here we go again

 The newest Covid variants are creating almost more havoc then the original.

Mask wearing is back, although it never really left and hand sanitising is still happening, although I prefer good old fashioned soap and water when I can. 

Wash it, wipe it down, disinfect this , that, everything else. 

But are we forgetting anything in all this? 

Do we regularly wipe/disinfect door handles? Light switches? TV remotes? Mobile phones?

Car door handles, toilet flush handles/buttons. The fridge.

And what about the one thing that gets touched and used every single day.


Who washes their keys daily? House keys, car keys, mailbox keys? 

I take mine into the bathroom and soap them up, rinse them off, as I wash my hands after being out. 


  1. Yes I wash all those things here at home and used hand sanitizer in the car before I touch anything other than the door handle of the car. Washing door knobs, toilet knobs and flushing with the lid down, light switches and what you have mentioned - do those things if people have been, takes no time at all to do.

    1. Margaret D; good to hear you are being as safe as possible.

  2. Sadly most people here no longer wear masks - except in doctor's surgeries and public transport. And my city has very, very high Covid numbers. And yes, I wash myself and the things I touch regularly.

    1. Elephant's Child; I am seeing more mask wearing around here, mostly on public transport though. People in Supermarkets aren't wearing them, apart from the cashiers and a few who are older so probably more at risk.

  3. Very few people wearing masks here. Sometimes I'm the only person wearing one in the grocery store. I should wipe thigs down more than I do. I still use the alcohol that I keep in the car.

    1. Mike; I got a bit slack about wiping things down too, but I'm on top of it now.

  4. I don't clean my keys, but then I am the only one who touches them. But Carlos and I still mask in crowds and we have sanitizer with us always.

    1. Bob; I can't use sanitiser as the fumes bring on asthma attacks, so I wash with soap and water as soon as I get home and the keys get done at the same time. I wipe things down with disinfectant wipes.

  5. I guess you could always throw your keys in the dishwasher! (Assuming they're on a water- and heat-proof ring.) I don't worry too much about keys because only I handle them. But I do wash my hands thoroughly and often throughout the day.

    1. Steve Reed; I don't have a dishwasher, public housing has the basics, a sink and a hot water supply. It's just as easy for me to soap the keys when I wash my hands , they're just on a plain metal ring.

  6. Still have the same protocols as I know one dose could kill me due to compromised health. but one thing I dropped were the disposable gloves. Maybe I need to re-establish their use.

    1. WWW; I tried disposable gloves for a while but found them to be annoying and sweaty.

  7. It´s a crazy world we now live in.
    At least we can fight this. Think back of the dark times and we have a reason to smile still...

    1. Iris Flavia; I did think back to the dark times, when a plague such as this would have killed so many more. I am very glad we have scientists who can develop vaccines now.

    2. And hygiene and distance! Sadly some still did not get this concept! They not even seem to notice when I - after looking if clear - step out on to the cycle path to avoid them.
      Dumbness will stay forever with some, worse than COVID...

  8. I haven't changed out my protocols: soap and water. Clean any handles others touched before me. Etc.

    1. Joann; I know you are vigilant as are most of the people I know. but I have friends in real life who don't think about things such as keys and other things such as door handles, so I wrote this.

  9. Now there monkey pox.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I got it..after all this time of being so careful. I am still careful...and got it any how..lucky for me I got the renal paxlovid in time and it kicked it's ass...still pissed.

    2. Dora; the monkey pox is worrying but a person is somewhat protected if he/she has had a smallpox vaccination in the past, so I will be okay, and it is mostly confined to men who have sex with men so far.
      yellowdoggranny; I'm glad to hear you are recovering. I would be annoyed if I got it after all the vaccinations and boosters and all the washing of everything.

  10. It is such a horrid virus. It is difficult to fathom.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

    1. Jenn Jilks; and it keeps mutating! Germ warfare!

  11. So we go forward and then have to go backward, again. It is what it is.

    1. Susan Kane; remember when it was two steps forward and one step back? Now It's one step forward and two steps back, it seems.

  12. Masks were abandoned early here, and i use sanitizer on the car key fob, washing it could damage it.

    1. messymimi; masks are being worn here, not as many as before, but still more now than a few months ago when we thought the virus was winding down. my keys are only on a simple metal ring, easily washable.

  13. I am among the danger group with heart disease and weight problems. Still I a grew tired of all the spraying and wiping and fearing and yesterday I actually went to a movie theater to see WHERE THE CRAWDAD SING. It was a very good movie but probably not good enough to risk COVID. Plus I couldn't press pause to get up and go to the restroom.

    1. Granny Annie; this is why I wait for things to come out on DVD, so I can press pause. I'm fed up with all the wiping of every damn thing too, but we must continue. I have asthma so I need to stay careful. For the twin babies too.

  14. Horrid Posh Boy B.Johnson told the British people that we should wash our hands regularly and thoroughly for two minutes at a time while singing "Happy Birthday" twice. He never told us to stop this nonsense. COVID is in the air where infected people are exhaling. It is not about door knobs or even keys.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; true, but if I put my keys down where someone unknown coughed or sneezed, then I feel safer washing them. Ditto door handles, if someone sneezed or coughed on or near them, I'm going to wash my hands when I get home. We saw Boris on the news, washing his hands and he doesn't wash thoroughly in my opinion, just rubbing his soapy palms together. I tend to wash my hands as if I'm scrubbing for surgery.


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