Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Vest and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. dumped
2. welcome
3. incident
4. sounded
5. ended
6. unaware


1. moving
2. attended
3. responsible
4. smell
5. arrived
6. window

Here is my story:

Being dumped unceremoniously at the altar was the last straw, Jill decided. She’d had enough of this town and its cliquey inhabitants. She’d been unaware of Dan’s skirt-chasing shenanigans until the morning in the church when a mobile phone was handed to her. Dan, who sounded annoyingly cheerful, had told her he wouldn’t be there after all, having just arrived in Fiji with his secretary Mona. “I’m sorry things have ended this way,” he’d said, “but the thing is…Mona is pregnant,” at which point Jill snapped the phone shut and threw it at the wall.

“Sorry is he? Believe me, the man doesn’t know what sorry is.” Jill stormed out of the church, thankful that only a few of her friends had attended, and even less of Dan’s friends. Humiliation in front of a larger crowd would have been too much to bear. As one was heard to remark later, “Jill’s rage was so hot, I swear the smell of brimstone was in that church!”

Gossip spread quickly the next day. “Did you hear about the incident at St Paul’s? “said Loretta. “I heard she slammed the chapel door so hard it cracked a window,” said Sophie. “Nonsense,” said old Joe Farnsworth. “That window has been cracked for years, I did it myself with a baseball years ago.”

A small committee of women took it upon themselves to visit Jill and offer commiserations. She didn’t take it well at all, saying shortly that if any of them had thought to be responsible and enlighten her about Dan, she wouldn’t be in this mess now.

A week later, looking around the small cottage to be sure nothing was left behind, Jill snapped her suitcases securely, phoned her mother and said, “I’m moving back home Mum, but don’t bother with any welcome home party, I won’t be staying long. I have urgent business to take care of in Fiji.”

**Next month, the Words for Wednesday will be right here at Drifting Through Life**


  1. Oh, oh, oh - Please say there will be a next chapter! This is gonna be a good story!

  2. Grace; I can't promise another chapter, I can only go where the words take me.

  3. Replies
    1. joeh; Mona is in for a bit of trouble too.

  4. Another great story!!

  5. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; hell is definitely popping.

  6. Ooh, I want to go to Fuji with her. Hope you take us.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'd like to take you along, but we'll have to see where the words take us.

  7. She is undoubtedly better off without him. Just the same, the humiliation will stay with her for a while.
    Great use of Vest's prompts.

    1. Elephant's Child; probably better off, but I think she will follow her rage and Dan will learn a lesson or two.

  8. Here you go!

    River and I had an incident. It ended in me not feeling welcome and being dumped. I said something that sounded like an insult. I was unaware that it was hurtful. There: all six words. I'm sorry River...

    1. RP; well done using the words. Apology accepted.

    2. this makes me very happy! thanks...

  9. The best part was the cell phone against the wall!

    1. Val; I feel sorry for the owner of the cell phone, but I think Jill may have replaced it for him/her.

  10. I only heard of people being dump. My client Uncle was dump at the alter and there was a large wedding.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I've never known anyone to be dumped, only seen it in movies and read it in books. Sorry to hear it happened to your client's Uncle.

  11. Whooohoooo! Don't go to Fiji, Jill! Don't waste your money. Go somewhere knew people..find a new love. Forget the worthless kind...definitely don't waste money on them! :)

    Well done, River.

    I knew a fellow whose surname was "Farnsworth". He was a member of my staff at the resort on Hinchinbrook Island.

    1. Lee; I think she needs to go to Fiji and vent her rage. Dan needs to learn a lesson, and poor Mona will cop a bit of flak too.

    2. I meant to type "new people", of course, not "knew".

      Oh...I wouldn't be wasting my time on them if I were Jill, River. What is done is done. Fortunately for her Dan showed his true colours before they tied the knot! Both antagonists aren't worthy of her time. She shouldn't lower herself to their level. Jill shouldn't give them the satisfaction...she should just go somewhere, let her hair down, kick up her heels and have a ball! :)

  12. Throw a party for Dan and his pregnant lover. stand on a chair and announce how thankful you are in finding out at the last moment what a complete loser he is. There are more options to deal with matters like this, some foolhardy. so Jill should take the party option and belittle the randy sod.

  13. Vest; thanks for the ideas which I may or may not use. I'm sure Jill will work something out.

  14. Love it! Your writing just keeps getting better and better.

    I think Dan is in for a serious reckoning. You know what they say about hell having no fury like a woman scorned.

    1. Susan; and she is very scorned, Dan is in for the tongue lashing of his life. Thank you.

  15. Dan better look out :)

    Love your stories, River.

    1. jenny_o; Dan is going to be looking over his shoulder a long time after Jill finds him. Thank you.


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