Sunday Selections # 583

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

here is a better look at the drop off my small porch, the top step where the pots are sitting is 32 cm higher now than the compacted dirt below (about 13 inches)

this smallish chunk of slate, visible also in the photo above, is hiding a large ants nest, probably connected to the one below>

on the other side of the path, maybe you can see the squared edges where I removed another piece of slate, the white "powder" you see is ant poison

looking closer you can see the honeycombed soil, the entrances to many tiny tunnels. The broken slate tile I removed is now in the garden as a stepping stone.

someone new is peeking through the greenery here

here she is, "Doris", an Easter gift from a grand daughter

the trees have lost about 50% of their leaves now

piles and drifts of leaves are everywhere

I swept and scooped about six buckets full and spread them in the garden where they are now mulch which will rot down over the winter and become compost, hopefully improving my dirt to the point where it one day becomes enriched soil, just like forest floors have become for centuries.

here's an unexpected visitor, a sulphur crested cockatoo on my porch railing, I was very surprised to see him there, they have NEVER come down to my yard before. I offered him a strip of toast torn from my slice and he took it but dropped it as he flew off

I quickly tore up the rest of the toast and set it outside, he came back to get a piece

here he is carrying it away

and here two friends have joined him, another came down a bit later, but none took any more toast. They were quite interested in the water dish, but I didn't see any of them drinking. 
More about them next week.


  1. It must be fun to have cockatoo's around.

    1. Mike; it is fun, but I so rarely see them now. I hear them high in the trees, but not even every day.

  2. Doris is a cutie.
    Some of our leaves are down, and other trees are still surprisingly green.
    I suspect the cockatoos will be back - and might appreciate some apple if you have any.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll be happy if they do come back, but I don't want to get them used to expecting apples. I'd hoped the seed would be enough.

  3. Love that bunny. It is so cute.
    Wow, I have never seen a cockatoo in the wild. If you see one here, someone owns them.

    1. Arkansas Patti; people here used to keep them in cages too, often cages that were too small and they couldn't fly around. The cockatoos are quite large. My mum used to have two, in huge aviaries in the back yard, easily twelve feet by twelve feet, so the birds could fly in them. She had many other birds as well. It is illegal now to keep wild birds in Australia.

  4. The cockatoos visit hereabouts often, noisily letting the world know they're here! :)

    I hope you enjoy Mother's Day, River...and the enjoyment continues the coming week through. Take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I hear them in the trees more than I see them, they don't hang around as much as they used to, many of their favoured trees were cut down to make way for the new buildings next door. Mother's Day will be quiet, text messages from the kids is enough for me. Lola is sleeping on the table next to me right now.

  5. Snap with the cockatoo. The cute rabbit has huge ears. If you are the only person to use the steps and don't step where the soil compaction is, could you revitalise it to be grassed?

    1. Andrew; a few others use the steps, one elderly lady who likes the handy hand rail and the postman if he has a package that won't fit in the mailbox. Others use the grassed area and the compacted soil to cross my yard instead of using the path, which would probably take them maybe 5 seconds longer. There's too much work involved with revitalising those sections either side of the path. First problem is the ants nests, they are extensive and probably stretch all the way under the length of the path as well as under my porch. I'd rather not disturb them and get bitten for my trouble.

  6. Our trees are slowly leafing out.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; your seasons are opposite, but we have plenty of trees that don't lose leaves so we still have green everywhere.

  7. What a chaos you have there!! The bunny and cockatoo make up for it.
    Looking forward to next week!!!

    1. Iris Flavia; it's a chaos I am used to, nothing to worry about.

  8. It seems so exotic to have wild cockatoos flying around! (Even though we have wild ring-necked parakeets!)

    1. Steve Reed; we have ring-necked parakeets too, in other states of Australia.

  9. Beautiful cockathrees. I did not realise they were so tame.

    God bless.

  10. Doris is precious.

    That drop looks dangerous, i do wish there was something that could be done.

    Cockatoos in the yard would create quite a stir here.

    1. messymimi; the drop is dangerous, that's why I have pots by the edge so people don't walk close to it. Doris is a cutie.

  11. Oh my gosh! A cockatoo on your porch! That is so very cool. Much better than a possum. I like your new bunny, it was a thoughtful gift.

    1. Val; there were four cockatoos in the end, see them next week. Grand daughter knows I like bunnies, I already had four in the garden, now there are five.

  12. Plants are nice, that cockatoo well beautifully photographed, love seeing it.

  13. Cockatoos are pretty birds. I like that they just fly aroud in the wild. For me it's only a bird I seen in the Zoo ;)

    1. Charlotte; I'm not a big fan of zoos, but they do give people the opportunity to see birds and animals they wouldn't know about otherwise. Zoos are much improved from the old days of tiny cages, but they're still not ideal.

  14. Yikes about the ants! I once accidentially put a chair on a whole... you can guess what happened... And one bit me in the foot in Perth - outch. Hope the bunny helps along ;-)

    The birds are so cute!

  15. Doris is very pretty. Has the bunny met Meg and the sisters yet?

    1. Granny Annie; not yet, I haven't taken the girls outside.


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