Sunday Selections # 635

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if more bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Andrew is still on holiday.

beginning with one picture sent by "no-one"

raindrops on the clover in her yard

Back in the grounds here again now:

colourful garden decoration, a painted wooden toilet seat

a very ruffly double hibiscus

this ginger is one of several new kittens roaming around, he allowed me to scratch his head for two seconds

this tortoiseshell was quite shy

and this younger tortie took off as soon as I stepped in his direction

pretty tiles on S's windowsill

a fallen rose

I stuck my nose into one of these to see if they were scented and they are, delightfully so, but also filled with rain so my shnoz got quite wet

plentiful berries on the cotoneaster

the tree where piggybanks get born!

plain ones

coloured ones

cute ribboned ones

and some with names, flowers and bows

twin one loves her broccoli, I think this is Anastasia

twin two can't decide what to eat first, probably Genevieve

yum yum

we love our vegetables 😀

we are 11 months old now and we both have four teeth!


  1. We have a beige rose very similar (if not identical) to those. I call it the "flesh rose."

    I kinda like the rainbow toilet seat, but I'm not sure I'd go for it as a garden decoration.

    1. Steve Reed; I might sit that seat on a broken chair and put a pot plant in it. I'd like to take a cutting from that rose, but my track record with rose growing is not good.

  2. Another lovely selection - from start to finish. Thank you. Love those twinny smiles.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I adore the twinny smiles :)

  3. The colors totally camouflaged the toilet seat. I'm glad you told us what it was.


  4. A cheery, bright start to Sunday. And I hope a similar mood continues through the coming week, and it treats you well. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...what does she think about the infiltrators? "_

    1. Lee; the infiltrators ar not at my end of the complex and Lola is a law-abiding indoor cat, so she will never meet them.

  5. Thank you for sharing.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora; thank you for visiting. I've just had hot chocolate.

  6. The toilet seat is a questionable garden perc. The twin ending is grand, as ever.

    1. Joanne; the toilet seat belongs to a "special" person, always happy, always smiling, loves colourful things.

  7. The twins are beautiful.
    Love piggybank :)
    That wooden toilet seat, well someone wanted something to do to paint it..

    1. Margaret D; thank you re: the twins. The toilet seat can be bought already painted, they were a big thing a few years back, in many different designs and colours.

  8. The toilet seat cracks me up - at Norseman I found a car-door in a tree.
    "Aussie style" :-)
    To flowers, rain and cats!!!
    The tiles are beautiful, too.
    We have two abandoned piggy banks here, too. One is a rain boot.
    Too funny you cannot say for sure who is who! I could imagine they´ll make fun of this "feature" later!
    To broccoli - have more than enough in the freezer! :-)

    1. Iris; a car door in a tree seems a bit odd. I have an idea which twin is which but I like to let all of you have fun guessing. I haven't had a piggy bank in a very long time.

  9. I like the piggy-bank tree - what fun. It's nice to see that the twins aren't dressed identically - that would be a great temptation.

    1. jabblog; a temptation best resisted so they don't get mixed up, they do sometimes wear the same tops, but different pants or the same pants but different tops. even their brothers have to ask "mum which one is this?" The piggybank tree is fun.

  10. I love No-One's clover picture. The toilet seat is too special to rest a rumpus on. No piggy bank trees around here, darn it! Sorry your shnoz got soaked, happy to see the twins having a veggie feast.

    1. Val; I like raindrops on things too, just not on me too often. I didn't mind my schnoz getting soaked the scent from the rose was worth it. I'm glad the twins eat veggies, they have good appetites.

    2. Beautiful girlies, you must treasure them. Love that toilet seat. I would use it for sure.

    3. WWW; thank you, I do treasure the girls and wish I lived closer to see them everyday. I like the toilet seat but it's wooden and when they get old I might get splinters in my bum.

  11. So many happy things. Those girls, i love to see them being given veggies, that's what i did with mine and they are not picky eaters.

    1. messymimi; I did the same and none of mine are picky eaters, although each has a dislike or two.

  12. Love your selections...especially the twins. I would need them to have initials on their clothes.

    1. Granny Annie; that's a good idea, but sometimes they wear each other's clothes. That might change as they get older and choose for themselves.


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