Sunday Selections # 614

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

In my garden this week, I have a garland of aeoniums across the front corner

my first hydrangea of the season, these were blue when first bought but have now reverted to pink which I prefer anyway

you all remember my one lonely coreopsis? (it's been picked off by someone, not a cocky, a person)

this is where it came from, the fence beside the neighbour's driveway, it was pulled out by the roots and just left on the footpath so I rescued it, about this time last year I think.

this is the footpath garden belonging to that same neighbour, you can see many more coreopsis along with all the other plants: gaura, roses, hollyhocks, peruvian lilies in pinks and yellows, statice, sweet peas and so much more

daisies too and my favourite yellow rose

in the front corner of her actual yard is a giant philodendron, about twelve feet tall, this here is just one stem growing out and curving up

the individual leaves are easily 50-60 centimetres

this is the base down in the soil. I'd love to know how old this is. If I see her I will ask her.

a bit further along her fence, the first nigella (love in the mist) is peeping out

here are the girls on one of their playmats

Genevieve showing off another Halloween outfit

and Anastasia having a cuddle with her Mum.


  1. Such a beautiful Mother of beautiful children!
    Sitting here in freezing cold weather, I am thinking that Perth might be a good place to be about now!

    1. Linda Sue; thank you, the twins mum is beautiful. I don't know what Perth is like right now, but it is usually a bit nicer than Adelaide.

  2. So lovely to see summer flowers as we huddle in the cold UK.

    1. jabblog; that's what nature does things this way, so we can all see flowers when we ourselves don't have any.

  3. That is a gorgeous garden - matched by the beauty of the twins and their mama.

    1. Elephant's Child; it looks like a wildflower garden with additions, I love seeing it every day. Thank you, the twins and their mother are all beautiful.

  4. Great smile on Anastasia in that last picture.

  5. Love seeing all the lovely flowers especially here in the cold. Who would have picked off that lonely coreopsis. Not nice.
    Curious, can you tell the babies apart when they are only in a diaper?

    1. Arkansas Patti; I suspect a neighbour who put it in a vase in her kitchen, the plant will grow more as long as the cockies keep their beaks away. If the babies are laid side by side, with Gen on the left and Ana on the right as always, then I know which is which. Otherwise, no, they are exactly alike.

  6. Such happy bubs...the girls grow lovelier by the day.

    Have a good week, River...many cuddles to lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; I'm glad the babies are happy, I expected they would be, happy natures run in the family. Lola is avoiding me right now, her allergy is flaring and she needs the flea treatment. I'll catch her when she's sleeping.

  7. Lots happening in gardens now and plenty around you. Thanks for the weekly twin photos.

    1. Andrew; the gardens all around are bursting into flower, the agapanthus is about to start too. Jacarandas are purple hazes and dropping spent blossoms on every footpath. I love showing off the twins, but don't have any new photos left, so next week there may not be any pictures.

  8. That garden is beautiful! We call that first plant Hen and Chicks in the vernacular. Really lovely babes, too.

    1. Joanne; that garden is a delight and I smile everytime I walk past it. Aeoniums aren't called hen and chickens here, that name goes to a different set of plants which I also have one of. Thank you, the babies are lovely aren't they?

  9. The garden is beautiful and the babies, i wish i could give each a good hug!

    1. messymimi; I wish I could give the babies a hug, I haven't seen them since September.

  10. I think the girls love having their picture taken. They are so good at smiling for the camera!

  11. Beautiful babies and mum.
    The flowers certainly brighten up the day and I have a pink, red, blue and white coloured hydrangeas, the white is coming out the others are not as yet, it will be interesting to see the colours this year as we didn't feed the necessary sulphate of potash to make them pink and lime to make them blue.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. I like my pink hydrangeas, but only have two, there isn't enough space for more.

  12. Lovely flowers and lovely family. Thanks for a look into your beautiful corner of the world.

    1. Charlotte; thank you, it is nice here right now. Later when the summer heat burns things it isn't quite so pretty.

  13. Beautiful flowers and a dumb question straight away.... how can they turn from blue one year to pink the next? What will the color be the following season?
    Nature is awesome!
    The philodendron looks... like a snake! "love in the mist" sounds and looks so beautiful. I´ve never seen a beauty like that - thank you for letting us see the "big picture" (that´s a TV-series here where you see, well... the zoom, the background of things).
    Cute wee ones. I wonder how they communicate these days?
    Have a happy Sunday over there - here it´s -3C. BUT! Since weeks the sun came out a bit!

    1. Iris; hydrangeas can change to blue if lime is added to the soil, but it needs to be done every year. Pink is the natural colour, although there are also white varieties. Mine will stay pink now. The philodendron does look like a giant snake, it really is huge, but also pretty. I grew "love in the mist" once in a different house, where "no-one" still lives, the bush had so many flowers the bees were in heaven over it.
      I don't know how the babies communicate, I think as long as they can see, hear and touch each other they are happy. -3C is way too cold for me!!

    2. So much to learn!!! Lime! Who ever knew? Not me, obviously... Sad most flowers would freeze their roots off here. -6C now. And I have to go get Ingo´s bread. Multiple layers on and planning on walking real fast. In an hour (after all I´m "on (doing-the-taxes-)holiday").

    3. Iris; I've read of many people moving their plants inside for the winter, which is a good idea if they are in pots and you have enough space. I don't think hydrangeas would survive there even in summer, you would have to check with garden nurseries about that.

    4. The problem is... we have real wood as floor. Even if you use a humidifier the plants don´t get enough. I had an avocado-plant I gave to my Thomas when we went to Perth. He had tiles, all good. Plant came back... kaboom. Maybe also due to my black thumb, though or on top ;-) Also... we don´t have the space.

  14. Anastasia and Genevieve are pretty long names for cute little girls. I would call them Ana and Gena. As for plant and flower names, you have impressive knowledge.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; they do get called Ana and Gen, but I think the names are suitable and will travel well into adulthood. Unlike some names given by celebrities to their children, that may be cute when they are babies but a little ridiculous when they are 30. I learn the plant names by reading the labels when I buy them.

  15. The weather certainly looks better than the UK. Lots of snow here.




    1. Plasman; I used to joke about moving somewhere snowy when our summers got too hot, but I've changed my mind. You can have that snow all to yourself!

  16. Beautiful flowers! It looks so sunny and nice there. We've got cold and mist.

    1. Steve Reed; thank you, it is sunny and nice here, but the wind is cold. Straight off the South Pole I think! The weather people tell us we're only going to be in the 20C's all week. 22C today.

  17. Flowers are sure pretty.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  18. Replies
    1. The Happy Whisk; I don't have daisies in my small patch but there are plenty around here, roses everywhere too.

  19. Beautiful pics! I just came across an old post of mine and reposted it today with a comment that you left on it that was priceless! Thank you for the giggles and grins again!

    1. Mildred Ratched; thank you. I'll drop by and have a look.

    2. Mildred, I can't find your blog, can you leave me a link please?


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