Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Lissa and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

01. epistle 

02. welfare 

03. children 

04. spirit 

05. companions 

06. primroses 

07. sea 

08. walk 

09. faithful 

10. happiness 

Here is my story:

“I have received an epistle from the church,” said Burton to his wife, Eliza. “What is it about?” asked Eliza. “It seems to be a request to help the children in the orphanage.” “What is it they would like us to do?” said Eliza, “we already faithfully donate money and contribute to Christmas dinner and gifts for them.”

“Yes, yes, as we should,” said Burton, “but simply helping with the welfare seems to be not enough. The church is concerned for the children’s spirit and happiness. They are short staffed and would like more people in the community to become adult companions, perhaps taking the children on outings, although I hope that does not mean taking all of the children at once, there are twenty of them.”

“Twenty is a lot to entertain all at once,” said Eliza, “but just think Burton, we could hire a bus and take them to walk beside the sea on a sunny day and one or two of the staff could come along to help. The new seawall was completed some months ago now.”

“That’s a splendid idea,” said Burton. “I shall pen an epistle of my own suggesting it to the church.” Eliza said, “If their answer is yes, I shall wear my new spring hat with the primroses on it.”


  1. What a great idea. Burton and Eliza are true givers and I hope their plan is acceptable to the church.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think it will be acceptable.

  2. What a nice couple. I wish them luck in their endeavours. And a good use of the prompts.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I think they will do well and even get to know the children quite well.

  3. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; I'm picturing them as older but childless, so they have generosity to spare.

  4. Must of feel better when we help others.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. That's lovely story - they are being so helpful.

  6. Wonderful story. Donating with DOING is always good.
    I donated money in 2005 when the Tsunami hit, I had not that much but did. Ever since I got stupid "gifts" and knew where the 50 euros went to! Told them off and will only "donate" like the people in your story.
    Money, they take for themselves. But real helping is the key.
    Great story. I had no idea of what to do with the words, now I would. But it would not be nice, so I leave it... (really!! Cheap plastic bags, old CDs no one wants, all that via mail, which costs money! Over years! That was more than the 50 bucks I gave them! Rant over, but it really made me sad.
    And mad.)
    Give with love, not money. Well. considering the floods in Southern Germany...
    Is there ever the perfect way? THEY could need money. And personal help.

    You sure got me thinking with your story...

    1. Iris Flavia; you are right there is never a perfect way. One way to make sure the people get the money is to go there and give it personally, but then if you don't have enough and too many are there needing it, what do you do? It would be so hard to say no to the ones who miss out. But when you give it to charities to provide for those in need, too much gets taken for administration purposes. Doing things if you can is a better option.

    2. Yes, even if I had the money and could go there ... how to decide whom you give it. But for sure never to a "charity" again. Those endless ads on TV, how much do these cost?! (Here) much longer than normal ads. Help kids in Africa, free the bears, whatever, each one endlessly long. Well, they have an end. But, really....

    3. Oh, and. Not one "ad" saying: help the people in Southern Germany after this huge flood...
      Better go for bears. Rant over.
      Your "fault", you wrote the story ;-)

  7. Great story. Do we still use the word epistle in modern times? Or is it e-mail nowadays? Or text?

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I think epistle has been out of use for a long time, people these days say letter if they are writing or receiving one.

  8. That was a good idea, to be able to help all the children, and not just one or two.

    1. Val; a road trip to the sea is always a good idea and taking all the children is more fun for them.

  9. Indeed, children in such homes can always use more positive adult influences. They could be the honorary grandparents for the kids!

    1. messymimi; yes they could be, it's what I was thinking they might become.

  10. This is lovely. I am sorry I missed it yesterday - blogger hid it from me.

    1. Elephant's Child; Thank you, blogger does love to play games, although I haven't been having any trouble. Are you still with Windows7?

    2. No. I have been with Windows10 for a while now.

  11. As always you have used the prompts wonderfully well. Great story.


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