I'm going to be offline on Saturday


I have a wedding to go to. One of my grandsons is getting married 😀

Now here's something you thought you'd never hear from me: I bought a dress.
That's right, a dress. Nothing fancy, because I don't do fancy. Or dressy.

It's black and gold, with a lining, so I didn't need to buy a petticoat (slip) and longish.
Past the knees, but not quite to the ankles. 

So now I have a dress, and shoes (no heels) and I have to wear makeup. 
I haven't worn any makeup since my daughter's wedding, over twenty years ago. I hope I remember how to put that stuff on. Do I use a trowel or a putty knife? Two coats or three? Should I fill in the creases (wrinkles) with spackle first? 

oh my....


  1. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Make-up? I have forgotten how to apply it - and think a trowel would be the way to go.
    And congratulations to your grandson and his very almost bride.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll go for the bare minimum look if I can, I just hate the feeling of "stuff" on my face. Grandson and his almost bride are so well suited, it's a joy to see them together, and she fits in so well with the rest of the family, any onlooker would swear they are all sisters.

  2. Congratulations! It sounds like something I could have written. Don't overdo the make up was a good advice given to me in the same situation, you still got to feel like you. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Uglemor; thank you. Wearing a dress is so unlike me and topping it off with makeup will be a lesson in endurance. I'll keep it as light as possible, thankfully I have good natural colour and no one will be looking at me anyway. All focus will be on the bride and groom.

  3. I think we all hope to live long enough to dance at our grandchild's wedding.Have a wonderful time! We expect to see a photo of you all dolled up, ya know... :)

    1. Susan; dolled up is a gross overstatement, I was neat and clean and dowdy. I would have felt even more uncomfortable "dolled up". No dancing either, although I watched and took a couple of photos, but they turned the lights down and they didn't come out well. I took the small camera which I'm not used to anymore and I couldn't remember where to find the flash.

  4. Congratulations and happiness to your family! As for make-up, mascara definitely, a touch of blush, cream, rather than powder,
    and some lip color if you can stand it. I hate lipstick but it does brighten the face. Perhaps tinted lip balm...Enjoy!

    1. Grace; I'm okay with lip colour, but not the new types that stay on without needing retouching. I have pink cheeks naturally, so don't need blush, so it was just a touch of foundation thinned with moisturiser, mascara and the lippy. I don't even own perfume or scent.

  5. How exciting. For nothing fancy, black and gold sounds pretty good. Make up made Dolly Parton very rich. Slap it on, look like a tart, and then add some more. The grands will remember Nanna River. Oh yes, and have great fun. Weddings are happy things.

    1. Andrew; slapping it on really isn't my style, I prefer barefaced take-me-as-I-am. So I used a light hand and minimal colour. I have plenty of natural colour anyway. I did have fun watching all the young ones dancing and then a lot of the older ones got up too, but I don't dance. I never actually learned how so I keep my discombobulated bopping confined to my home.

  6. Mrs. C only uses make-up for dance competitions and then immediately wipes it off. SHe may wear some for her daughters wedding next spring. Now when I see make-up, especially TOO much I find it a turn off.

    Enjoy the wedding.

    1. joeh; I always wash off my face the minute I get home too. I did see a couple of faces that had the makeup on too thickly, but that's what those people always do, so they're used to it. It probably looked okay years ago, but not now they're older, but they can't see the difference or the need for less.

  7. Congrats to your grandson! And to you on your dress! I'm sure it will be a wonderful celebration. Weddings make me cry (in a good way, of course), thinking of people starting their new life together.

    1. Val; I had leaky eyes during the ceremony and had to keep dabbing with my hanky. This really was a fabulous day. I lost count of how many times everyone hugged everyone else.

  8. Congrats to your grandson. I do hope there are pictures--with you in your grand dress--and you post them next time. Have a wonderful time.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you. My dress is far from grand, compared to everyone else I was actually a bit on the dowdy side, but I'm okay with that. We have been asked not to post any pictures on social media until the bride and groom have done so, they want to be first and I think that's the right thing to do.

  9. Lipstick and mascara are more than enough if you don't normally wear any. Have a great time!

    1. messymmi; definitely more than enough for me, if my eyelashes didn't have blond tips I wouldn't even bother with mascara. I had a great time.

  10. I hope you have a wonderful time, River. :)

    1. Lee; I did, I'm a watcher rather than joining in, so I sat back and watched all the fun. I did have to leave when the dance music had my head pounding though, and a few other oldies left then too.

  11. Have a great time and wearing a dress is something I never do now but once I loved it so much long flowing hair lots of makeup along with a heels and a lovely dress now I dress for comfort only.

    1. Merle; I don't think I've worn a dress since my daughter's wedding, I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I expected to, so maybe it's time for me to buy a dress or two again. I've never worn high heels though, far too uncomfortable for me.

  12. Best wishes to your grandson and his bride. As to the dress, you will survive and have it again, when necessary. No advice on makeup; I didn't wear any the last time I wore a dress, to my daughter's wedding, eighteen years ago.

    1. Joanne; thank you. The dress is hanging in my wardrobe now and I don't know when I might ever wear it again, but there it is, just in case. it does need nicer, dressier, shoes though, I wore something comfortable that I could walk all day in if I had to.

  13. Enjoy and best wishes to new couple. Hope you will share when you have time.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I'll share a photo or two eventually, but we've been asked not to post anything until the bride and groom have done so. Which is fair in my opinion. I do have a photo of my dress on a hanger, I could post that as soon as I find it.


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