Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words/prompts are: 

one picture of a narrow street in Bremen 

and two phrases from books I recently read: 

1. then I was going to bed where I planned to stay until Christmas 
2. "I'm always careful," I said, stepping straight into a puddle

Here is my story:

It had been a heck of a week, thank goodness it was nearly over. "It's just one week," Brenda has said. "I know you'll do a fantastic job and I can't think of anyone else." I gave her my 'are you kidding?' look and she had the grace to blush. "It's not my fault Sylvia broke her leg and I could have asked Doreen, but then the dress would have to be altered and there isn't enough time for that. Or fabric. You're the same size as Sylvia, even the same height, so please, please, please, Maggie, step in as maid of honour?"

Just one week, I'd thought, how hard could it be? Make sure the flowers are the right ones, make sure the cake arrives in good condition, make sure it's the right cake! and a few other errands that Brenda might send me on. "Okay, I'll do it," I said. Brenda squealed with happiness, then asked if my passport was current. "What!? Where is this wedding?" "It's in Bremen," said Brenda. "Nathan insisted, because his great grandmother wants to attend. He's the only male descendant and his mother says Great Granny has attended every family wedding so far and always gives fabulous gifts."

I gulped and mentally checked my passport. It should be good to go. "Where exactly is Bremen anyway? What if I can't understand the people and get your day ruined?" I said. "It's in Germany, and I know you speak German well, so you should be fine." Vowing to rush home immediately and throw a million clothes in the wash, I asked, "When do we leave?" "Tuesday, from Geneva station," said Brenda. Today was Sunday. 'We're going up by train with separate carriages for the men and women, so the boys can tell all their silly bachelor jokes, and after we arrive you get to arrange my hen's night, Sylvia already had most of it planned and you know what she's like, it will all be written in her notebook, so just follow that. The wedding is on Saturday at a little church near Great Granny's home. 

Well, the "little church" turned out to be a small cathedral, so fancy I could have spent days in it just soaking up the atmosphere, but there wasn't time for that. I waved goodbye to the ladies who had helped me talk with the priest, (or was he a pastor?) and went on my way, satisfied that the church and flowers would be just as Brenda wanted. 
After running hundreds, well it seemed like hundreds, of errands for Brenda in the next few days, all I had left to do was find the cake shop and check on the cake. Brenda had given me the address with a few vague directions and a photo of the cake she had ordered. I found the narrow street without too much trouble,

and assumed I'd recognise a cake shop easily. Surely there would be cakes in the window? Stepping slowly along the cobbled street I looked into each window as I passed it. It had rained earlier, so I didn't want to slip and break a leg at the last minute. Brenda would never find another maid of honour at this late date. I found the shop and was utterly charmed by the delightful young man behind the counter. We talked for almost half an hour, discovering we were both from the same part of London and working in Europe to gain experience, he as a pastry chef and me as a hotel manager. Aha! Light bulb moment! That's why Brenda chose me...

I looked at photos of the many wedding cakes Justin had made and then viewed the masterpiece chosen by Brenda. Let me tell you, masterpiece is the right word. The only thing missing was the bride and groom cake topper and Justin assured me it would be fitted at the last moment after the cake was delivered to the reception venue. We agreed to meet up again one day after we were both back in London and he reminded me to be careful going back. "I'm always careful," I said, stepping straight into a puddle. Slightly mortified, I hoped Justin hadn't seen me do that. I promised myself that when we got back to Geneva I was going to bed where I planned to stay until Christmas. After all that was only a few weeks away now, surely I wouldn't be missed while I caught up on much needed sleep?


  1. Maggie deserves her sleep - and I hope she gets it.
    Did I detect a hint of romance for a future expansion of this story?

    1. elephant's Child; maybe not a romance, but a hotel manager with a pastry chef in the kitchen might work.

  2. E.C. asked a good question. After the sleep...

    1. Susan Kane; who knows what might happen after a good sleep, but Maggie and Justin both need to finish their training, one in Bremen and the other in Geneva, before they meet again in London.

  3. Very nicely told, Maggie stepped in and saved the day, so i hope she gets a reward for it.

    1. messymimi; thank you. Maggie gets what's coming to her I think, managing a posh hotel etc.

  4. Fun story! I really enjoyed the humorous undertones. I was halfway expecting you to have her step in that puddle when she was wearing the maid of honor garb... then the BRIDE might've wanted to break her leg. Great job!

    Have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; thank you, I'm quite delighted with this one myself :)

  5. As a substitute maid of honor only because of her dress size, she handled the stress quite well and may have found a little romance for the future. Well done.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it was very handy to have a friend the exact size, don't know about the romance though, maybe more of a successful partnership.

  6. This is sooo good. And what a sneaky bride setting her up like that.

    1. only slightly confused; thank you. I think I'm glad the original maid of honour broke her ankle, if only to get Maggie into the story.

  7. For a minute I was worried that she'd break a leg after stepping in the puddle. I'm relieved the wedding seems to be on track without incident.

    1. Val; it was only a shallow puddle, just enough to wet her shoes, although a cobbled street does tend to be slippery when wet, so she was lucky there.


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