five years ago today


Today is an anniversary of sorts. Five years ago, on this date, I walked into the Animal Welfare Shelter and picked up Lola.

I’d seen her on the website while searching pictures of cats to see if my Angel had somehow ended up there after being stolen from my front yard three weeks earlier. He hadn’t. But there was Lola, tiny, scared, looking very much like she needed me. I scooped her up from where she was hiding in the corner behind the baskets, while a bigger ginger cat watched from a perch on a high shelf.

Being an older cat, at eight years, Lola was cheaper to buy than a kitten. She was already spayed and microchipped and we were soon on our way home. Once there, she scooted out of Angel’s carrier and disappeared under the bed, where she stayed for the next four days. Nothing tempted her to move even close enough for me to get hold of her.

I called in a friend who reached under with his longer arms and dragged her out. Traumatic for her I’m sure, but she’d been under there without food or drink. I put her back in Angel’s carrier and walked around to the vet. He took one look at her eyes, declared she had a migraine and gave her a pain killing injection. She was feeling much better by the time we got home and ate for the first time.

And then the other problems showed up. I don’t know what she ate before I got her, and it was soon very clear that the new food wasn’t agreeing with her. Back to the vet. Almost two years of getting to know what food suited her and what amounts, were interspersed with frequent visits to the vet because of her migraines which I came to recognise by her disappearing under the bed where it was dark, and refusing to eat or drink.

We were also still getting used to each other. At times I was angry with myself for bringing her home and resentful that she wasn’t Angel. I’m sure Lola noticed. There was also the problem with her scratching great raw patches into her skin, always around her neck and under her chin, necessitating even more visits to the vet, for antibiotics and cortisone for whatever allergy was causing it. 

I learned that Lola didn’t like to be picked up and held, but was happy to lie on the raised foot section of the recliner while we watched TV at night. She also like getting under the covers and sleeping next to my ribs, if she was developing a headache I could tell by her temperature and often enough scooped her out of the bed into the carrier. If I waited until morning, she would be under the bed where I couldn’t reach her and my long-armed friend had moved away.

On our most recent trip to the vet, I saw a new doctor who suggested that Lola might have flea bite dermatitis, even though she doesn’t have fleas. If she had been bitten at any time in the past, that was all she needed to develop an ongoing allergic reaction. The doctor suggested I give her a monthly flea treatment and that could help. She was right and Lola is now scratching far less than before. Almost not at all.

I’m happy to say that we are now used to each other, Lola occasionally meows when she is hungry and last night I was scratching her back while we watched TV and every time I stopped, Lola would pat my hand with her paw as if to say “keep scratching”, so I did. She has put on weight, a whole kilo since I picked her up five years ago and seems now to be a very contented girl. I found her adoption papers and discovered her birthday is July 7th, so she is now 13. We have many years together ahead of us. I still miss Angel.


  1. You are good!! Thank you so much for the rescue of a challenging cat. You came along just at the right moment in Lola's life!

    1. Linda Sue; thank you. I think she has helped me a little too.

  2. I'm glad you've settled into a comfortable coexistence! I once had a cat who had that flea dermatitis. Even though we kept fleas away pretty successfully she was constantly itchy. I didn't even realize a cat could get a migraine, but then again, why not?!

    1. Steve Reed; even without fleas, the use of a monthly flea treatment application can help, and with Lola it seems to be working. They only need to have been bitten by a flea once, to get that allergic reaction and it's possible Lola did have fleas in a previous home. I didn't know cats could get migraines either. Nor Hayfever. Lola gets both, as I do.

  3. What a lovely post, River. You and Lola found each other in the midst of sadness. I am so glad it wall worked out.

    1. WWW; thank you. It's working even better now that she isn't constantly scratching. although there is a new problem emerging. With food shortages, her favourite food is rarely on the shelves these days, and I'm fast running out. I try her on new things, some she eats, most she won't.

  4. I think you've fallen in love!

    1. Tom; not me, I don't do that, my heart is stone.

  5. I am so glad for both of you that your knowledgeable vet has found a solution that seems to work.
    Of course you miss Angel, but thank you so much for the safe and happy home you give Lola.

    1. Elephant's Child; I wish a vet had thought to mention this years ago. All that needless suffering for both of us. I will always miss Angel and the way he used to pat my cheek, but I am used to many of Lola's ways now and I can see she feels safe here. The purring tells me she is happy.

  6. I am so impressed how you kept going the extra mile for her. She was so lucky it was you that picked her out. Was a bit shocked that cats get migraines. I had those for 10 years and know how debilitating they can be. That poor baby. But delighted she is doing so much better and that you can spot the migraines coming on. Enjoy all those future years together.

    1. Arkansas Patti; In the beginning I wasn't sure how long I'd keep going the extra mile, but being adopted as an older cat, I didn't want to give up too soon and have her go through all that again, and now of course I really don't want her or another new owner to have to go through all the things we did in those first years. That's way beyond cruel, and I'm not built that way. I am wondering now if her migraines will be less with her not itching and scratching so much. We'll find out.

  7. Rescues are the best, because we think we're rescuing them, but they're the ones doing the rescuing.
    Happy Belated Birthday Lola!

    1. Bob; I think rescues are the best too, because we are giving homes and care for an animal that might otherwise spend a life in a shelter. A pretty dismal life that would be. Here, Lola has the run of the house and the back porch, also a warm bed to sleep in. (mine)

  8. When we can't have the kitty we want, there are many others who need us. Thank you for choosing Lola and persisting in getting to know her medical conditions and her personality. It sounds like she is a much happier cat now, and that must feel very good.

    1. jenny_o; Lola is much happier although it took quite a while for us to "learn" each other. I'm impatient and she was timid and flinching away from contact. Now she comes to me for pats and cuddles, but still prefers not to be picked up, nor will she sit or sleep on my lap, and I'm fine with that.

  9. I didn't realise you have had so many health issues with Lola. A vet once told me 90% of cat and dog skin problems are down to fleas. It sounds like you have a good relationship with her now.

    1. Andrew; the health issues were a shock to me too. I'd never had a cat with problems before and I sometimes wonder if that was why she was at the shelter and how many owners did she have before me. We have a great relationship now, until she claws me for some reason I can't fathom and then I yell at her while I slap on a few bandaids. And then we're over it.

  10. I am glad you found Lola as she obviously needed someone to be as caring as you. I am sorry that Angel was lost though. I didn't know that cats could get migraines. My cat Cassie, the one who looks a bit like Lola, has asthma and I didn't know they could get that either. Happy cat anniversary to you both!

    1. Sarah; I didn't know how many things animals could get either, but now I do I'm careful to watch for symptoms. Lola gets hayfever when the pollens are blowing around, so I keep the doors and windows closed, for myself as well, since I also have hayfever. I still believe Angel was stolen and and believe I know who took him, I also believe he killed him, but I have no proof and that neighbour has long since moved away. My anger is gone.

  11. You did such a good thing for Lola. What a difference in the life of a cat. How you persisted to take care of her health problems and resolve them. Even if she only weighed eight or nine pounds, that's a load to carry by hand to the vet. You've done good for Lola, and she appreciates it.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I just wanted her to be well enough that we didn't go to the vet every month and we got there eventually. In the beginning she was very small and thin for an eight year old, about five and a half pounds, since I adopted her she has grown a bit longer and now weighs just over eight pounds. I'm happy that she is happier now and trusts me.

  12. I think it wonderful people who get there furry friends, though an agency.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  13. Glad you have a new renter in your home. Having a human to take care of a pet is nothing like having a pet take care of you.

    1. Susan Kane; Lola does take care of me. She makes sure I get more exercise by demanding breakfast at 3am, so I have to get up and walk around while I do that, then she wants to go outside at 6am, so again I am up and walking around. Good for the heart.

  14. It is sad that Angel was lost, but since that happened, you and Lola were meant to be together. Her paw patting your hand for scratches means a lot, even though it took five years for her to reach that level of bonding!

    1. Val; all the troubles of the past five years meant nothing when she started doing that paw patting.

  15. What a bitter sweet ... well luckily not just a story. Migraine is hell, I sure do know - glad you found out about that and it seems a bit as if Angel had a paw into this.
    You two sure went a long way and the reminding to pet her is just the very best part.
    No idea if it works with cats, but acupuncture saved my life. I didn´t believe in it, the doctor couldn´t explain it to me - he learned it in China. His honesty made me giving it a try and I am migraine- free since... I think 1998. And it was hell before. I hid in bed. Dark room, Lola. Lucky girl you found her!

    1. Iris Flavia; I found your comments in the spam folder. I believe acupuncture works, but don't want to try it for myself or for Lola. My own migraines were usually from too much sun glare and not enough water being drunk, I am a lot better since I got prescription sunglasses. I am not sure what causes Lola's migraines but it happens more during high pollen season, so it's probably hayfever.

  16. Seems like blogger ate up my looooong comment, oh, make it plural. Frustrating.
    Was saying... you know what.
    Note to self: Always save your words for in case...

    1. Iris; I always check my spam folder now as soon as I open my blog.

  17. Poor you, poor Angel, and poor Lola. I feel so badly. I know how difficult and costly those vet visits can be. Good for you for taking care of her.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  18. I am happy that you and Lola are happy. I remember how difficult it was for you to lose Angel.


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