Sunday Selections # 595

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

this is one of the ANZAC memorial biscuit (cookies) tins I mentioned a few weeks back

and at the other end of the shelf, the black one

complete with cobweb hanging from the top and over the C

 and some of the pictures on the tin

a different set of pictures on the green tin

and another cobweb. I should probably clean more often.

this is my kindle which I recently dropped (YIKES!), see the top left hand corner where the letters don't show now? It bounced off that corner when it hit the floor.

in case it dies altogether, I plugged it into my laptop, along with a spare hard drive and copied all my unread books to the hard drive. That way I still have them and can just transfer them back if I buy a new kindle.

one of the Caribbean lilies has a bud!!  😀

here's another view

my hydrangeas are looking dead, 

but a closer look shows new shoots at the base. Once they get bigger I'll cut back the dead branches a bit. in the meantime, they are offering a little protection from any early morning frosty air.

bluebells are popping up again, I thought I had pulled them all out after they got trampled by people walking around in there. 

I'll be planting these in the spring, the runner beans will be planted at the base of the windmill so they have something to climb on. The carrots and dwarf beans will be in separate pots,

and this potato, or one very much like it, will be planted in a half barrel in the spring.

a negative covid test last week.  I had no symptoms, but did spend time on a crowded bus without a mask! Why? Well, I had a nosebleed. I had to take off the bloodied mask and ride to the city with an increasingly sodden hanky pressed to my nose. As soon as the bleeding stopped, I put on the spare mask I always carry. And people ask, why carry a hanky, tissues are better. Not for a nosebleed they're not.

Finally, two sleeping angels, eight weeks old now.


  1. The twins are, of course, beautiful.
    Love the anzac tins. And the signs of new growth in your garden.
    Sigh at the kindle fall. I am glad that you were able to transfer your books.

    1. Elephant's Child; and the kindle still works! For now anyway. The garden is cold, I don't go out there much.

  2. Ouch, I have had nose bleeds but never in public. That couldn't have been fun. Glad your Kindle survived and good idea to copy you books to a spare hard drive. I can access all mine at "Manage your Devices" on Amazon but transferring them to a new Kindle would be a one at a time event.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I don't know the cause of the nosebleed, but at least it stopped by the time I got off the bus. Having the books on a hard drive would make transferring easier. For me anyway. I can highlight a dozen or so and click on " send to.." and select kindle. Easy.


  3. I can't remember having a nose bleed. I probably had a couple at some stage when I was a kid, but I can't remember.

    I love ANZAC biscuits!

    Eight weeks old already! Wow! The time is flying by, and the little darlings are more beautiful as each day passes by!

    Take care, River...I hope the coming week is kind to you. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I never had any nosebleeds until just when Covid was getting started, then I had both nostrils cauterised because of the gushing.
      I'm not a fan of Anzac biscuits unless I make them myself. I bought them for the tins and gave the biscuits to my kids.
      Eight weeks will soon be ten, then three months, six months, then sitting and crawling. It really does fly by.

  4. The biscuit tins are interesting. I've not seen them before.
    You can still read your Kindle then. I've had two fail completely without an obvious reason. The one I now have I bought used. I wondered why it was so much heavier? It took me a week or so to notice it had an illuminated screen and could be read in the dark.
    The twins look older than eight weeks. They are certainly chilled in the photo.

    1. Andrew; the tins were released some years ago, to commemorate 100 years since the first world war I think. I'm happy I can still read the kindle, I don't want to go shopping for a new one. I certainly don't need an illuminated screen. That's what my bedside lamp is for.
      I don't think the twins look older than eight weeks, they are getting plump though, which always happens once babies pass the six week mark.

  5. The twins are sure growing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; the twins are thriving and happy too.

  6. Your gardens are pretty much on schedule to go into winter.

    1. Joanne; we have been in winter for several weeks now, I wasn't expecting new growth for another month, but perhaps the plum trees are offering shelter to keep things warmer.

  7. The cobweb is... wonderful.
    The ANZAC-soldier to the right of my monitor seems to give a nod.
    Beautiful, respectful tin and I agree, we should clean more often ;-) Same here! But Ingo says, let them live, they eat bugs.

    Your kindle is tiny! And shoot for disappearing on top!
    Shoot. I need to take care of how to save my data, too!!! Thank you for the reminder, I´m really bad with this.

    Hello, bud!

    Yikes, a busride through hell. Glad you came out OK!

    Sweet parting pic, happy Sunday to you!

    1. Iris Flavia; the kindle screen is small because it has the keyboard underneath. I never use that, only bought this model because it was the cheapest at the time. The bus ride wasn't too bad, just had to breathe through my mouth for a while and hope I didn't pick up any covid. The babies are very sweet :)

    2. It has a keyboard?! What for?
      Met W yesterday, aged 82 or such. Boostered and all. Had COVID :-(
      He is fine, came by by bike, on the way to do some gardening.
      We live in a crazy world, hope the two here will adapt and have loads of fun!

    3. I have lost the original instructions, so I don't know how the keyboard works and I don't know anyone lese who has one. If I need to buy a new kindle sometime, I will just get a regular one.

  8. Ohh those twins! So delicious - if you cn use this word for babies!
    Nosebleed while riding a bus is just terrible. Lucky for you to have both a hankie and a spare mask. I personally think that small particles from the mask is drying out and irritating my inner nose. With masks nosebleeds were once again a recurring feature. Now gone with the masks. Else it was only when I was a young adult - and once like you on a bus-ride, going for a visit. The visitees did not mention my looks with one word! That's good manners!
    Good for yu that the Kindle still works minus a few letters ;)
    Love to see you garden planning while I'm in the middel of harvesting .

    1. Charlotte; delicious is a good word for babies. I always carry a spare mask and a couple of hankies. We are wearing masks again with our Covid numbers rising, but fewer people going to hospital this time.

  9. The twins are beautiful and great planning for your garden, getting ahead of the game indeed. Why bother cleaning, it's all going to get dirty again.

    1. WWW; exactly! why clean? but I will anyway, at least I will sweep the floor and dust the furniture. The cobwebs can stay. the garden planning is mostly because the cost of vegetables here is ridiculous now. Last week green beans were $34.90 per kilo! and I didn't check the price before filling a bag. So now I will attempt to grow my own. I agree the twins are beautiful.

  10. Gosh. Nosebleeds would be difficult with a mask. My hubby had one, just after we met, for a week. It was awful.

    1. Jenn Jilks; a nosebleed for a week sounds awful enough. I was having them daily for a couple of months and went to a specialist for cauterisation. He recommended learning to blow my nose more gently.

  11. Such peaceful snoozing babies! It will be interesting to follow the growth of your beans and veggies. And of course the growth of the twins!

    1. Val; I love the snoozing babies. I think the photos must get taken right after they have been fed. I'll be watching my veggies with interest too, watching the garden to see who might be stealing beans and carrots!

  12. Love that tin, I somehow remember that kind of tin...Hope your beans and carrots grow well as I'm sure they will...twin are sweet.

    1. Margaret D; the tins were released in 2015, in time for ANZAC Day, I don't remember which supermarket had them, but I was in my current home at the time, so I'd say Woolworths.
      I hope any veggies I grow will do well, as the prices in shops are getting ridiculous now.
      Thank you re the twins.

  13. That is an amazing tin that I would love to own. I would also like to gitchy-goo those darling twins.

    1. Granny Annie; there are two tins, one green, one black. I would love to cuddle the twins too, but they live so far away. And I prefer to be invited rather than just turn up and barge in.


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