Sunday Selections # 552

 Long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

a view from my front porch:

blue skies with a hint of white clouds

and yellow roses

the girls were playing cards in a patch of sunshine when I told them a package had arrived for them

they hurried up to the table to see an envelope

with a drawing of socks and the word socks on it.

"our hand-knitted socks have arrived!"

"we love them, Sarah is so clever " :)

"our feet are so warm and cosy now. Thank you Sarah, these will be worn very much next winter"

my black pelargoniums start out as black buds

then open to a very dark red, darker than it looks here, almost black still

at the other end of my garden, the purple ones are showing off their colours

Riley thinks Grumpy Gnome needs a hug, while Meg offers to read him a story.

Next week, we go wandering through some of the other gardens here.


  1. I love that Sarah has provided girlettes AROUND THE WORLD with perfect teeny-tiny beautiful hand knit socks!!! The dolls bring people together in the funnest ways!

    Their crocheted dresses are wonderful too--did you get those online? The orange one is my favorite--they look like underwater sea flowers (anemones, etc.)--or, come to think of it, their frills look like your pelargoniums!

    1. Fresca; I did get the dresses online, I saw a green one and ordered it hoping it would fit and it did, perfectly, so I contacted the seller, who makes them to order, and ordered one in every colour yarn she has, plus two white ones made shorter to be worn as tops. Gillian is wearing one with the blue skirt I knitted for her. I am trying to find more soft baby yarn (nylon) to make more skirts, but everything now seems to be acrylic, not as soft, and in giant sized balls.

  2. Those socks are gorgeous. As is your pelargonium. I am looking forward (already) to wandering through nearby gardens with you next week. Roses? Already? Wow.

    1. Elephant's Child; I am as happy with the tiny socks as the girls are. The yellow roses are the first and there's a banksia rose blooming too, also yellow.

  3. The girls looked so excited over their socks and who could blame them. They are so cute. Might even fun to wear in bed.

    1. Arkansas Patti; they will definitely wear them to bed next winter and all day long too, when they aren't wearing their boots.

  4. The girls are enjoying life, their mates and their new socks by the looks of things!

    No wondering about wandering for me today...with the Sunday paper in hand I'm off back to bed to read it...the paper, that is.

    Take good care, River...have a good week ahead. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the girls do love life, that's for sure. Now wandering about for me either, I've sprained a few parts moving heavy pots, so it's limping these days. I have to stop two or three times on my way to the shop and back! it will get better though and I'll be back to walking.

  5. OUR Sarah, always looking out for the smaller of folks. The socks are unbelievable, so tiny, so perfect!
    Your flowers are dramatic- very pretty.

    1. Linda Sue; the socks are perfect aren't they? I love them. The black pelargonium is the only one left here, after I took cuttings from a neighbour and another neighbour also took a couple, the original plant has died and the other neighbour's cuttings didn't take. for a while I thought mine was dying, but it has surprised me and come back better than ever.

  6. Oh, those socks are so stinkin' cute :) I bet they'll keep little toes cozy in the winter.

    1. jenny_o; they are the cutest socks I ever did see, the girls will be happy to have warm feet next winter.

  7. The black pelargoniums are amazing. Warm feet, warm heart? Good to see even Grumpy Gnome takes Covid seriously.

    1. Andrew; the black pelargoniums are amazing, for a long time I thought they wouldn't survive, the plant was so small and scrawny, but this year it looks really great. All of us in the house take Covid as seriously as the gnome.

  8. Those are pretty flowers. Looks like the gals get long pretty good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; the girls spent a lot of time apart before they all found their way home to me, so the cherish their time together now. The flowers are the best in my garden right now.

  9. How i do love good socks. Your flowers are delightful!

    1. messymimi; thank you, I do love a comfy pair of socks too. I have my favourites and now the girls do too.

  10. The sock unveiling looks like Christmas morning!

    1. Val; it does! I should have put out a little tinsel.

  11. The family there are doing well it seems, your flower is a pretty colour too.

    1. Margaret D; it would be hard for the dolls to not do well I think. I love the flowers.

  12. You have lovely flowers in your garden. God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you. Next week you will see flowers from other gardens.

  13. Wow. Your flowers are beautiful and the girls just make me smile. :)

    1. MMM; thank you, it's easy to smile when looking at the girls happy faces.

  14. Just put a pack of Mau-Mau (card game) in the parcel for the Nieces :-)
    Oh, boy - time for socks here soon again, too!
    Beautiful flowers, and wee, I´d like to hear the story, too!

    1. Iris Flavia; I think the tiny book in Meg's hand is The Wind in the Willows. I wear socks almost all year.

  15. Your girls are more and more well dressed!

    1. Joanne; they will have summer dresses as soon as I get around to hauling out and setting up the sewing machine.

    2. What a joy to see your girls and I love those playing cards, must be tiny. Thanks for the glory of your flowers.


    3. WWW; the playing cards are a miniature pack I found in a souvenir shop many years ago. I'm glad I kept them now as the girls love to pretend they know how to play.

  16. Hi River,
    I am glad they liked their socks! I like the dresses too, and saw that you got them online. I might try a crocheted dress or two!
    The pelargoniums are lovely.

    1. Sarah; after seeing the socks, I'm sure you could work out a dress. You are very clever.

  17. Your dollies are so cute! I like their outfits also.

    1. Happy Elf Mom; thank you. I like putting them in different situations and making up a bit of a story to go with it.


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