Sunday Selections # 637

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Andrew is still on holiday so probably hasn't posted anything.

this is one of the windchimes I have hanging inside, the backing is a cream coloured bed sheet doubling as a curtain until I find something more colourful.

and a closer look

On my porch, my volunteer sunflower has been nipped off by the cockatoos

there is the dead flower head, I pulled the whole plant out and now there aere two new volunteers in its place, still in the tiny two leaf stage.

in the garden, this is my lonely struggling potato plant, the other one died, just disappeared overnight, probably eaten by something. 

here you see all the colourful leaf mulch I gathered and spread has turned brown and is breaking down already, but there are plenty of leaves still falling and I will scoop those up soon to add to my garden.

the paint job I did on the old toy tractor has held up well, it must be three (or four? possibly more?) years already since I painted it. 

here we see Olga minding her chickens

here's a closer look, a friend made her for me and I did the painting of her.

these two are Roscoe the dog and Rosie the cat, they are easily ten years old now and at one point Roscoe's nose rusted completely away and my friend made hime a new one with a two-part product called  "kneadit", tricky to work with as it begins to set almost immediately it is kneaded. Water and weatherproof.

look at my rabbit statue staring at the little boys wondering where on earth they came from.

the second "swedish ivy" has taken off well

this is Ana trying to steal her Mum's Mother's Day breakfast

Gen playing with an early birthday gift, "no-one" took out the gifts last week with the help of a friend and her car (we don't drive)

and Ana with her telephone

here both girls are tearing at the cardboard box holding a multiple choice toy, they have one each and when they are bigger it is also a ride-on toy

Turn your sound up for this next one, I don't think I posted it last week, but if I did it's worth watching again:

they're dancing!


  1. I like your garden ornaments - great fun. The dancing twins are delightful. This time next year- or maybe next month - they'll be dancing on their feet. Precious times.

    1. jabblog; many of the ornaments are hard to see when just passing by, on purpose because things here have been stolen in the past. The twins are very close to walking now.

  2. I love your wind chimes! And Roscoe the dog with his repaired nose. Just FYI, if a sunflower head gets nipped off, new stalks will grow from the leaf joints lower down -- so you might still have had a flower. Too late for this one, but maybe good info for the future!

    1. Steve Reed; thanks for the sunflower info, I had no idea. The windchimes are my oldest ones, they were a house warming gift from "no-one" in my previous home, which makes them about 20 years old. Roscoe seems happy enpugh with his repaired nose and I make sure to check both of them every year after the winter and add another coat of paint protection if it is needed.

  3. Another truly lovely selection. And yes, the twins are most certainly dancing.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. The girls do love music just as much as their daddy does.

  4. Clever chimes! Did the bacon end up in a little girl's tummy? Sweet sweet babies.

    1. Susan Kane; no bacon for the girls just yet, they're a bit young for that much salt.

  5. Replies
    1. Mike; definitely and perhaps other forms of dance too. If I am in a position to afford tap or ballet lessons I will certainly do so. If they want them, I won't push them into it.

  6. Hey there River...I don't know how you keep track of all your 'bibs
    " and "bobs". You have so many colourful, cheerful pieces around the place.

    The happy girls are here to make us happy once more. :)

    I hope you have a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...keep warm. :)

    1. Lee; there really aren't that many bits and bobs, my wind chimes total is only seven :)
      Lola is enjoying many cuddles lately, I think the colder weather has her feeling old and achy, she is almost 14, with her birthday being in July.
      The girls always make me happy.

  7. I'm fan of windchimes.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  8. They will need a big bacon breakfast after that dancing!

    1. Joanne; no bacon for them yet they are too young for that much salt and they only have four teeth each so far.

  9. Nice selections, and yes, those girls have some moves!

    1. messymimi; thank you. They do have rhythm don't they!

  10. Ooh! Such a festive "early birthday" party! Bacon, gifts, and dancing! Even if it didn't happen all on the same day, it's a party for us, seeing it in your photos.

    1. Val; the bacon breakfast was Mother's Day and the birthday gifts a few days later, but it fits together well doesn't it?

  11. Very cool chimes!
    Mine hangs inside, too, it´s superloud!

    Och. The poos sunflower! Glad I´m not superstitious for real, other I´d think Put#n might "push the button"!
    Hope Peanut let´s my wildflowers grow... Frustrating. Maybe we should use nets for protecting plants?
    Cute tractor. As Olga! Roscoe not looks a bit like the rednosed reindeer :-)
    Owww, the rabbit!
    Cute dancers :-)

    1. Iris; mine hangs inside so it doesn't get stolen, all the small ones are inside too. There will be other sunflowers and hopefully I will see blooms now we are not feeding the cockatoos anymore, they have moved on to different areas. Roscoe does look like Rudolph!
      The dancers are the best today I think.

    2. Luckily we have a balcony, but reckon the neighbors would tell me off if the chimes "ring" all the time. I take them outside when I sit there, though.
      Rudolph, right, the name was missing in my brain!
      To your dancers!

  12. Lovely selection R. The twins, made me smile with them giggling about to music :)

    1. Margaret D; thank you. They love music and are being exposed to all types.

  13. I like your windchime - it seems like it had a previous life as cutlery ;) the twins are adorablicious. Music in their bones.

    1. Charlotte; there are many examples of 'old cutlery' windchimes, they were quite popular for a while here, maybe not overseas though? The twins definitely have music in their bones, possible dance too since I have (or had) a relative on my mother's side in the Swedish Royal Ballet company.

    2. the dancing twins! I love it. And your garden is so intriguing.

    3. WWW; I visited them again today and there was more dancing.

  14. I love the video of them dancing. It seems so long ago for my two kiddos but it wasn't in the grand scheme of things. Your garden looks fascinating. I imagine gardening in your part of the world comes with some unique problems than I would face in Idaho.

    1. Mr Shife; I saw more dancing when I visited today. My garden is mostly succulents, Adelaide has hot dry weather most of the time and hard packed clay soil, my garden also has a half dozen plum trees so the area is choked with their roots as well, so the succulents (jades) are in the ground and everything else is in big pots.


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