Sunday Selections # 551

 Long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

as I arrived home with my photo filled camera,  Mr and Mrs Crow spotted me and took off.

my front porch has been rearranged, the table is gone and the fake plant that was under it is now on the cupboard on the right hand side, I think it looks better now.

Inside: what is this?

Jordan and Gillian: "we made Blanket-Henge"

Meg and Riley: "because we can't make Stone-Henge, which we read about in a book"

then they all followed me to the kitchen where we feasted on strawberries.

on older style Hills Hoist rotary clotheslines, have you ever wondered why these wire holding loops are so high?

this is why, they were designed for hanging shirts and dresses on hangers while they dried.

Meg: "this book tells a story although there are no words"

Gillian and Jordan: "Caramel loves being scratched under her chin"

Riley: " I know your sign says STAY AWAY, but surely you don't mean us?"

I'll never lose my marbles because I keep them safe in a jar

Lola doing what Lola does best

and the girls put themselves to bed too, probably to dream of fairies and strawberries.


  1. Oh I love seeing those girls and their adventures. And your porch looks wonderful.


    1. WWW; thank you. I'm trying to think of some way to shade the porch this summer since the plants got badly sunburnt last January. The girls are a delight.

  2. Blanket-henge, lol. I love your redheads. Beautiful marbels you've got there! Keep them well.

    1. Charlotte; I never would have thought of Blanket-Henge. I keep my marbles safe, even clean the dust off the bottle now and again.

  3. Blankethenge looks like a marvellous place to spend the day. Or indeed several days. And yes, your porch does look good. And welcoming.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I try to have the porch looking nice and quite a few neighbours do the same, those lucky ones have more weather protection so their plants do better. I wouldn't mind spending a few days wrapped in a blanket, I've got sore hamstrings from working in the garden.

  4. Always love adventures with the girls. They can make even simple things look fun. You can tell Caramel enjoys the attention by the big smile. Goodnight girls.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm always surprised by how much fun the girls find in the simplest things. Caramel was almost lost to me, I'd seen her/him in a toy shop window as part of a Christmas display, then one day the window was changed so I went inside to buy her/him and discovered she had been packed away in a big box to be sent back with other unsold Christmas things. The assistant dug her out from the very bottom of the box for me. 16 years ago now.

  5. Hey River! I've been feasting on strawberries, too. And, will buy more when I visit the supermarket on Tuesday. n I eat...devour...lots of fruit...daily. I buy oranges by the bat. I juice oranges every morning to kick-start my day.

    My two furry mates are snuggled up back in bed waiting for my return with the Sunday paper!

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...the sweet little girl. :)

    1. Lee; I have to lay off the strawberries for a while, I have hives now. I usually only get them from oranges, but I guess now there's a limit to how many strawberries I can eat. Four punnets a week is too many. Lola is back under the bed with a headache and great patches of skin scratched raw, so she's off to the vet again this week.

    2. Poor little Lola, having to deal with that malady...extra cuddles go her way from me. :)

    3. From September to March and sometime April, off to the vet at least three times, last season five visits.

  6. Your front porch is looking very neat. I did not know about those hoop things at the arm ends of the hoist. I wonder if you can still buy them new. Probably just the green version with the yellow plastic cords now. A fun post, thanks.

    1. Andrew; I think the green version may still have the hoops for hanging, but I can't be sure. On the oldest Hills Hoists they are along the arms from front to centre so you can hang shirts depending on how many lines you have. Four lines=16 shirts, five lines =20 shirts. Handy if you have a big family with lots of school uniform shirts.

  7. Blanket-henge indeed. Wonderful imaginations those girls have inherited from their mother.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I sometimes wonder lately just where my imagination has gone to, then the girls get an idea and there it is.

  8. I like air dried clothes.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I like air dried clothes too, and sheets that smell like fresh air and sunshine.

  9. Poor Lola, I just read your reply to Lee. I hope the vet visit is helpful.

    Love your crow picture and the one of Lola, and your girls scratching Caramel under the chin :)

    1. jenny_o; Lola goes to the vet for her allergies three to five times every season from September to march or April.
      The girls say Hi.

  10. Lol “don’t look now, guess who’s turned up. Time to scarper”. Yes that look like exactly what was being said!
    And it was lovely to see the girls were back in town. Their red hair is to die for and did you make their new clothes

    1. Cathy; those crows! they laugh at me from the trees and play in front of me when I haven't got the camera, but when I do carry it, off they go.
      I didn't make the girls new clothes, I'm unable to do crochet work, but I can sew, sort of, and I have fabrics to make summer dresses. I really should get started on those soo.

  11. Your girls are looking lovely and so is Lola. The porch is neat and tidy so looking good. The Hills, must look and see if ours has that loop on it, probably has as ours is old.

    1. Margaret D; the girls say thank you. If you have the older Hills it won't have just one loop, it has a loop at every place where the metal line crosses the bars. Lots of places to hang shirts and dresses.

  12. I love your crows! So chatty :-) Ours are so boring...
    Clever idea with the Blanket-Henge! Awww, strawberries. Time is over for that here. Hope mine make it through winter again.

    No, I never knew about the clotheslines! I thought, hey, there are small people around, too!!! Mean, this! ;-)

    Cool book, and ohh, Caramel. Wise dwarf. The only good thing about "Corinna".. distance. Except for your loved ones of course!
    And now I wanna re-read Captain Hook!
    Ohhh, Lola, so sweet and... strawberry fie... no that was a sad song, to yummy strawberry-dreams!

    1. Iris Flavia; I want to put the gnome (dwarf) on the front porch so people get the message, but I know he will get stolen, so he stays just inside the front door. Lola went to the vet this morning and is feeling much better.
      Clotheslines come in a range of sizes and the line section can be raised and lowered, so they are handy for all people who have yard space.

    2. In Perth in the Caravan Park they have those. But after underwear got stolen (I kinda bet it was a man!), we always have a line directly at the cabin and "supervise", kinda.
      Sad about the poor gnome having to stay inside.
      Good news about Lola :-)

  13. I thought Blanket-Henge was a homemade candle! Those girls are so inventive and imaginative. Your porch is nice and neat and full of (plant) life. Love the marble jar.

    1. Val; the porch is nice now I've cleared away years of spiderwebs and collected dust. but I have sore muscles from moving the pots around, so it will never be rearranged again. The marble jar is actually a crystal decanter, from a yard sale, the seller didn't know it was crystal and I got it for $5.

  14. I have noticed that your girls are so busy, and my girls are beginning to notice that too and demand more adventures! Love the blanket hedge.

    1. Sarah; I'm sure your girls would love to get out and about when your weather is warming up again. Or even in the cold and snow, they could make mini snowballs.

    2. I like the idea of mini snowballs!

  15. Such fun adventures. Praying Lola is put right quickly by the veterinarian.

    1. messymimi; I took Lola to the vet this morning, it's just a ten minute walk around the corner from me. so she is feeling much better now.

  16. Those girls! They channel some of our missing or distant creativity, I think.
    A Sunday is always better with your shots.

    1. Fresca; I think the girls bring out the girl in us too, playing is fun.

  17. I loved this and smiled all through it. :) I miss having a clothes line... The sheets always smelled the best. And I may have to build my own "Blanket-Henge" for an afternoon nap! Fun post.


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