Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. 
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. peril
2. coral
3. sure
4. rocky
5. lampshades
6.furious immobility
and a picture which I have included in my story.

Here is my story:

As always, Kim ignored the 'Peril Ahead' sign, walked around the barrier and hiked up the slightly rocky path to her favourite seat.

Here she could sit for hours gazing at the horizon while her mind sorted out problems. Usually she came away with a clearer head and a plan. 
Not today. 
Today she sat, fuming. 
For months Aunt Betty had been adamant that coral lampshades with beads were what she wanted in her living room. Kim had moved heaven and earth to find the closest match to the magazine picture Aunty had shown her. 
This morning, Aunt Betty had opened her birthday gift, declared them "pretty" and spent the next hour enthusing about her newest idea. She would paint the living room red, get some lacquered end tables and have gold lamps with black silk shades. 
"The Japanese look," she'd said. "I'm sure it will be very popular with the book club girls. Blinking away tears of frustration, Kim vowed to never buy another birthday gift. Aunt Betty could have a box of chocolates from now on. 

(Furious immobility was used in a short piece last Wednesday)


  1. No doubt Aunt Betty will decide that they are the 'wrong' chocolates too. Sigh. Poor Kim. I hope she doesn't invest much time or money in future gifts.

    1. Elephant's Child; Kim has learned her lesson and will only buy non-expensive chocolates, or maybe take Aunt Betty out for a birthday meal instead.

  2. Let it go Kim!

    Well done again! How the heck could you use furious immobility?

    1. joeh; Kim has her head on straight and to see how I used furious immobility you'll have to see the previous post.

  3. There's no telling where some people will go once an idea takes root. Well done!

    1. messymimi; Kim has learned that Aunt Betty is as fickle as a summer breeze with her whims.

  4. It's the thought that counts. Next year, Kim can tell Aunt Betty that she thought of buying her gold lamps with black shades, but switched to chocolates. Aunt Betty will most likely say, "BLACK LAMPS WITH GOLD SHADES! Who would want that kind of look in her living room?"

  5. That kind of Auntie ... sigh. Well written I see her, and feel I know her.

  6. Poor Kim. I feel her pain. At least now she'll be aware of the potential "peril ahead" when it comes to fulfilling her aunt's wishes. It's impossible to please a flibbertigibbet. Best to stick with the chocolates, even though they'll probably be the "wrong" kind...

    Great job!

    1. Susan; Kim gets over the frustration and probably also vows to never become like that.

  7. I am following joeh to your last post to see how on earth you used furious immobility. Great job on the rest.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, I hope you'll like the furious immobility.

  8. Replies
    1. Diane; my "Aunt Betty" is my niece who isn't named Betty but that doesn't seem to matter, she's fickle.

  9. Thank goodness Aunt Bettys don't come in herds, always complaining never just plain satisfied!



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