Sunday Selections #616

Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

I don't have any decorations up these days, so here are pictures od Christmas trees from the past.

Eight from 2012

and twelve from 2011

Merry Christmas!

Ana's First Christmas

Gen's first Christmas
and the girls together


  1. Merry Christmas! We are hunkering down in a big storm. I love the photos.

    1. Jenn Jilks; Merry Christmas. I've been seeing the storms on the news. We are hunkering down by our air conditioners. Many of us, not me, will be headed to the beaches.

  2. Enjoyed the ornaments from Christmas past but I broke into a big smile when the girls appeared. First Christmas is so special. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Merry Christmas. I haven't put up the tree in many years now, so I look at the photos instead. The girls will be more excited next year when they are toddling around I think.

  3. Merry Christmas. No decorations up here either.
    The girls are beautiful. I hope you can see them (and take lots of photos) over this festive season.

    1. Elephant's Child; Merry Christmas. There were decorations up at the twins home, but can you believe I forgot to take photos? I did have my son take a few photos of me holding both girls, they rest of the time I was playing with them. They chewed my fingers and pulled my glasses off my face and chewed the arms. I couldn't stay too long because the trip is an hour and a bit each way and I don't like coming home alone after dark.

  4. You used to go all out with tree decorations. They look great but I understand how it becomes when you get older. As far as I know, no one will visit and see our modest decorations this year. Merry Christmas.

    1. Andrew; I would still do it if I had the space, but I have more furniture pieces now taking up floor space and I have the cat who would probably ignore the tree, but why take chances?

  5. A big Merry Christmas to the beautiful baby girls, and to you, a big merry Christmas, too.

    1. Joanne; thank you and Merry Christmas to you too.

  6. I didn't put a tree.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I didn't put a tree up either, these are pictures from years ago.

  7. We have a three foot artificial tree we unbox and plug in.

    1. Mike; mine is artificial too but has no lights and lives in its box forever now.

  8. When I saw those decorations, my 13-year-old self wanted me to say "nice balls." But I won't... First Christmas for the girls. Time is flying by!

    1. Val; I never thought that way, I always think baubles when I see Christmas trees. Time is flying too fast.

  9. I wish you and yours a blessed Christmas time, and lots of joy and good health in the days to come.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  10. Ohhh. I am like really late! Great pics! OH! I messed up big. Wanted to put up a pic of George (found Christmas tree) today.
    Well I put up George. Not just that one. Next Wednesday, I hopefully remember.
    Hope you had a great Christmas.
    We´ll have a very late Christmas dinner today, maybe you know it: Cold Würstchen (sausages) with Kartoffelsalat (potatoe-salad).

    1. Iris; better late than never my mum used to say. My Christmas was quiet, I went to see the twins who are so big now, 6 months old and getting too heavy for my poor old shoulders to carry. I also had a visit from my oldest grand daughter who is expecting a baby in March.
      I remember roasted vegetables and chicken with gravy for Christmas dinners when I was small. With apple strudel and cream for dessert.

    2. That sounds great! Oh, I have old apples, maybe such a Strudel would be great.
      Once my Brother invited me to Apple Strudel - with Vanilla Ice-cream for my Birthday, and he took my Mum along, too. And Ingo.
      The twins are too heavy with 6 months?! By golly!
      Oh. Yes. I missed so much of my Niece´s life.
      They´re all grown now (OK if I wanted the experience I should´ve tried to have kids myself - no one to blame (but my SIL who kept the kid away from me)).

  11. Christmas and babies belong together - as, naturally, they should :-)


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