Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by David M. Gascoigne and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. variable 2. looking 3. sometimes 4. quite 5. define 6. colourful 


1. tried 2. song 3. honest 4. mood 5. answer 6. favourite

also included in Charlotte's colour of the month May Green

Here is my story, continuing from last week (a little rushed as I have been out two days in a row and Lola is sticking to me like glue from anxiety) 

As she worked Theresa told a little more of what life was like in the village. “Most people are honest,” she began, “although some do try to hide themselves, they are usually either very shy or very fearful, the fearful ones often looking over their shoulders to see what comes behind, sometimes the shy ones turn out to be the most colourful, once they become accustomed to the surroundings and routines, there is really no way to define any one person since individual personalities are quite variable in mood depending on what has transpired to bring them here.”

“So should we be wary at all or just open and friendly to all?” said Gunther. “I would be open and friendly,” said Theresa, “but if someone turns away don’t take it personally, there are some who have been here only a few days and not yet comfortable here. Answers to questions may not be given for instance, but eventually people do open up.  We have found a favourite tried and true method of getting all together and involved is the song time held in the old library building.” “I like to sing,” Sven said. “Mother used to play a little violin and Victor and I would sing for father.”

“Olga would wear her best dress, a May green velvet with lace at the sleeves,” said Gunther, “and we would all sit around the fire. 


  1. This is lovely and I so hope that the prompts allow you to continue. I really admire those participants who can continue a tale.

  2. Elephant's Child; it isn't always easy to continue a story but sometimes the prompts fit in nicely.

  3. Honest is a great trait.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. Singing seems like a safe venture. Not much trouble to be gotten into. No awkward questions, no answers expected.

    1. Val; and music does tend to bring people together and then they start chatting and making friends.

  5. Oh, poor Lola!
    Dumb question, can´t you take her with you? I saw videos with cats joining on a leash like a dog...?

    LOL, Gunther is my Brazilian´s second name and since I saw him on teams I now have a face to this!
    It´s really Gunther, not Günter! And your character fits, too!

    This is how people should care about each other, very well told again!
    I might join you later (off to ESE soon).

    1. Iris; absolutely cannot take Lola with me. Leash training needs to be done from the very beginning and she is 14 years old. To take her I would have to catch her, wrestle her into the carrier and then on a bus, a train and another bus with her unhappy all the way, then once we get there I can't let her out of the carrier because she would run away, or maybe scratch the twins if they try to pat her.
      The name Gunther just popped into my head, I'd never used it before in any stories. I am hoping the village will remain peaceful with everyone working together.

    2. Oh. As you see I never had a cat, other I would´ve known this. The internet also shows cats can go - with a "cat device" on a human toilet. Reckon you somehow have to train them from baby-age, too.
      Also I wonder why do chimpanzees need diapers? They should be clever enough to use a toilet...
      Please keep Gunther and remember he is actually Brazilian, speaks also German and English and mostly takes life non-stressy! :-) He´s a bit chubby and I reckon around 50.

    3. My Gunther has German Swedish ancestry and isn't at all chubby, life is hard in future cities with no work, no money and little food.

  6. I admit that my moods are variable. Looking back, sometimes my days have seemed quite grey and though it is hard to define, other periods of my life have felt vibrant and colourful. I once tried to capture this changeability in a song but to be honest, my mood at the time I wrote it was rather low. I wouldn't even answer the telephone and my favourite activity was supping beer. I called the song "May Green" which reminded me of a Danish chick I used to date back in the seventies. It was the colour of her sports car.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; nicely done. I think most people have similar mood swings, some dependent on weather, some on what is happening in their world.

  7. It always takes time to get used to living in a new place. I'm enjoying this continuing story.

    1. messymimi; yes it does and it pays to ease in, not rush things. Thank you

  8. Continuing a story is not an easy task.

    1. Haddock; sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.


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