Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.
Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.

Elephant's Child is taking a well earned break right now, but will be back when she is ready

Last week I found myself with an unexpected day off, so I headed for the beach. I've been away from the water far too long.

After taking a bus to the city, then a train to the beach, my walk began with fish and chips, best fish I ever had, but too many chips. Next time I'll just get the fish.

I'll be walking in this direction until I get tired

this mini train crossing is for the mini train that runs during the summer holidays, from the Semaphore foreshore to Fort Glanville

one of several small boats out in the fishing areas, I hope their catch was good

two empty cargo/container ships heading back out to sea

places to rest, I don't recall seeing these before, not at this beach anyway, I was grateful for a sit down, I'm terribly unfit these days

looking back towards the jetty, which is where I started

this retaining wall is new, only a couple of feet high, but quite long, to hold back the sand from the bike/walking path

lost thongs waiting for their owners to claim them

very informative signage all along the beaches

I love the windswept tree growths along here

here's a closer look at those trunks

there are several of these rope-wrapped poles each showing different types of knots

an interesting collection of washed-up debris, at first I thought that was a fish skeleton in the middle, but a closer looks tells me it is a leaf/frond from one of the Norfolk pines that line our beaches

patterns on the sand

and different patterns a bit further on

a man and his dog passed here and I got to say hello as she jumped up on me, a lovely young golden retriever, all wet from her swim

and of course my feet found their way to the water, stuffed my socks into the toes of my sneakers, then used to laces to tie the sneakers to my backpack, no lost shoes for me.

lovely ripples as the tide began coming in, the jetty is quite far away still, although I was on my way back to it by now.

do you know how hard it is to catch these breaking waves on camera? I must have missed a dozen by the time I got this one.

walking, walking, getting wet up to the knees....


  1. Mm. Fish and Chips.
    Lots of gray out in the ocean, makes it very dramatic!

    The windswept trees are stunning.

    1. Susan Kane; it was a grey day, cloudy and not too hot, but not as cool as I expected the beach to be.

  2. It was a great walk. I liked the dog, I liked the waves, I liked the knots, and all the rest of it.

    1. Joanne; I think you would love our beaches, miles and miles of sand and waves.

  3. Looks like an interesting day on beach.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); any day at the beach is interesting for me. I love the water.

  4. It seems like a good atmosphere for thinking about your story as you walk along the beach. That warning sign for snakes is alarming! Thanks for waiting out the breaking waves picture. It's my favorite, with the lost thongs and the knot pole tied for a close second.

    1. Val; my story barely crossed my mind, I did think of it briefly when looking at the jetty and imagining it by moonlight as Tom might have seen the Shark Cove one. We do get snakes along our beaches because of the warmth and vegetation, I've seen a few, and lizards too, although I'm told snakes and lizards don't often share space, so if you see one you're not likely to see the other. I love breaking waves pictures, so thought I'd see if I could get one.

  5. I love every photo you've shown us - but my favourite is the man and dog footprints :)

    Your beach is lovely; what beautiful white sand. Our sand is a kind of tan/brown colour.

    1. jenny_o; the footprints were fine, but meeting the lovely dog was better. Most of our beaches have that lovely sand in the dunes areas, it darkens a bit as you get close to the water, and some beach areas are rocky with only tiny strips of sand.

  6. Beautiful, i hope you get to go back more often. My selections will be up in a few hours.

    1. messymimi; I plan to go more often, but then something happens to keep me home.

  7. I loved this walk, thank you. Very encouraging. I have a beautiful beach near me and I love being there, no matter the weather. And because it's Newfoundland I get to meet chatty strangers.

    Your photos are beautiful.


    1. Wisewebwoman; I'm glad you liked it. I have several beautiful beaches near me as Adelaide is spread along a coastline for quite a few kilometres. I know where Newfoundland is, and it's a beautiful place, but far too cold there for me.

  8. What a delightful day you managed as you got some healthy exercise. Love all the patterns you captured in the sand and sea. The snake warning was a bit ominous since it deserved a sign.
    The dog would have been a highlight for me also.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I overdid the walking a bit, was very stiff and aching the next day, which just goes to prove I don't get out there enough. I've never seen sand patterns like these before. The dog was gorgeous, only about a year old.

  9. Wonderful beach you have there. The breaking waves photo is good. As you say, they're so hard to catch - I also always have to try ;)

    1. Uglemor; we have several wonderful beaches here in Adelaide, all of them easy to et to for a day out.

  10. It is ages since I've spent time at a beach.,..far too long. I would love to be able to spend the rest of my life beside a quiet beach somewhere.

    That looks like the jetty at Glenelg!

    Thanks for taking me along with you on your day at the beach, River. I loved sharing the chips with you, too. :)

    1. Lee; perhaps you could look for a place near the water now. It's the Semaphore jetty, the Glenelg jetty is much shorter now after storm damage several years ago.


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