I borrowed some of these images from another site or two

 but one of them (image F) is a photo taken of a cartoon printed in my own newspaper right here in Adelaide, South Australia, on Thursday May 25th 2022

this is the cartoon printed in our local newspaper^ this is what the NRA thinks of your children

On the TV news, the day this massacre happened, we learned this is the 212th mass shooting in America THIS year, and the year isn't even half over yet!! 

Do something! 

WTF is an 18 year old doing with assault rifles anyway? 


  1. Numb nation...the NRA lobby and propaganda speaks to the fears of those with tiny brains, male domineering attitudes - entitled attitudes that this world is theirs alone. It is a sick nation, dying nation, suicidal nation going out with such self inflicted violence for the NRA, the GOP mighty dollar.We are very nearly conditioned to believe this is normal.

  2. Sadly we are broken as a country. Pray this time is the last and action will finally be taken but that is what we always say. Wish we had followed Australia and New Zealand's lead. Simple and very effective.

    1. Arkansas Patti; we all know what needs to be done, we just don't know how. The NRA is such a huge money making machine that no one dares to stand up to.

  3. I read somewhere that America has more guns than people. And that ratio keeps increasing.
    Sad and bad. And I fear that nothing will be done. Thoughts and prayers will not bring back a single precious life - or prevent others from being snatched away.

    1. Elephant's Child; I've heard that too, and it's so silly, how many guns can a person hold at once? I also fear that nothing will be done.

  4. as a Texas I am heartbroken that my state is broken..my country is broken. Nra is a blood cult and the Republican party belong to it at the cost of the innocent. I apologize..

    1. yellowdoggranny; as an individual you have nothing to apologise for, you aren't supplying the guns or the ammo. Just keep fighting against it is about all I can say.

  5. It is pleasing to see at least 'thoughts and prayers' is now being derided in the US. It is an excuse term, and sadly it has even caught on a bit here. The cartoons are good and thanks for showing us.

    1. Andrew; thoughts and prayers are everywhere, they do no good, but people still believe that God will "do something" in his own good time. In my opinion that time was decades ago, before the NRA got so powerful.

  6. Only the voters can fix this. It won't happen in the rest of my life.

    1. Joanne; it will take far to many years and far too many elections. what we need is the children and grandchildren of the NRA members to stand up and say those are MY friends you are killing. do any of their own get butchered this way? If yes, why don't they realise it is time to stop?

  7. Sad that those children and two adults were killed in such a horrible way and with the other children and adults scared out of their whits. If only someone would commence the procedure to have guns removed in the USA as we did here in Australia. Trouble is from what I've read in the past it takes away peoples freedom by removing the guns, but these people can't be right in the head in my opinion and are very, very selfish.

  8. It is pure not-understandable horror.
    Here we have many immigrants who use knives, axes, whatever. With those you have to "brave up" and get close to one (!) person at a time.
    I am glad I have no children, my Nieces live in the country.
    I feel with the Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and so on... Siblings! If my Brother... I cannot even think about this.
    Sick people are in every country. But I agree, weapons like that, worked from a distance... easy for weirdos.
    Sad the boy is dead. He should live and regret what he did for the rest of his long life...

    1. Iris Flavia; it is horror, just like that horrible war in Ukraine. Mad men are everywhere and this one was only 18. I believe he was influenced a lot by social media and video games. I really do think it's past time that America tightens up the gun laws and no longer allows assault weapons to be bought by just anyone.

  9. River, as an American seeing all of this here from an Australians perspective is sad but comforting too that you guys know the problem here and care. I've been saying for years I wish we could follow your example. The NRA needs to be banned or at least disallowed from lining politicians pockets! What will it take??

    1. ApacheDug; what will it take is an excellent question which probably has no answer. It's all money connected and we know how loudly those $$$$ speak. I just can't see how the NRA doesn't make the connection between gun sales and dead children! Perhaps if it was their own children?

  10. Great blogpost River. It will take an enormous campaign to massively reduce gun ownership in the USA but I am encouraged by the fact that 58% of adult Americans do NOT own guns. The slaughter of innocents cannot go on.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; the 58% is encouraging, but the other 42% all own multiple guns. I don't think we'll see much change anytime soon. Which makes me very sad. I am glad I don't live there, but if I did I would think twice about sending my kids to school. and I would emigrate as soon as I was able.

  11. Bravo. You are absolutely right.

  12. My fear is it's too late to fix anything.

    1. messymimi; it's too late for a quick fix, but if something is started NOW, perhaps things will change sooner.

  13. Three days ago I wrote in a comment:
    I would not be surprised, if soon someone says 'This would not have happened, had each child and teacher had a gun.
    Interestingly the same people plea for banning abortion.
    So that more supplies can be born to be shot? Makes sense, of course. And oh, all these wonderful opportunities to praise God and pray for the victims. Amen.
    Sarcasm's end.

    1. Sean Jeating; I remember reading similar comments, thinking to myself, yes, ban abortions so that crazed killers have more children to shoot at! The whole system is just sickening.


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