Sunday Selections # 613

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

on my way to visit "no-one" recently I passed this nicely painted stobie pole.

here I am in "no-one's" front yard, this is her miniature spruce Christmas tree

complete with solar powered lights

she also has dwarf multi-grafted trees, this one has peaches on one side and nectarines on the other

another one has two or three types of apples, while another pot has a tree with lemons, oranges and mandarins

in her back yard is a fig tree about as tall as I am already

and pots of tomatoes

back in the front yard these blurry little blobs are blueberries

bee-loving borage is spreading for a couple of metres along the fence where Missy was buried almost two years ago now.

and then there is this very pretty something which I would like to take a cutting of but I know it wouldn't grow for me, these things never do. Perhaps I water them too much.

here we have Anastasia smiling for the camera

Genevieve taking a nap

and both girls ready for bed in their little sleeping bags.


  1. Always takes me a second when I see Christmas trees and peaches growing at the same time. Oh yea--Australia.
    Love the happy twins. One is definitely a "laugh out loud" type while the other is more coy. Adorable either way.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I've always associated Christmas with peaches, to me it's normal. Multi-grafted trees are a great idea, two or more types of fruit on the one tree! They have to be from the same family of course, a peach tree can be grafted with citrus fruits for example.
      The twins take turns being the "laugh out loud" one.

  2. Such summery foliage! It takes me by surprise! That "something" is a Christmas cactus, or in that family (Schlumbergera) anyway. (I guess Christmas cacti must be more like July cacti in the southern hemisphere? I never thought about that before.)

    1. Steve Reed; definitely in the Schlumbergera family, but she says it hasn't flowered yet. A neighbour close to my own home has a Christmas cactus which flowers in November. I wonder if the difference is because we keep them outside while yours have to come inside over winter?

  3. No-one's garden looks beautiful and so very productive.
    Yay for the twins - who are growing incredibly fast.

    1. Elephant's Child; no-one definitely has a greener thumb than I do, which is a little odd, she had no interest at all in gardening until about three years ago. I've tried gardening my whole life and the best thing I can grow is weeds. And beans, although my beans aren't doing at all well here, the "critters" get them as soon as they grow. I did better in my previous home, you may remember photos of my "food forest"? The twins are growing fast now, I can't wait to see them again.

  4. I've heard of multi-grafted trees before. I should look into getting one.

    1. Mike; yes, look online and at local nurseries, you'll be surprised.

  5. "No-One" definitely has a green thumb! I am intrigued by the multi-grafted trees. So economical to get different fruits off the same tree. The twins are indeed adorable. I don't have to read it off their clothing!

    1. Val; multi-grafted trees intrigue me too, I've known about them for years but never bought any, and now I have nowhere to put them if I do buy. The twins are the most adorable girls ever.

  6. No one's garden looks interesting. The abbreviation for Anastasia is obvious but what about Genevieve?

    1. Andrew; it is interesting seeing what no-one is growing. Genevieve is Gen, Anastasia is Ana.

  7. Replies
    1. The Happy Whisk; isn't it just!!

    2. Really are. Happy New Week, River. Hope it's kick butt good!

  8. The short trees are very charming, fancy growing two entirely different fruits on one trunk. The orphans musst love that garden! Of course the babies, who are not orphans are too cute - a lot of work to be sure! Adorable babes!

    1. Linda Sue; the orphans have not seen that garden, they haven't even seen mine yet either. Now the weather is more conducive, I shall do something about that. The babies are a lot of work, but sleeping through the night now and happily playing on the floor for hours makes it easier. And they have three older brothers to help out.

  9. Plants look lovely.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; thank you. I'm drinking water today, no coffee. The weather is too hot for coffee.

  10. The plants in pots are better than no plants at all, that tomato is coming along nicely.
    The twins are looking good and growing like mushrooms.

    1. Margaret D; plants in pots are better than trying to get a fork into the soil she has. It's like most of Adelaide, you need a ditch digger just to break the surface. Her tomatoes are 100 times bigger than mine. The twins are growing well.

  11. Ohhh, what a happy sight, that pole!
    And yay to the Christmas tree. Oh, wish I find one again, as I did years ago. One Wednesday soon I´ll show the sign he was holding (yes, male, he, the tree ;-)...)
    I never heard of such trees! You grow the "coolest" stuff in Australia. Here you can´t even grow lemons.
    Not even tomatoes would work (but that´s my black thumb).
    Wow. The wee ones grow (too) fast! Both are so cute.

    1. Iris; I love that pole! I remember when the girl first moved into that house I saw her drawing the outline, then a few days later I saw the paint colours appearing. I hoped she would paint both sides, but she didn't. I think your country is too cold for lemons unless you have a greenhouse (hothouse), same with tomatoes, they need to be warm. The multi-grafted trees have been available for a long time, I first read about them about fifteen or twenty years ago. At first it was just citrus fruits, then the others began appearing.

    2. Even if it was warmer here... it always takes ages till we get what you have! Oil to spray... first time I saw that in 2006 in Perth (because that was the first time after 1999 we came back). Here? Just a couple of years ago! Not kidding!
      Jerky 1995. Here... 2004? And then the American one - I still wait for yours.
      Self-raising flower... NOT YET, sorry for yelling, but really. I wanted to take some from ALDI Joondalup (Perth) and Ingo said, no, we´ll have that soon. Still waiting. Beats me, I just don´t get it. Lucky you, not only weather-wise ;-)

  12. Multi grafted plants or trees are so smart. I have some apple trees like this, but love the idea that lemons and the peach-crew can do the same :) The twins are adorable! Thanks for the views.

    1. Charlotte; thank you, I agree the twins are adorable. I tasted some of "no-one's" nectarines, they were smallish but very sweet and juicy, the peaches will be ready after Christmas. If I had a house with a backyard I would plant these trees too and a grape vine.

  13. Enchanting photographs. The twins are gorgeous. Multi-grafted trees are so special, but they never work for me - but then I'm a hit and miss sort of gardener.

    1. jabblog; I'm no green thumb either. I agree the twins are gorgeous.

  14. Replies
    1. William Kendall; thank you, they are six months old now.


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