OMG Facts

It's been a while since I put up a few of these

1. any free-moving liquid will form itself into a sphere in outer space because of its surface tension.

2. a duffle bag is so called because the thick wool originally used to make the bags came from the Belgium town of Duffel.

3. 'Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself."
      -Actor/writer Tom Wilson

4. spoons are a millennia older than forks.

5. The word "robot" comes from the Czechoslovakian word "robotovat" which means "to work very hard"

my favourite here is #3 


  1. Heard #5 on QI the other night.

  2. Replies
    1. Joanne; age hasn't been too troublesome for me yet, but I do wish a parcel of wisdom could be delivered.

  3. Number 3 speaks for everybody!!

  4. You should do these more often.

    1. joeh; that was the original plan, but busy real life and more than a bit of carpal tunnel flare up has kept my computer time to an absolute minimum.

  5. I have a tee that says "I thought growing old would take much longer" and another "I can't believe how old people my age look". #3 is my favorite one.

    1. Susan Kane; I've seen online cartoons with those messages.

    2. HA! I'd love to own tees like Susan's.

  6. I did not know about Duffel. 3....nor would we confuse experience with wisdom.

    1. Andrew; I didn't know about Duffel either. Do you suppose duffle coats are made with the same thick wool from Duffel?

    2. Perhaps they were originally.

  7. Number three speaks loudly to me. How I wish wisdom was a given.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wish a nice big parcel of wisdom was delivered at a certain age too. Maybe through the mail, so we can be sure we got it and what it is.

  8. Like everyone else, I like number three. Number four makes me think how we take common inventions for granted and never ponder about their origins or when they came to be. I would have expected forks and spoons to have been created at the same time, simply because I never thought about it!

    1. jenny_o; I've read novels set in stone-age caveman times so I knew about spoons being older, they used hollowed out, or scooped out sections of animal bones or wood for eating. I suppose the idea for forks came the first time someone used a forked stick to stab something for picking up.

  9. Next time someone ask me if I work I will just say like a "robot"
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); that would be a good answer :)

  10. Interesting - Duffel, all interesting infact.

    1. margaret-whiteangel; I try to put up only those facts I find interesting enough.

  11. I didn't know about the Duffel bag. In fact, the only fact of which I was aware is the liquid sphere.

    1. Val; I didn't know about the duffel bag either, nor about the origin of the word Robot.

  12. No's 1 2 & 5 were unknown to me. I had an inkling about 4 from something I read in a novel, characters mentioned the knives and spoons on the table but couldn't be done with those new inventions called forks that came from Italy.
    And of course 3 wins hands down. Wisdom oh wisdom wherefore art though? Age is her but where are you?

    1. Cathy; wisdom is sadly lacking here too, I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be wise. I don't mind being a bit childish still though, life seems more fun when you can still giggle like a five year old at things.

  13. What about "spooning"?

    I've not yet been approached by Wisdom.

    1. Lee; I dare say spooning was around long, long, before actual spoons. No wisdom for you either? I'm beginning to think wisdom isn't as prevalent as I first thought. Where are all the wise people?

  14. Equation. Bodily abuse = early exit. And Fingers were even earlier than Spoons.
    Always ask for a knife and fork, not a forkanknife.

  15. Wisdom is the state of mind where you eventually discover bad judgement.

  16. Medium brown coloured Duffell coats were issued to sailors on upper deck duties in Northern regions. they were also fire proof.

  17. Vest; definitely always ask for a knife and fork, I was taught that early but never knew why until someone told me at high school.
    I've already discovered I am the queen of mistakes and poor judgement, does that make me wise?
    Fire proof is all very well, but I imagine those coats would weigh you down a lot if you were to fall overboard. At least you were warm enough in those Northern waters, unless you did fall overboard...

  18. Still waiting on the wisdom. Evidently, age arrives much more rapidly.

  19. When forks were invented, in 15th century Italy, if i am remembering correctly, the clergy were appalled. How dare you claim that the fingers the Good Lord gave you aren’t good enough for transporting your food to your mouth, that you have to invent something else!


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