Sunday Selections #

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

let's begin:

how sweet is this?

Lola only got to enjoy this doona cover for a couple of days, then I noticed dozens of tiny rips beginning with that kneading clawing thing she does before sleeping, so I put it somewhere else. The same little rips are appearing in my lovely percale sheets too 😒

these two garden chairs, which I've rarely sat on have been cleaned and given to a young man who has nothing but his clothes and a job,and is setting up his own home.

look how clear this refection is 

early morning commute buses leaving the city centre

as more come in, filled with people packed in like sardines in cans

here is the sun peeping over the building, this is winter in Australia, early winter, but still winter

Australian Coat of Arms

now something that continues to annoy me. These bins are specifically purposed. The yellow lid bin is for recyclable waste, the green lid bin is for garden waste, such as  tree and shrub prunings, swept up leaves, lawn trimmings, and vegetable waste. Anything that was living and can be composted.

Does this look like compostable garden waste?? And it stunk with a zillion tiny midges that zoomed out at me when I lifted the lid. one more time I contacted the housing officer and implored him to make the people responsible understand which bin is for which purpose. 

We all have an individual blue lid bin for our household rubbish.


  1. I'm a dreadful photographer and all my old photos tend to be family snaps. I've just put a load on Facebook of my niece, whose 15th birthday is today - Hannah Through The Ages!

    1. Around My Kitchen Table; a lot of my photos aren't so great, my hands get shaky sometimes and people's heads get cut off. I never go to Facebook.

  2. That reflection photo is awesome!

  3. Love Lola, and the reflection shot is brilliant.
    We have the same problem with bins here. Some people (like on of our neighbours) have too much general rubbish and just put the overflow anywhere it fits. Including in their neighbour's bins. Which irritates me.
    I do hope that young man's new home comes together well, and am glad you could give him the chairs.

    1. Elephant's Child; the thing with bins is once they're out for collection they are considered fair game if someone needs more space for their rubbish, and that's fine with me as long as the correct items go in.
      The young man's home now has almost everything he needs thanks to several people chipping in with items.

  4. Sweet little Lola....and yes, those needle sharp claws can make a mess of things. I remember the little pin holes in my insulated drapes thanks to Rocky.

    1. only slightly confused; I have pin holes in my drapes too, but I don't remember Angel ever climbing them and Lola certainly doesn't. Possibly they are tiny moth holes, the drapes are 16 years old and the thermal blockout backing is beginning to thin and breakdown in the creases.

  5. People suddenly become very lazy and ignorant when it comes to rubbish bins...or perhaps they're always that way!!

    I hope you have a nice week, River...cuddles to the lovely Lola...who is looking very comfortable, indeed. :)

    1. Lee; I know the bin culprit and he is a lazy don't care, don't want to know, so-and-so, prone to aggressive drinking and other unsavoury practices. We've called the police to his unit a few times.

  6. How nice to help a young man get started. I bet those chairs are in his living room right now. Ah, those were the days.

    1. Joanne Noragon; he has one chair in his living room and the more weathered chair is on a teeny tiny balcony. He now also has a sturdy small tv cabinet type of thing used as a coffee table, a bed and lots of kitchenware. Late yesterday I took him grocery shopping for some basics, but he doesn't yet have a fridge, so it was coffee, sugar and a few canned items along with vegetables that don't need refrigeration in winter.

  7. It's good of you to help out that young man. Every act of help and kindness makes a difference when you are struggling.

    Love the shots of Lola (sad for your fabrics, though) and of the coat of arms and the reflection shots. The bin thing is just like the WalMart thing I was complaining about, but worse because it's garbage! :)

    1. jenny_o; the hug I got was well worth everything we did.
      I'm sad for my fabrics too, there are so many things I have now packed away and can't use: my favourite doona covers, my silk bedspread, lace curtains etc.

  8. I love the reflection and the Coat of Arms. Doubt you'll miss the chairs, and I'm sure he is happy to have them.

    1. Val; he was very happy to have the things we donated and we know he'll acquire more on his own as time and money permit. He's learning to budget now.

  9. Nice out of ten people do recycling well, but that damn tenth person. Shoot 'em, I say. One of our cats used to knead and I wondered if it was a male cat thing, but it seems not. I think he only kneaded us though. Good photos taken in the city. Is that Grenfell Street where the buses are lined up? I remember looking at it when I looked at the O'Bahn route. It is good to give things to people who openly appreciate them.

    1. Andrew; shoot 'em? If only it was that easy (*~*) I'm wondering if the kneading is only an older cat thing, because I don't remember Angel doing it.
      Yes, that is Grenfell Street. I once took a photo with eight buses lined up, but it was on my phone and I couldn't transfer it to computer. M certainly was appreciative especially with a stack of books, he likes to read and doesn't bother at all with TV which is good because he doesn't have one and feels no need to rush out and get one any time soon.

    2. Our cat always did that but he never damaged us.

  10. We had one bottle raised cat that did the "making biscuits" as it's sometimes called from the time he was tiny. My Sweetie's t-shirts that he slept in always had to be replaced faster because of it, he was the prime target.

    Love the reflection, and those are some nice, sturdy chairs. They and the other items given will be such a blessing to that young man.

    Putting the wrong waste in the bins makes me upset here, too. Some people are lazy, and some just don't want to bother to learn because they don't think it's important. In some ways i feel sorry for them.

    Today i have more of Grandma’s artwork, including drawings of family members.

    1. messymimi; the bin thing will always annoy me because I try to do the right thing then wonder why I bother, while still rinsing out my bottles and cans. I'll pop over in a minute :)

  11. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; it was a very busy weekend as we also helped with the actual moving in and he's three stories up with narrow stairs. But the effort was worth it.

  12. Cats do love to leave their signature don't they? Minnie only has one claw (probably from a botched declawing) but that one claw leaves scars all over my furniture.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I flinch at the thought of de-clawing, I know how it is done and it seems very painful even though the cat is put to sleep first. It goes against nature and I would never have it done to any cat I owned. If I'm so fussy about furniture I wouldn't have a cat. As it is I look at each scratch and remember the cat that did it, when and how.

    2. She was declawed before she found me. I agree.

  13. Replies
    1. joeh; thank you. I still feel awful and have cried over my thoughtlessness. I'm going to be very careful with my words for a very long time I think.


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