let's talk about bathtubs again

 specifically this one>>

if this spa/tub/shower combination had a setting that blows hot/warm air to dry the body after the water is turned off it would be perfect. In my opinion. With someone else to do the cleaning of it of course. 
That messy white scribble is where I scrubbed out the selling agent's name. 
I don't remember how long ago this was for sale, but I remember it got bought pretty quickly. 

and does anyone know where I can buy one of these cute little leprechaun TP holders?


  1. I couldn't climb into (or out of) that tub/spa/shower safely. The TP holder is fun though.

    1. Elephant's Child; getting in and out easily is something I hadn't thought about when I first saw this many years ago, but now I'd have to agree with you. But I still love it. If anyone can point me in the direction of such a TP holder I'd be grateful.

  2. WOWIE making bath tub time an adventure!! You are right- leaning it would be an all day everyday job. I would not say NO to it if someone were to install it in my bath.

    1. Linda Sue; it reminds me of the shower room I read about in certain books set way into the future where the main character is married to an extremely rich billionaire who owns half the known universe.

  3. Well being blow dried would save on towel laundry:) Think I'll pass though. Love the TP holder. I found him here https://www.beddinginn.com/product/Gorgeous-Adorable-Little-Man-Toilet-Paper-Holder-11233100.html.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, I checked the link which didn't work, so I cut the details and went to the main site, but the TP holder wasn't there. I googled and found a site, but they are sold out.
      I think being blow-dried in summer is okay, but in winter I would still wrap up in a huge fluffy towel after the drying just to keep the warm in.

  4. That contraption looks like something I would have loved when I was younger, but still... I could have grown a long white beard while trying to figure out how it operates.

    1. Val; I think you're smarter than that, and maybe the controls are labelled for easy learning.

  5. Oh, I'd like to try one of these spa contraptions some time. But in my home I just want an old-fashioned tub - which I am happy to say I have. The TP holder is fun and cute ... I would buy this, if I ever saw it for sale here.

    1. Charlotte; I used to really, really, want fancy stuff like this, but as I get older I think maybe not. I love the TP holder.

  6. I'd like one of those shower units, but future proofing, I will become like EC and struggle to get in and end.

    1. Andrew; same here, love the unit, but wonder about the safety of getting in and out without personal injury.

  7. That shower unit looks very dangerous to me. It needs a lot of grab bars to make it safe, spoiling its looks!

    1. Joanne; if one could be designed with built-in grab bars that might be a bigger seller, but bars would have to be on the inside as well as the outside and definitely a non-slip floor on the inside.

  8. All the fancy tubs and showers are out of our price range.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; a very long way out of our price range for sure.

  9. Our friends have very similar without the spa, they also have grab rails and the bath part is not as tall as the one you are showing.
    Love the loo holder and have never seen one like that..

    1. Margaret D; I think I like the spa part more than the rest. If I had a spa bath I'd happily do without the fancy multi-directional shower. I've seen plenty of fancy TP holders online and I want all of them!

  10. We have a cheap "wiper" with which we clean the glass walls after the shower. In summer no problem, in winter (as in now) ... ccccold.
    I have a leprechaun from Bill, but it´s too small. I love our "Kodak" tp-holder. If I remember correctly we got it online. Too much mail got lost from overseas so... not a fan of that anymore.

    1. Iris; I have a squeegee from Ikea, a strip of rubber with a handle like window washers use, that sweeps the water off the shower walls, then I dry it with a rough cloth, easy peasy and takes five minutes. I would love to see your leprechaun and the kodak TP holder.

  11. Very smart, but I agree that cleaning it would be a nightmare.

    1. jabblog; making sure every little bit was properly dry would take some time for sure and all the chrome needing to be free of watermarks too.

  12. It looks fancy, but the cleaning would turn me off!

    1. Jenn Jilks; I think if I could afford something like that I could probably also afford to have someone else do the cleaning.

  13. In the end, to me it's just a way to get clean, and i don't need such a fancy way to get clean. I do hope whoever bought it is enjoying it, though.

    1. messymimi; true, it's a very fancy way to get clean.

  14. That shower looks way too complicated for me!

    1. Steve Reed; but just close your eyes and imagine standing under a multi-directional massage spray! Heaven.

  15. Replies
    1. joeh; welcome back. Would Mrs C be happy cleaning it though? Or would she make you do it? It does look like a fun shower, multidirectional with a massage option.

  16. I saw something similar on Amazon. Though it's a toilet butler instead.

    1. The Happy Whisk; I don't buy from Amazon anymore, delivery to Australia is too expensive now. I can live without it.


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