Sunday Selections # 584

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

remember the toast I put out for the sulphur crested cockatoos? It remained untouched and I eventually threw it out into the larger garden area.

the first bird who took a piece kept nibbling on it while his friends seemed more interested in the water dish

this one hopped up onto the edge, but down again when he noticed me

here he is showing off his crest

and turning away from the water

cocky number four arrives

and appears to be eyeing off the water dish

after they flew off, I went out to the local supermarket and bought a big bag of wild bird mix

the next morning, I put out a nice wide tray of the mixed seeds

but was disappointed when the birds remained in the white willow tree

look at that lovely wing spread, I had forgotten there was yellow under the wings. I brought the seed back inside when it began to rain and I haven't seen the cockatoos since then.

for Val, here is my $5.99 Coca-Cola mirror, bought within a week of moving back to Adelaide in 1986, still in perfect condition in spite of moving house nine times. I see these now in secondhand stores, some have frames loose at the corners, some have rusty frames, some have mottled glass, some have cracked glass. All of them are priced way higher than what I paid 36 years ago. 


  1. Such, pretty, pretty birds. My goodness.

    1. The Happy Whisk; aren't they just? And large too.

  2. I have noticed that the cockies raise their crest every time they land. Beautiful birds. I hope that yours come back to visit - and leave their destructive habits behind.
    I am quite sure that you couldn't find a Coco-Cola mirror for that price any longer.

    1. Elephant's Child; I think they will only come back to sit in the tree. They favour the pine trees further along, but many of those were cut down to make way for the new houses next door. I'd like them to come back.

  3. wonderful to see the Cockatoos in their natural place. We only see them frustrated in cages in pet shops. Terrible and sad.

    1. Linda Sue; I can hope the ones in pet stores get bought by people with large backyard aviaries and get well cared for. like all parrots, they can learn to talk if you are kind and patient with them. It's illegal here now to keep them in cages and pet stores aren't allowed to sell them.

  4. Sorry they didn't care for your menu. They are so pretty. My sister use to raise them. Hate seeing them in cages.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm wondering if they stay away so the doves can come down for the crumbs thrown out by my upstairs neighbour. The magpies and crows no longer come down either. I'm hoping they will when they need food for the babies next season.

  5. Hi River...All the birds up this way are drenched , and have been for days, poor things. The rain is relentless. i don't believe I'm alone in thinking it will never cease!

    I hope you have a great week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...take good care. :)

    1. Lee; I've been reading about your rain in the papers and wishing it could be captured via stormwater drains to feed into dams to feed through pipes to the rest of this dry, dry, country. Every year Queensland has enough rainfall to supply the whole of Australia, but no government is far-sighted enough to do anything about it. So you suffer floods and we suffer dry.

  6. It seems like the cockatoos are very well fed by something, somewhere. They are such fun birds to watch. I had one of those mirrors in my teen years, exactly the same.

    1. Andrew; the mirrors were quite popular back then, this one hung in the "bar area" of the first home we built here in SA. I hid it away for a while when someone began selling stuff for beer money.
      The cockatoos are well fed, there are still enough pine trees around for them and they fly over quite a wide part of Adelaide's grassed areas getting insects as well. I just wish they had shown more interest in the seeds I bought.

  7. Those cockatoos are such ingrates!

  8. I've always found bird in Australia quite colorful.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; we do have some lovely birds, but you have hummingbirds and birds that sing, so it evens out.

  9. Seems they are fussy creatures, oh dear they obviously were not hungry. Lovely captures of them R.

  10. The fist bird-pic made me laugh! "Hey, what?!"
    Yes, I bought seeds, too, the birds are unimpressed... Peanut also.
    Ohhh, the wing spread with the yellow, I had no idea, beautiful!

    A very cool mirror!
    I had a Vegemite mobile that moved and lived through it, too, but then... it started smelling real bad, LOL, it had to go!
    If you want to, read here - oh, and I have the tattoo on today :-)
    (Well, on the blog. My Nieces are always so disappointed I have the same "sticker" on all the times, it´ll stay there...)

    1. Iris Flavia; I can imagine peanut being unimpressed with the seeds, he is used to peanuts. Could the Vegemite mobile not be cleaned so it didn't smell? I'll see your tattoo a bit later.

  11. Safflower seeds and black oil sunflower seeds are a mix used for Cardinals here. Maybe the cockys would like the bigger seeds that they could crack open.

    1. Mike; the bigger seeds is what I bought, specifically for the larger wild birds. The bag has plenty of sunflower seeds in it.

  12. Of course the birds want the "people" food! LOL! I bet if you leave the seeds out they'll come back around.

    1. Steve Reed; it's near winter here now, if I leave the seeds out, they willprobably sprout and grow.

  13. While i'm sorry the birds turned their beaks up to your food, i am glad for the beautiful pictures of them.

    Your Coca Cola glass is in impressively good condition.

  14. That is quite a nice Coca Cola mirror, and a good price, too! Hick would be jealous. I will show him the photo. I am still in awe of the cockatoos. I didn't know about the color under the wings.

    1. Val; make sure Hick knows it is not for sale. I knew about the colour but had forgotten.


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