Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. wash 2. fresh 3. extreme 4. jelly 5. exfoliate 


1. relaxing 2. pure 3. thick 4. minerals 5. citrus

Here is my story:

After a quick shower to wash off the mud and shampoo her hair, Rosalie was ready to step into the steaming bubble bath Alex had prepared. The foaming bubbles had been whipped into a thick froth, looking as pure as a fresh snowfall. Sinking into the warmth, Rosalie laid her head back onto the folded towel and allowed the relaxing heat turn her aching muscles to jelly. “Alex must have used the full bottle of bubbles,” she thought dreamily as the scent of citrus rose around her. “Perhaps I’ll forgive him after all, she thought. It wasn’t his fault the tractor stalled in the mud and sprayed me head to toe as the wheels spun. I did scream an extreme number of foul words at the time, before stomping off across the fields. And he was kind enough to run this bath as I walked off my anger. I’ll do my exfoliating tomorrow,” as she closed her eyes.

Alex peeped in and saw her smiling, he knew she’d forgive him. He turned back to the kitchen and slipped a frozen apple pie into the oven, it would do nicely as dessert after the chicken and dumplings soup she had made yesterday. Tomorrow would be soon enough to talk about the minerals lacking in their soil and how much fertilizer to buy and spread. But this time he would ask their neighbour to help, Rosalie probably wouldn’t want to walk behind the spreader through the muddy fields again.


  1. I love this - and perhaps with the promise of another steaming bubble bath Rosalie WILL walk behind the spreader again.

    1. Elephant's Child; she may if there isn't any mud and she'll probably borrow some overalls to save her clothes.

  2. I love your vignettes with domestic bliss . sometimes following a storm.

  3. Ahh, bless his heart. I can almost feel the sensuous warmth of that bubble bath.

    1. jabblog; his heart is big and he loves his wife, who isn't yet used to farm life. I miss bubble baths.

  4. Love bubble baths. Alex is a keeper.

    1. Arkansas Patti; definitely a keeper, they are not long married and Rosalie is not yet used to farm life. I love bubble baths too, but haven't had one in many years now.

  5. That is the kind of thing you're in danger of if you do farm work. I hope she gets overalls and helps, and he continues to run baths for her after to thank her.

    1. messymimi; this was her first experience with mud sprayed from the back wheels of a bogged tractor. She will adjust and Alex will always support her.

  6. One can tell you want a bathtub. And now I regret a bit we threw ours out.
    Heating failed and the condo has trouble getting warm again. Alas!
    What a sweet story, yes, I would forgive him. And if I could taste anything I would be hungry now.
    Very well written again (what else to expect!!!) - and seeking help is always a wise thing to do, too. That´s what living beings are for.

    1. Iris; if I ever get a place with a bathtub again, I will never move out. I hope your heating can be fixed quickly. She does forgive him of course, it wasn't his fault the mud was unexpected. The neighbour is willing to help as well.

    2. LOL, you must hate us for throwing it out! I just don´t have the patience for a bath. Yet with the cold now it sure would be great. And more healthy than mulled wine... kidding.

  7. 1. wash 2. fresh 3. extreme 4. jelly 5. exfoliate
    1. relaxing 2. pure 3. thick 4. minerals 5. citrus

    I had a good wash so that I would feel fresh. Afterwards, I applied "Extreme" jelly to exfoliate my skin. It was so relaxing to apply that pure, think gunge rich in minerals and citrus aromas - as recommended by Ms River Kelly of Adelaide.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; that's clever, thank you.

  8. Sometime bubbles will take our troubles away.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; sometimes it helps to relax in the warm bubbles and while the mind is relaxed a solution often comes forward.

  9. Rosalie sure won't want to walk behind the tractor if Alex uses organic fertilizer! Just in case, Alex needs to invest in some more bottles of bubble bath.

    1. Val; yes, lots of bubble bath. I think maybe he will use organic fertiliser, they're aiming for an organic mixed farm.

  10. As always, my blogs tend to be off kilter a bit, so let's see how this goes::

    Paul Hollywood washed, exfoliated his baby soft hands for Episode Nine. Dame Prue had developed a pedicure paste using pure minerals, which struck her as a good compliment for lime citrus topped with mango jelly, on an orange genoise sponge. The hidden element of black pepper and shredded jalapeno, topped with queso fresca (fresh) struck Paul’s taste buds like a bolt of lightning. After gasping for air, Paul decided that jalapeno was a touch too much. The genoise was too dry and the jelly was rubbery. It was also stodgy and raw.


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