnno, these plans are totally useless. Get Celia on the phone too, she needs to contact the client and find out if he actually knows where that block of land is. I've got an idea he's been scammed."

"Scammed?" said Johnno. "What have you found out?"

"Remember when he came in all excited about buying five acres along that desert road? He couldn't wait for us to start drawing up plans for his "mansion with a pool". Well, I took a drive out that way yesterday after we closed, there is no flat land on the northern side and the southern side is a sheer cliff rising up God knows how high. Here, take a look at this photo I took. The whole road is like this."

"Geez, Stan, I recognise that area. It's a Wilderness Conservation Park, there's no way anyone would ever be allowed to even buy into it, let alone build a mansion with a pool. You don't suppose there's another desert road that we don't know about?"

"No mate, this is it, the only one. Get Celia to give him a call ASAP. He's going to have to contact the police, probably won't get his deposit back. Let's not charge him for the plans, I think he's lost enough."


  1. Maybe that client would like to buy this nice bridge I know of in NYC...Ha Ha Ha

    1. Grace; I think this might be a severe case of "once bitten, twice shy", the client having lost all or most of his money.

  2. That is funny. When I moved here I looked at a piece of property that was a home on 7 acres. Well there was a home on 1/4 acre, the other 6 and 3/4 acres were up the side of a mountain.

    1. Arkansas Patti; did the home come with a beware of avalanche sign?

  3. I fear that many people have been taken in by this and similar scams.
    Great use of the prompts.

    1. Elephant's Child; the poor man was new to the area and young, inexperienced. He's learned a fast lesson.

  4. On the road to nowhere....great little story,River. :)

    1. Lee; there's a lot of roads to nowhere, sadly.

  5. Nice always write a lovely one :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; thank you, I enjoy these little challenges.

  6. They're also saving that client a headache, and the cost of chemicals when that pool turns green. Because it WILL!

    1. Val; the client already has a headache from losing all or most of his money to a scammer. I think things will turn around for him though. Perhaps the scammer will get caught.

  7. Great job with the word list. Your writing is very smooth and the story sounds very realistic. Unfortunately, too realistic. This kind of stuff goes on all the time, but most companies wouldn't forego their fee for the plans. The poor guy who lost his money would have to fork over even more.

  8. Susan; thank you. I like to write so it reads realistically, it helps that I can hear it in my head as it flows through the fingers.

  9. Oh, excellent! I feel sorry for the client and admire Steve's compassion in not charging for work done to date.

    1. jenny_o that's Stan, and I believe he has this compassion because he remembers being scammed himself once upon a time.

    2. Sorry! I did scroll up to see Stan's name and then clearly forget by the time I scrolled back down :)

  10. Not the Baylin Tea bloke P Foster up to his tricks again.

  11. That is going to be a nasty surprise for the client. Never buy a property you haven't seen!

    1. messymimi; very nasty, I feel quite sorry for him, but his new found friends in his new town will help him get back on his feet.

  12. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; and too many getting caught by these greedy scammers.


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