Sunday Selections # 582

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

After Easter, the local supermarket was selling left over toys for only $1.50 each, so I chose two each of four styles, there were others, but I decided to leave them. You'll notice the bunnies have glittery stars glued to their ears,

and the chicks have them on their feet, so those toys will be for when the twins are older, nobody wants a baby choking on glittery stars that got sucked off a toy

these little sleeping bunnies have stitched on features so those will be the first ones I give when the girls are born. 

Riley inspects one of two five-packs of bibs that I bought

while Meg declares the babies will need plenty of washcloths, these are six-packs, so that's twelve right there, that should last a week or three

these are for later, says Meg, when the twins start eating food

this is half a home made pizza, a little over browned, but very delicious. Toppings this time were tomatoes, mushrooms and prosciutto, plus cheese of course. 

Lola giving me the evil eye after I complained about her claws digging into me

into the dim kitchen for a snack before curling up on my chair again.

I found these glasses on a recent trip to Ikea and loved the colour, so of course I bought two.

here they are up in my cabinet

and all four couch potatoes girls are now snuggled up ready for a night of movies. 


  1. Love the bunnies and the ducks which I didn't see here. I am sure they will be much loved. Another delightful post. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm always amazed at how Easter toys and eggs are so much cheaper once the official season is over.

  2. Hi River, Lola is probably also giving you the evil eye because you won't let her play with the bunnies! :)

    I must have missed something...who is having twins? Did I miss a post?

    I hope you have a good week ahead...take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...and she is looking lovely! :)

    1. Lee; Lola showed no interest in the bunnies when I brought them home, she's really not a toy person. my youngest son J and his partner S are having twin baby girls in June. Identical twin baby girls. I mentioned this a long time ago, probably way back in January or even earlier.

    2. I apologise for not being aware of the wonderful news re the arrival of the twins, River. How exciting for you. My best wishes to you all. :How wonderful! :)

  3. Cute toys. Pizza looks nice. When you make mine, leave the mushies off please. I think we need some coloured glasses too, perhaps rose coloured.

    1. Andrew; keep an eye on Ikea for coloured glasses. No mushies? You are so picky. The pizza was delicious.

  4. I like the toys cute cuddly one are the best.

    1. Merle; cuddly are good for when they are very young and later they can be bedtime toys. I will also buy books and a few educational toys as they get older.

  5. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you, advance planning is one thing I am good at.

  6. What a great price on the bunnies and chicks. Loved the sleeping bunnies. Lola really was giving you the eye. Minnie does that to me now and then with a stray claw which usually leaves a mark but she is always sorry.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't think Lola is ever sorry. I think the sleeping bunnies are the sweetest thing ever.

  7. It's such fun to plan for new babies.

    1. messymimi; I know, and I go to the baby section in shops and want to buy EVERYTHING!

  8. Such soft cuddly bunnies
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; they are very soft and cuddly, just right for babies and toddlers.

  9. Your purchases are indeed lovely and a bargain too.

  10. Beautiful ducks and bunnies.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; perfect for small children

  11. Especially the bunnies are so cute - and the spoons!!!
    I don´t remember where, it was 1995 and I was SURE my Brother will have kids, I bought 2 spoons that look like an airplane - it might´ve even been South Australia!
    The never "landed" there, but are in our kitchen.
    Ohhh, another home made-pizza! Yummm! And prosciutto, hmmmm....
    LOL for Lola.
    9C here, I´d like to join your... pota.. ummm.. girls! ;-)

    1. Iris Flavia; I love the sleeping bunnies, these babies are going to have too many toys. I've never seen spoons that look like airplanes. I'm going to make another pizza sometime this week. I make my own pizza dough, so there is no sugar and no preservatives and I can choose all my own toppings. The girls are outside tonight, in the back porch not out in the garden, they want to know what it is like to be homeless and have nowhere to go at night. They say they won't be scared because they have each other.

    2. Having each other is the most important thing, hope they made it back home, though!
      I can post a pic of the plane. Ok, I will :-) Give me a few minutes.

  12. Seasonal stuffed animals always look a little sad after the fact -- unless they've been adopted like yours. :)

    Love the blue glasses!

    1. Steve Reed; they do look sad while they are still in the shops.

    2. You are going to be a lovely grandmother! Good luck to your son and partner in June. I was a June baby - oh so many years ago!!

    3. AMKT; we only have one other June birthday in the entire family. Another grand daughter, who will be 18 this year.

  13. Love all the plush animals but especially love your four "couch potatoes".

    1. Granny Annie; they are cute aren't they, those little redheads.

  14. I am sure you are excited with the arrival of the twins so near. That's a precious photo of the girls awaiting movie night. I love the color of the glasses, and I enjoy my pizza browned like that. Heh, heh, the photo of Lola certainly conveys her mood!

    1. Val; I like my pizza a little less browned, but it was still yummy. I am excited about the twins arrival, there is NO history of twins in my family and I don't think in S's family either, so it's a first. They are going to be SO busy. I'll help where I can of course.
      Lola was kneading the blanket prior to settling for her nap and her claws went right through to my leg, so I said "Oi!" and she gave me that look.


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