Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Vest and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. observation
2. enjoying
3. dining
4. capacity
5. manufacture
6. embarrassed


1. journey
2. business
3. baptism
4. subject
5. loudly
6. surprised

here is my story:

Scurrying along the halls, halo askew, wings flapping behind him like, well, like wings, Peter spied Mary coming out of the manufacture room. Skidding to a stop, he asked, “How’s that new batch of haloes coming along?” ‘They’re beautiful,” said Mary. “I’ve got the cherubs doing a final polish, then they’ll be stored on cloud nine until needed.”

Peter leaned in and whispered, “Where is He?”

“On the observation deck,” she replied. Peter sighed, straightened his halo, then strode purposefully towards the midnight blue door, spangled with stars and wreathed in fluffy clouds. A gentle knock was answered with a “Come in Peter” and he entered the spacious room beyond which was the large deck where God was now standing. Peter came up beside him. “Still watching the subject?”

“Yes,” said God. “Enjoying the balmy evening air too. I’ve been away too long, things have got in quite a pickle down there haven’t they?”

Peter said, “Negotiations with Lucy took longer than expected, but you’re back now and things aren’t so bad that you can’t take a couple of days to rest up.”

God laughed quietly for a second, “Don’t let him hear you calling him Lucy,” he said. “You know he hates that and might just unleash another plague of something or other just to spite us.”

“So how’s he looking, the subject?” said Peter. “Not bad at all,” said God. "He’s actually looking pretty good, he’s turned a corner now and I think he’ll stay on the right path this time. He’s had quite the journey so far, he deserves a break. Too bad we can’t interfere too much, him being a free soul and all.”

“Yep, when his parents turned down the Baptism, just because of that Pastor, it was a sad moment. Bad business practice on his part. A baptism should never be refused because the parents aren’t church goers.” “Right,” said God. “That’s what made him lose his church in the end. I couldn’t stand by and watch so many babies not being baptised because of his silly rule.”

A knock on the door was followed by Mary loudly calling them to the dining room. “The heavenly chicken is ready! And the Angel-food cake for dessert too!”

Turning away from the panorama spread before them, God and Peter made their way down the halls to the dining room. “He had the capacity for greatness assigned at his birth, this subject, probably still has that, but it might still be a struggle now, more than it would have been had he not taken that rocky road. Still, he’s making good progress and after all he’s been through he doesn’t get embarrassed easily, so he’s able to take whatever comes at him. I’m surprised he stood so long with that, that, oh, Devil’s handmaiden I suppose, although she is a baptised one, so not truly Lucy’s yet, but she is headed that way unless an epiphany of some sort happens for her.”

He smoothed his robes and they entered the dining room. “It smells delicious in here, you’ve outdone yourself Mary. Is there gravy? I do love gravy.”


  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; thank you :) I love a bit of whimsy myself.

  2. I never considered myself, but I DO love gravy, too!!

    1. fishducky; I'm a gravy fan myself, especially my own home made stuff.

  3. A very different take - and I love it.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you :) I knew you would and it was quite easy to write.

  4. Replies
    1. Grace; thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

  5. I need a halo...I can't even say my previous one got rusty. I've never had one.

    Maybe I'll just have a piece of cake instead...

    An inventive use of the words, River. Well done. :)

    1. Lee; Thank you :)
      I've never had a halo either, we don't get them while we're living. I'm happy to settle for heavenly hot chocolate.

  6. Oh, i'd never thought of heaven quite that way before.

    1. messymimi; who wouldn't love a heaven that has gravy and angel-food cake desserts. I picture it as a much more serene version of earth.

  7. Love it! And the "Lucy" thing was a nice touch.

    1. Val; I knew you would, but sssh! don't let Lucifer hear you calling him Lucy.

  8. I lost my halo years ago, searched high and low in my twenties , And right out of the blue this beautiful young angel came along and asked " I believe this belongs to you I found it in my Rose garden. It still fits well despite my occasional Ego problems.

  9. Vest; you must be a Saint, no one else I know has been issued a halo before dying.

  10. Without a doubt, this has got to be one of the best things you've ever written. I love it from start to finish. And I kinda related to Peter's crooked halo, too. That'd be me! In some of the pictures taken at our wedding reception, my tiara-type veil is so cock-eyed, it looks like I'm tipsy.

    Anyhow, fantastic job. Have a terrific weekend.

    1. Susan; thank you, I love this one myself, a little whimsy always makes me happy.

  11. Really enjoyed this whimsical view of Heaven. Had to agree with God about the pickle we are in but hey, wherever there is gravy, there is hope:)

    1. Arkansas Patti; I agree, where there is gravy, there is hope. And apple pie too.

  12. I will post my little story on Vest's blog.

    1. Peace Thyme; welcome to drifting. I will pop over and read it when I get a minute.

  13. Vest; for your halo? or for me to pop over and visit your site?

  14. Sorry no halo for ypu yet . I shall be busy today.
    XC11 2day, 22 beyond the traditional M/E of three score years and ten. bitovariddle.


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