oh dear oh dear oh dear

In my newspaper this morning: UK-based Serco Group has been awarded an initial seven year contract to operate and manage the Adelaide Remand Centre, with an option for a further five years.

Why the "oh dears" in the title?
I'll tell you:

Serco has "...an extensive and scandalous history or failure in operating private prisons and corporate responsibility in Australia and overseas."

Serco "was the subject of scathing criticism from the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission."

Serco "lost its NZ contract for the Mt Eden prison and was fined following evidence of understaffing and poor supervision and reports of violence and neglect."

"In the UK, Serco has been the subject of criminal and statutory inquiries."

So why is our government hiring this Serco Group?
Because...drum roll... after a rigorous tender process......the government will save $5-6 million a year.

So, forget about safety, proper supervision and all that goes with a well run facility. 
None of that matters, as long as the government can save itself a few bob. 

They need to remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best option. 
Even prisoners deserve fair treatment, decent supervision and violence control. 


  1. This is typical of all three levels of our governments here, too - they are more concerned with the process than with the result (a good example is your description of the tender process being rigorous but the outcome being inadequate facilities). It's very frustrating for the taxpayer, who is supplying the money for them to spend in the first place, and for all those who are affected by government decisions.

    1. Another example is our government encouraging population growth while at the same time closing schools and hospitals. How short sighted is that?

  2. Same types of problems here, and it's only getting worse.

    1. messymimi; the world is in a bit of a mess, right? where are the forward thinking leaders we used to have who worked for the people, not just for money for themselves?

  3. Private enterprises can do things better and more efficient than Government. They may not be a good idea when there is no repercussions for their efficiency. If they make bad roads they will lose future contracts, if they make crummy food products they will not sell. Apparently most people do not care about prisons and prisoners so corporations face no consequences for cutting corners. That is not a good formula for success.

    1. I'm not so sure about private enterprises being better, certainly they end up costing us more. I remember when our utilities were government run and everyone could afford their electricity and gas bills. Now they're privatised and far too many people are way in debt and having their power cut off because they can't pay. Some of this may be their own fault, with too many items needing electricity and leaving lights on etc and I know a few people who have their TV on permanently.
      You're right about many not caring about prisons and prisoners, but it bothers me a bit because many in the remand centre are young people who might be turned to good if they got decent care in there.

  4. Good grief, fancy our Government getting that company - hard to believe how stupid the government is sometimes!

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; not hard to believe at all.

  5. Yes, money over matter. That's the way it is. Railways, hospitals, care for the elderly, busses, kindergartens, schools, control with food ... you name it. Anywhere they can cut a few corners or save a few bucks, they do, and the devil take the hindmost.

    1. Uglemor; remember the old saying "love makes the world go round"? Not anymore, it's money all the way.

  6. And that is the way our world works. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!! For sure.

    1. only slightly confused; crossing our fingers and hoping for better might work as well as anything else I suppose.

  7. Sad on all levels and worst for prisoners, who are people too.

    1. Joanne; I've had a couple of family members in the prison system in the past (now going straight) and they had decent treatment, so now I just would like the same for others who are in. There will always be the really bad ones in there who will stir things up, maybe into riots, but with good supervision things may not escalate. That's about all we can hope for, but if this not-so-good company fails as it has done in the past things could get ugly. Uglier.

  8. That is so sad for the people affected will go unheard. Sadly much of our lives is ruled by the lowest bidder.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the only area I know where the lowest bidder loses is at house auctions. It's true what you said about those on the inside being mostly unheard until they riot and get into the media.

  9. Oh! Dear! How short-sighted...how wrong this move appears to be.

    Does no one listen these days????????

  10. Sad that this is the way of the world. No consequences for bad actions is probably the reason so many end up in prison to start with. Maybe the powers that be of this group should have to be detained in one of the prisons they run and subject to the poor conditions they provide. Some days I am glad I am old!


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