Sunday Selections # 593

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

We'll start today with my bedroom, blog friend Val was interested in seeing the colours of my bedding:

This plush blanket which looks grey is actually a pale blue, some of you may remember seeing Lola sleeping on it and it's the same one I mussed up to represent waves when the redheaded dolls were on their Pirate Ship.

See the pulled threads? That's from Lola doing that kneading clawing thing as she settles to sleep and is the chief reason I have this blanket, to protect my doona cover from those claws. I learned that lesson with Angel and my rose patterned doona cover.

this is my current doona cover in all the shades of blue I like best

with a little pink and limey green thrown in

sheets and sleeping pillow cases are white, the fat pillows are feather filled and used for propping me up when I read in bed.

my "headboard" is a giant sheet of cardboard that used to be the box my fridge came in, it is covered with pictures cut from magazines and covered with clear contact. This used to sit in the open doorway between the kitchen and living room of my previous home, so the other side which was visible in that kitchen is covered in pictures of foods and things. I can show that another day. 

I think my doona cover colours work well with my other hand-painted-by-me furniture.

above the bookshelf is my curtain and just on the edge over to the right you'll see a bit of my black bedside lampshade. You'll notice I still haven't painted that stool.

the curtain is black lace

over a shimmery teal backing. It is a remnant of stretchy dance-costume fabric that I picked up for about $5.

A few days ago, I looked out to see the most Cockatoos I had ever seen at once on my path, feasting from three trays of seeds. On the left, three birds back, you'll notice one that doesn't have a crest. I can't tell males from females, so I'm calling this one "she" and think she isn't well. She is brownish and ruffled, not sleek and white like the others.

This one with a crest is also brownish and ruffled and several times I have heard a continuous "crying" from him as if he is in pain. I can't help him in any way, they are wild birds and best left alone. He does hang around long after the others have gone and just keeps picking at the food sometimes as long as an hour. 

from this angle the "undercarriage" appears to be quite 'heavy', perhaps an eggbound female?

this is the bird without a crest again, as well as ruffled feathers, you can see her tail feathers are short and scraggly. I wondered most often if these two are simply old, but was told by a neighbour yesterday morning that Cockatoos can live as long as 80 years. i'll keep an eye on these two and if they keel over, I'll bury them. 

Changing the subject, I went for a long walk last Friday and saw this:

Miss Maria Rolls. Probably this is some kind of food establishment, Spring Rolls? Vietnamese Rolls with interesting Sandwich fillings? Dumplings?

Or...what if it's a place where you pay your money and go inside to watch Maria rolling? 

Rolling pastry? Rolling a ball around? Rolling herself around on the floor? 

I walked on.  (if Maria sees this and objects I will remove the picture and words).

Finally, G on the left and A on the right, doing what they do best, sleeping. In this picture they are five and a half weeks old, now they are six and a half weeks old, but I don't have any newer photos. 


  1. I love your very stylish bedroom - and your headboard is clever.
    I suspect that both of the scruffy cockies are in the early stages of beak and feather disease which is very sad.
    And the twins are precious. Which you know.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I'm happy with my bedroom too. I'm going to have to look up beak and feather disease and see for myself. I do hope the rest of the flock don't catch it. The twins are very precious :)

  2. Sad about the cockatoos.
    Glad about the twins what a lot of work those two are, I am sure!!

    1. Linda Sue; I am sad about the cockatoos, but there isn't anything I can do except hope the rest of the flock doesn't catch whatever they have. S in the comment above thinks it is beak and feather disease, which is contagious.
      I don't know how much work the twins are, they sleep a lot still and eat well. I think they'll be more of a handful when they start crawling then walking. And getting into everything!

  3. I DO like your bedding colors and patterns. They go well with the furniture, which I remember seeing before. I love how you painted the pieces to kind of mirror the colors of the other. Heh, heh to "rolling" Maria! Can't get enough of the twins. They look quite stylish in their outfits, even though they don't realize it while enjoying their snooze.

    1. Val; I'm very happy with my colours too and I think that's part of what makes me sleep so well. It's like being surrounded by my dreams. I believe that was the first time the twins wore pyjamas instead of onesies. I wish I had more new photos, but I'll just have to be patient.

  4. Love your creative headboard.
    I Googled the Cockatoos condition and it could be PBFD. You can check this site ; . Good luck.
    Those adorable babies do get their sleep. Hope the parents are as lucky:)

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, the headboard is quite old now and getting a little saggy, I should have framed it properly with thin wood slats. I may still do that one day. I will look up that link, and I hope the rest of the flock doesn't catch it. The babies are good sleepers, it runs in the family. The parents get plenty of sleep, they take turns with the night feeds and there are three older brothers to help out when they are home from school. Always someone to hold a baby if necessary.

  5. The beautiful bubs certainly are flourishing...darling little girls. I love seeing photos of them...thanks, River for sharing the little darlings with us.

    I hope the coming week treats you well...take good care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. My two besties are still snuggled up on "our" bed. No photos of my unmade bed included. I'm about to hop back into it with today's paper waiting to be read. :)

    1. Lee; one day I will tell the girls how much everyone on the internet loved them. I've discovered I can't read the paper in bed, it's too large and the pages slide everywhere. I prefer to spread it out on the table. Lola is sleeping right now so she will have those cuddles later.

  6. I like your doona cover. I lean my pillows against the wall to sit up in bed but wouldn't that damage your headboard?
    I didn't know cockatoos don't always have crests. Research required. I've seen really ragged cockatoos and wondered why they were as the were. It is true that they can live to be very old, especially in captivity.
    I think Miss Maria makes spring or Vietnamese rolls.
    The twins are thriving.

    1. Andrew; thank you. I do lean my pillows against the wall and the headboard is fine. The whole thing is covered with clear contact so the pictures are protected. The cardboard is pretty strong and thickish, the original box did have to hold a whole fridge after all. There's more to the headboard than what you see, it is propped up on the floor, so you only see half.
      Cockatoos DO always have crests, which is why I know there is something wrong with the one that doesn't. I thought of Vietnamese Rolls too, for Miss Maria.
      The twins are both 3.1 kg now.

  7. The Cockatoos might be holding a wake for you one day.

    1. Mike; not for a long time I hope. I want to be around and see the twins grow up.

  8. The twins, in their jammies, would get lost on your spread, and only you could find them.

    1. Joanne; I think they would stand out enough for me to see them :)

  9. I can remember sheet only being white.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I remember sheets in all kinds of colours, I once had a set in a deep crimson and one of my daughters has many sets in different colours to suit the seasons and her moods. My neighbour who loves purple has purple sheets and purple hair too.

  10. Love the lace R. All the photos are nice to see - thanks for sharing.

    1. Margaret D; the lace was an unexpected bonus. I bought it because I liked the colours but didn't see it as a curtain right away. I'm happy I did though.

  11. Happy to see another photo of the twins and hear they are doing well. They are adorable; lucky you!

    1. jenny_o; they are adorable, though I haven't seen them since I visited in the hospital. I can tell they are happy and doing well, they have contented faces.

  12. Never knew it´s called "doona cover"!
    Unknown here in Germany, but I know it from Perth. And Mexico, Cuba etc.
    We now have a weight blanket of 8kg. Plain grey, how boring. Yours is pretty!
    Your furniture fit great together.
    Your Cockatoos are so cute. Oh, so sad you (certainly) can not help the maybe sick - or just old? - one.
    Well, I mean you do help feeling him/her and giving him his time.
    80 years, wow.
    Now, would you please go and find out about Maria? LOL!
    Cute last pic.

    1. Iris Flavia; I usually call it a quilt cover, because it covers what we Australians call a quilt, although is isn't at all the same as what Americans call a quilt, which for them is a patterned patchwork piece stitched to a backing with padding between and looking very pretty. Our "quilts" are the puffy filled comforters, or doona that keep us so warm in our winters. People buy one and then they buy covers which are much easier to wash once they get a bit dirty, just take it off and put in the washing machine, then in the dryer or hang it out in the sunshine to dry. Then it goes back on the quilt/doona. I think 8kg would be too heavy to sleep under for me.
      The two Cockatoos I thought were maybe old are actually sick with beak and feather disease. It is everywhere in Australia and affects all members of the parrot family. I am hoping the rest of the flock stay healthy.
      Maria is too far away to go all the way back just to find out, I suspect it is a fast food outlet.

    2. We just have... I don´t even know the German name. A cover. Take off, wash, put back on, zip. They come with motives.
      The 8 kg are against stress, my T used it when his girlfriend was so sick (she died). It helped me against the stress of lost work (no comparison, I know). It´s as if someone hugs you. Ingo and I share so it´s 4 kg actually.

      Oh. Does the group not sense the two Cockatoos are sick?

      Sorry, Maria, in my mind, rolls on the floor :-)
      To a happy new week - summer is coming back here!

  13. Ah those little cockatoos. They do look sick, maybe what EC says a disease. Breaks your heart. The twins and your bedroom are gorgeous.

    1. WWW; the cockatoos are not at all little. These are big birds, ranging from 45 to 50cm, which is roughly 18-20 inches. The claws and beaks are quite dangerous. I did a little research and the two do have the beak and feather disease. I just hope the rest of the flock stays healthy. Thank you re the twins and my bedroom.

  14. What a lovely bedroom design! Do you think it would help to spread the bird food out? When we get sick feeder birds they recommend we stop feeding them. It's so sad. Cute twins!

    1. Jenn Jilks; thank you, I am happy with my room, although I wish it was a little larger, but it is what it is. I do spread the bird feed out along the path so they don't all have to fight over one small area. The disease is mostly spread through droppings and close contact such as is found in nests. There is nothing to be done for it, being a widespread disease.
      The twins are cuties aren't they!

  15. Your bedroom is lovely, very nice decor and colours.

    It is sad to see wild animals sick or in pain and know you want to help but can't. They just do not understand, either why they hurt or how we could do anything but make it worse.

    Your "Miss Marie Rolls" jokes were fun.

    Those babes are beautiful and growing so well, what a blessing.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I love my bedroom. It is sad to see the two ill birds, but at least they are getting enough to eat. The twins are growing well, each now being just over 3kg.

  16. The twins are cuteness overload in pyjamas ;)
    I feel sad for those birds, they look so aloof anduntouchable, it's sad to have them suffering from something as mundane ... I hope you understand!
    Your bedroom is nothing if not clourful and cheering - I like it!

    1. Charlotte; I am sad for the birds too, but there is nothing to be done for them. I like cheerful surroundings, places that are monotone are so boring. They look like no one lives there. They twins are cute.

  17. We have loads of cat damage around the house. What can you do?




    1. Plasman; you could have a life without cats, but they would take all the joy out. My damage is restricted to the blanket and the scratching post in the back porch.

  18. I love the photos of the Cockatoos. They're beautiful.


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