Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Lee and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. stellar
2. resourceful
3. frivolous
4. revelation
5. catastrophe
6. perspective


1. potential
2. embodiment
3. euphoria
4. jeopardise
5. unite
6. groundswell

Here is my story:

The euphoria that accompanied Gloria’s stellar rise to fame was closely followed by the frivolous lifestyle most new young stars live. Partying, spending, more partying, more spending.

Gloria woke up one morning to a revelation. Such a lifestyle could not continue. Her agent had called several times in the previous week, but she had been too busy partying or nursing a hangover to take on the jobs he’d been offering. Taking this road had the potential to end in catastrophe. How many times had she read the society pages and seen so-and-so who had once been famous but was now an alcoholic wreck, broke, no longer beautiful and unable to find work.

“That’s not for me”, she decided. “I refuse to jeopardise my future like this. From this morning, I have a new perspective. I am resourceful, I will find a way to move forward. Already the groundswell of my one-time fans, famous themselves for being as fickle as the winter sun, have moved on to the newest glittery star-in-the-making.”

Opening her windows to the sun and pouring a cup of coffee, Gloria sat at her new kitchen table with her diary and telephoned her mother.
“Mum, how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, I’m really, really sorry. There’s been so much partying going on, I’ve barely had a moment to myself, but this morning I realised I don’t want to live this way. I’m calling my agent this morning and tell him I’ll read every script he brings me, I am ready to work.”

Checking through the diary, Gloria found a week pencilled in with ‘visit Mum and Dad’ and made sure to ring it in red, to keep it free for the visit. She needed to re-unite with her family and friends from home. Her lifestyle from now on would be more mature, she would become the embodiment of elegance, reliability and punctuality. No more turning up late for the day’s shooting, no more demanding this or that for her dressing room. From now on, Gloria would style herself on her idols, those famous women who worked for years in character roles, never minding they weren’t first on the playbill, just content to build a career in the business they loved.

“And Mum? I’m going to buy a house too. Can you make me an appointment with a financial adviser that you and Dad trust? I don’t want to use anyone attached to the film industry that might just want to rip off any money I might make.” 
She smiled at the picture of Dame Judi Dench in the magazine beside her cup.


  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; me too, far better to be an aging character actress than young and dead.

  2. Another easy, natural story, a real conversation...Good-o!

    1. Grace; thank you, I do try to make then read as if normal people were conversing and living.

  3. Let's hope it sticks, and that she didn't wait too long.

    1. Liz A. it will stick, Gloria will take on roles that other new young things think are beneath them and will have a long, long, career in films.

  4. Yay Gloria.
    And how wonderful she realised in time...

    1. Elephant's Child; yay indeed. Too many let the fame go to their heads and burn out with the partying (and drugs, alcohol..)

  5. This is a story that one hopes would happen to so many young women like Gloria! You go, Gloria!


    1. Susan Kane; perhaps in time Gloria will be the one to lead the way as her idols have done for her.

  6. Lovely story River, you do so well at it..

    1. argaret-whiteangel; thank you, I do enjoy these little challenges, even when they aren't so little.

  7. Glorias family problems follow the indiscretions of far too many unions in this day and age. It would seem that the celebrities most people admire in a far off way tend to be the trend setters for the shortcomings infiltrating family life.

    1. Vest; Gloria's family have no such problems, they are safely entrenched in village life being upstanding law-abiding citizens. Gloria herself is now a minor film star and determined to do well in the long term, NOT follow the foolish ones who spend their time drinking and partying.

  8. Brilliant, River....a great job. :)

  9. Good one. I'm glad she snapped out of it! There may be hope for her yet.

    1. Val; probably the early childhood training in 'work for what you want' and 'you can't have everything just because you want it', has paid off.

  10. The list of words was practically tailor-made to fit your story this week. Great job! Too bad more successful people don't come to the same realization as Gloria. They fill their head with so many celebrity trappings and pitfalls, it's like their brains fall out their ears.

    Have a super weekend!

    1. Susan; it did come together nicely didn't it? Gloria has the sense to enter everything new with her eyes wide open and not be fooled by the glittery fame.

  11. That ought to be required reading for all over night sensations. Well done in word usage and wisdom.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you. Perhaps I should submit this to a Hollywood celebrity magazine?

  12. It happens in the world of acting, as well as music, sports, and etc. Let's hope she keeps her resolve.

    1. messymimi; don't worry about Gloria, she comes out on the even keel she's aiming for.

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