Sunday Selections

Again, no intro blurb, I wasn't sure I'd get these few photos done, I've been typing too much lately, but Val, on her blog, unbagging the cats, has shown her husband's collection of Coca Cola memorabilia. I told her about my few Coke items and she expressed an interest in seeing them, so here they are.

All three of them. 

first, my smallish metal tray. you can see the whitened parts where the original red got worn away, I used this for years for coffee and sugar canisters along with a couple of mugs and teaspoons. When I noticed the wear, I cleaned it up, gave it a single coat of clear gloss varnish and put it on display on the high shelf. This is about 12 inches or a bit less, by eight inches, or a bit less. I didn't think to measure it while balancing on the step-ladder.

second, my poster. the wide black edge is part of the poster, the buckling is because I had this glued on the corners only, to a piece from a corrugated cardboard box that once held a pedestal fan and over the years it began to sag, unnoticed by me until yesterday when I took it down from the same high shelf as the tray, to photograph it. I've now removed it from the cardboard, cleaned of the greasy cooking steam dust and will get it properly framed, perhaps with a thin red metallic frame.

third, my mirror which hangs on the kitchen wall above a rail which has coffee mugs hanging from hooks. This is 38cm wide, (15 inches), by 29cm high (11 1/2 inches), in near new condition, apart from a little dust, the gold-coloured frame has faded a  bit, but it has no scratches or cracks. I bought this when we first arrived back in Adelaide in 1986, for $5.99 and I've since seen some in secondhand shops for $20-$25, complete with cracks and scratches and frames that are coming apart at the corners. 

Moving on, who remembers Wagon Wheels biscuits?

They're available in minis now, packs of eight and recently released packs of eight individually wrapped wagon wheels in a box.

filled with jam and marshmallow, coated with chocolate, they're pretty yummy. But a bit tricky to eat, when you bite in, the chocolate cracks up and flies around or drops straight down inside your t-shirt where it immediately melts.
Anyway I decided cutting them open to result in two thinner biscuits, might make the eating a bit easier. It did, but....

How disappointing! The first one I cut open had only a thin ring of jam and a thin ring of marshmallow,

the second one, still a thin ring of jam, but a better layer of marshmallow. Every biscuit since then (yes I ate the whole packet) had a decent layer of marshmallow. 
I remember the original Wagon Wheels, larger in size and still available, from when I was a child and the jam layer covered the biscuit completely, ditto the marshmallow, so I feel I'm being gypped on the jam. On the other hand I'm happy these are still available.

Finally, who remembers the old rhyme "there was a little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead"?
That's me>>

when I wash my hair I comb it straight back and clip the fringe (bangs) in place so it dries straight, but there is always a bit that misses the clip and curls forward. It isn't all that curly, but if I just towel dry the hair and leave it all loose it goes nuts and does its own version of Shirley Temple curls, which is fine in winter because it feels warmer that way, but in summer heat straighter hair feels thinner therefore cooler.

Of course the bottom half, below the ears is still doing its curly, almost ringlet thing.
these fall into waves once I run a comb through the dry hair.


  1. Old Coke stuff in good condition is surprisingly valuable be interesting what Hick might say.

    1. joeh; I always try to keep my stuff in god condition, not for the resale value, but because I like my things to look new and nice.

  2. Those wagon wheels I believe don't have any expiry date which always makes me nervous of eating stuff like that but hey we take our pleasures where we can :)


    1. Wisewebwoman; I don't have the packaging anymore to check, but next time I buy them I'll look for an expiry date. they're a very sweet snack treat, probably 90% sugar, so they'd keep for quite a while, but I don't know anyone who buys them to store for later.

  3. You may "only" have three Coke collectibles, but they're all terrific. We live in Atlanta, the "home" of Coke, and the only Coke stuff we have around here is drinkable. (urp!)

    Your curls are lovely! I bet you're one of those kinda gals who can dive into a swimming pool and then come out, shake her head, and with a little bit of strategic push-pat-push action with her hands, her hair falls into perfect waves. (My mother-in-law was like that. Me? I look like a drowned rat...)

    1. Susan; the odd thing is, I don't drink Coke, I'm a Pepsi girl, but even that has fallen by the wayside in favor of water.
      I haven't been swimming for many years now, so don't remember about the hair. It does tend to frizziness quite a bit, so any wet-water waves/curls just don't look as good once I've combed. it's worse as it gets longer, but the short hair does curl more than wave.

  4. I remember the Wagon Wheel cookies. Right now I found some Moon Pies in a store and am looking forward to eating one.

    A drowned rat is also my claim.

    1. Susan Kane; we don't have moon pies out here, I'll have to google an image. I'd guess they're about as sweet as the Wagon Wheels?

  5. Years ago, in my last office job, I bit into another vending machine cookie, in job desperation . It was my go to soother, Lorna Doone shortbread. And then I said Why are you eating this? Think about how it tastes like---chemicals! I chewed slowly. I did not taste butter. I did not taste vanilla. Only substitutes. Nothing that comes from cellophane or cardboard tastes like mom made it. Things from a can are too salty.
    I do like your new layout! You make it better and better.

    1. Joanne; thank you on the layout, it took a bit of getting used to. I don't buy vending machine food, I've tried a few things in the past when someone has said "you should try these, they're great!" but they never are great which makes me wonder how many people are out there with no taste buds. I have had some pretty good store bought shortbread, but only two brands, the rest is "meh". my daughter makes lemon shortbread now and again, buttery and faintly lemon flavoured.

  6. Many memories brought to the foreground from your Sunday photos, River.

    I hope you're taking good care of yourself during that horrendous heat you're experiencing down your way. We've having lovely cooling showers here at present...and have done for the past couple or so very welcome are they and the cooler temps.

    Have a good week...take it steady...and cuddles to the Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; good memories I hope. I'm taking care, staying inside as much as possible with the air conditioning running non stop. Cooler temps are on the way, with today being not too bad at 33, but cloudy. Lola is back under the bed since a couple of days ago, so I think her headache is back, which means another trip to the vet soon. I'll wait and see how she does with the cooler days. she's off her food again.

    2. The poor little girl...I hope she's okay...the heat wouldn't being doing her any good, either.

  7. Like many biscuits Wagon Wheels just aren't what they used to be. I don't know why Coca Cola memorabilia is so popular. I too had the same mirror. I am not sure what happened to it.

    1. Andrew; memorabilia is a funny thing. So many once popular items are now forgotten completely, while things like Coke and Elvis just keep on keeping on. Search your storage, you may still have the mirror.

  8. No worry lines on your forehead. Impressive.

    1. Andrew; not yet, because I'm not a worrier, but I'm sure the fine lines that are there will eventually deepen. There are frown lines between the eyes, not terribly deep, but there and faint crow's feet too if I look with a strong torch. All my wrinkles are on my hands and chest.

  9. I love your Coke items! I don't recall seeing any of these in Hick's extensive collection. I'll show him and see what he thinks.

    I've never seen a Wagon Wheel, but they do remind me of Moon Pies, without the jelly. Now I want a Moon Pie! The closest thing I can think to a Wagon Wheel is a Little Debbie Cake that my mom used to buy for Genius. They were only out a certain time of year, and had jelly in the middle. I haven't seen them in a long time. Little Debbie Jelly Creme Pies, says Google. Genius liked them cut in fourths, like a little pie.

    The Pony's hair curls like that. It's pretty long now, and he lets it go after a shampoo. Got it from Hick, not from me!

    1. Val; I used to have a set of glasses with Coke written on them, but don't know what happened to those, one of the kids probably has them. I'd be interested in what Hick thinks of my things.
      Do the moon pies have chocolate coating and marshmallow filling??

  10. Never had a wagon wheel but I have cut things open and have not been impressed. I guess some things we aren't supposed to know.
    Love your curls. Sure wish I had some and have to resort to perm to even get a bend in my hair.

    1. Arkansas Patti; too many things shouldn't be cut open to avoid disappointment. I have a neighbour here who envies my curls too, she said she pays $65 a month for her curls. Odd how people with straight hair get perms and people with curly hair buy hair straighteners.

  11. Those cookies do look like what we call moon cakes.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I googled moon pies and they are very similar.

  12. My son works in publicity and has also done pubs for Coca Cola, but these old once are really nice !
    I wonder if at that time the Coke was still in the Cola ? :)

    1. Gattina; welcome to drifting. I think the coke was removed a long time ago, before the 60s certainly. I bought these items in 1986-7.

  13. I'm pretty sure we still have the original Wagon Wheels here. I never cared for them (not a huge marshmallow fan), but made by the same company (Vachon) were my favourite - caramel cakes . . . I can't buy a big package because I'll just inhale them in no time at all. The odd time I'll buy one if I can find them for sale individually. Pure sugar/fat/chocolate - no redeeming features except that I love 'em :D


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