Hacked Warning

 emails from me may NOT be from me, it seems my email addresses list has been hacked in to again.

Just delete any emails that come in my name, mark them as spam first then open your spam folder and delete them.


  1. Replies
    1. Margaret D; I rarely send out emails, so just delete anything that comes supposedly from me.

    2. Will do if anything comes my way...and thank you R.

  2. Sigh.
    I hope they get bored. Quickly.

  3. Is that a kind of sport?!
    Got a weird e-mail from "Ingo". - why do "they" do this?
    We´re not dumb, we see before opening. Makes no sense...

  4. So sorry that happened to you and thanks for the heads up.

  5. Hackers are as awful as Mark Zuckerberg, and that's rather bad.

  6. Every so many months, a hacker gets into our pastor's email (the IT people think he's got something planted in their system so he can get in, but they can't find it). We know it's from the hacker and not the pastor when the email subject is something to the effect of, "could you help me out with something."

    If you open it and read it, it's generally asking you to send money to help some cause or other, all a scam, of course.

    They are hoping one or more of your friends will trust you enough to do as they ask, thinking they are doing you a favor.


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