Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Cindi and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

"They say a picture is worth 1000 words. Paint us a picture with at least 100 words, of your favourite vacation spot."

Vacations, holidays, are times taken away from home to a spot for rest and relaxation, a way to recharge the personal batteries. To have a favourite, might mean a place that you have been to more than once, with intentions of going there again when time allows.

I don’t have such a spot. I simply don’t go away anywhere, not with a cat who has issues and won’t do well when being left in any facility.

I did once dream of retiring to Mission Beach, in Queensland and while that didn’t happen, I do sometimes daydream about it. It’s a place that has everything I like, all together in the one area.

Sun, sand and sea, with a backdrop of lush, green rainforest. So maybe I could holiday there sometime, but living there permanently is out of the question.

They have hurricanes, and cyclones, and I don’t think I could handle those very well.


  1. I don't think I would cope with cyclones well either. Most of Queensland is too hot for me as well. I hope that you do get your holiday there. That photo looks lovely...

    1. Elephant's Child; I didn't mind Queensland when we lived there, but I wouldn't go back, except for a holiday.

  2. I don't go anywhere either. I'm a homebody or whatever the name for people who are too lazy to travel. Mission Beach sounds good, like some paradise one would dream of.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; I am a homebody too. I'll go places locally as long as they are close enough that I can be home by nightfall.

  3. A holiday there sounds like a good thing, i hope you get to do it someday.

    1. messymimi; it's wishful thinking mostly, but maybe someday.

  4. It looks inviting... until you mentioned the hurricanes! I don't think I could deal with that, either. All we have are tornadoes, which you don't have much advance warning for, but they're over quickly, and chances are that I won't be in the small area where it touches down. I can just hide in the basement. Hurricanes cover such a wide area, it's hard to plan an escape, with so many other people trying to get away. Even though you have days of warning, you also have a long time to be away from home until it passes. Expenses, inconvenience, job issues, pet care.

    1. Val; I remember living in a suburb out of Brisbane when my two eldest were born and Hurricane Tracy swept through Darwin, may of the displaced persons were airlifted out and landed on the back grounds of Enoggera Army Base, so my kids outgrown baby clothes and toys were taken to be donated to the families there. Our back yard backed onto the base driveway, so we could see the kiddies riding up and down on their donated bikes and playing with other toys.

    2. That should be Cyclone Tracy.

  5. I saw in the museum in Darwin... and heard... what a cyclone (Tracy) can do. Very scary.
    I jumped to that link and wondered... why Germany?
    I could not make up a story on that. We had good holidays here. But mostly with a jacket on ;-) I hate the cold. 11C right now. I could come up with a horror story of snow-Easter-bunnies (I even have a pic!).
    Hope we can travel soon again.

    1. Iris Flavia; oops, in my comment to Val I called Tracy a Hurricane instead. We lived in Brisbane at the time and helped displaced families by donating stuff. Same as we did when Brisbane suffered huge floods. Baby nappies, clothes and toys, we gave and gave.
      I couldn't live there now, but a holiday out of hurricane/cyclone season would be nice. I need to wait until I no longer have a cat, Lola won't do well if I have to leave her somewhere.

    2. Great you helped. Make sure you go to Darwin when the markets (Mindil beach) are on.
      There is food, self made art and all that.
      Take pics, please, and share maybe?
      And if you brave up... take a friend with you? It´s (was 1999) completedly dark in the "Tracy"-room.

    3. Iris Flavia; my brother and his wife are in Darwin right now on holiday. I honestly don't think I will ever go, I just can't afford it. It's just a dream for me.

    4. That is sad. Ask them to go to the Mindil Beaches? If that event still exists... it´s aaaages ago. Check before I tell stupid stuff ;-)

  6. Mission Beach is rather nice..I wouldn’t want to live in a cyclone area if possible..

    1. Mission Beach does look nice, but the cyclones would keep me away too.

  7. You make a good point about hurricanes and cyclones. A good read today, thanx.

    God bless.

  8. It does sound delightful and the good thing about Hurricanes or Cyclones is that they do have a season so you could avoid them off season for just a lovely vacation.

    1. Arkansas Patti; my thoughts exactly, go in the off season. Now I just need a decent lottery win...

  9. Sometime a minute of day dreaming can be an escape, which all of need at time.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  10. I don't think I would cope with cyclones well either


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