Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

Next month is again Delores' turn to supply the prompts, but sadly it will be her last as she is turning off her internet.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words/prompts are:

1. endless
2. glittering
3. aqua
4. glow
5. diamonds
6. pearls


1. bread
2. wallet
3. navy blue
4. directory
5. calculator
6. crossword puzzles

and two views from when I walked the coastal trail, included in my story.

Here is my story.

"Jim! Over here!"  "There you are, how does it feel to be almost finished with work? Just one week to go now."  "It feels pretty good, but I know there's a lot to do at home still, did you have any trouble getting the afternoon off?" "Nah, Boss said it was okay, all the prep is done and Simon can handle the presentation of it all. So what is it we're doing now?"

"The nursery Jim! Don't tell me you forgot!" "Just kidding 'Rica, let's see those photos you found."
"Here," said Erica, "remember the day we walked that coastal track and I took a million photos? Here's that one with all those endless different shades of blue, I want the nursery walls in the glittering aqua, gradually deepening like here,

up to the ceiling where I want navy blue with glow in the dark stars and a moon." "Glittering?" said Jim. "Well, maybe more of a shimmer, we can get it with a metallic type paint, can't we?" "It might be tricky, but I'll see what Barry can do, can I take these photo to show him?" "Here's this one, now look at the second one, I think bright curtains and a floor rug in the same shade as these red hot poker flowers. What do you think?"

"I like your thinking," said Jim, you know I love orange and we know babies love bright colours. You keep that photo and show Cilla at the fabric store. You said something about the stairs too?"
"Look at this," said Erica, producing a third photo.  "I'd love the stairs to be painted like books, 

but children's stories as well as a few classics, I want the baby to enjoy reading. I already packed a book to read to him in the hospital and a book of crossword puzzles for me to do while he is sleeping."
"Looks like we're all set then," said Jim, pulling out his wallet. Do you need any cash for the fabric store?"
"No, I have to pass the bank on the way, I'll get some there and I'll pick up fresh bread for dinner tonight. But you remember to get batteries for the calculator, so we can add costs as we go."
"Right," said Jim, writing batteries on the back of his hand. "Do you want me to pick up that Diamonds and Pearls mystery novel? I'll be going right by the bookstore." 
"That would be lovely, thanks, and a new street directory too while you're there, ours is falling apart and about ten years out of date. There are so many new streets now." 
Jim added to the list written on his hand and cautioned Erica to "Please be careful, there's only six weeks to go before we meet our baby boy."


  1. Now you got me wonder the difference between glitter and bling.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); glitter is that small sparkly stuff that children sprinkle on pictures and it's on things like Christmas cards too. Bling is usually jewellery, anything shiny.

  2. How I would love stairs like that. And hooray for Jim and Rica - this is a lovely snippet from an exciting time in their lives.

    1. Elephant's Child; I would love stairs like that myself, leading to a reading room or small library with comfy chairs. I'm excited for Jim and Rica, but there's only six weeks, I hope they get the nursery done.

  3. Ah, such a happy time and place. My hope is her baby lets her sleep so she can get to those puzzles.

    1. messymimi; the puzzles are for the hospital stay, after she gets home there might not be much time for them.

  4. Great story, River. :)

    The stairs look great, but I'd surely fall up, and down, them...because I'd be trying to read the titles and not looking where I was going!!!

    1. Lee; the trick to those stairs is to climb slowly and read each one, then try to remember what they are on the way down. A memory game. I'm sad that Delores is leaving us too.

  5. It saddens me to learn that Delores will be leaving us. She has been part of our "blog family" for so long...a valued and loved member.

  6. So promising, the anticipation of a young couple. I like those stairs.

    1. Val; I love the anticipation, and hope the realisation is as good. I love the stairs.

  7. Wow, that nursery is going to be some kind of cool! No wimpy pastel colors for THAT baby boy! Love the steps, too. Great use of the words.

  8. They really have some great plans for the new baby boy. And those stairs. Boy do I wish I had some for I would borrow that for sure.

  9. Those stairs are great, a new baby always fun.


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