Words for Wednesday

The original words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This weeks words are a couple of lines from books I've read:

1. "then I was going to bed, where I planned to stay until Christmas" 
2. "I'm always careful," I said calmly, stepping straight into a puddle.

and this photo from my sister-in-law when she was in Europe several years ago:

(I believe this is somewhere in Bremen.)

use all the prompts or mix and match, just have fun with it.

let the creativity begin!


  1. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I think it will take me a while too. luckily I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow so I'll have time on my hands.

    2. It's up on my blog now. Wow...that was tough.

    3. Only slightly confused; but you did well.

  2. Will start right away as i got home in time!

    1. messymimi; I look forward to what you come up with.

  3. Who knew that being a guardian angel for one tourist abroad was so exhausting.
    I steered her clear of pickpockets. I steered her clear of muggers. She took a million photos of those picturesque buildings and would have face planted on most of those cobbled streets if I hadn't been working overtime.
    She didn't get food poisoning. She didn't lose her passport or her money. Thanks to me.
    She didn't provoke any international incidents. Again thanks to the unsung hero.
    She is home. Safe. I breathed a sigh of relief. Only my report (in triplicate) to complete after which I was going to bed, where I planned to stay until Christmas. Christmas 2050.
    Oh no!!!
    She is not even safe at home. Souvenirs in hand, she headed off to meet her friends.
    In her words? ' I'm always careful," I said calmly, stepping straight into a puddle.'
    From my perspective? I am sorry about the puddle, but it is MUCH better than stepping into the path of a delivery van. Which she would have done without me. She can spell careful but that is her only experience with the concept.
    There is no peace for the wicked, and even less peace (or rest) for the virtuous.

    1. Elephant's Child; well done! He's an extremely busy guardian angel that's for sure. I suspect most of the "lucky" people have them, the ones who seem to always dodge danger and land on their feet.

    2. That is a job i am glad i do not have. Well done!

  4. I am wired for sound after final performance so here is my take on these 3.


    1. That link was faulty I think, please try this: Wisewebwoman


    2. Wisewebwoman; I'll be over as soon as I write my own story.

  5. Well done EC on your story, I think I'm in the wrong section here but I'm tired. I loved the guardian angel concept. What a busy one is (s)he :D


  6. Catching up for two weeks finally on my blog here


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