Sunday Selections # 638

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Last Wednesday I set off to visit "no-one" who is home on holidays and on the way to the bus stop,

I noticed this deep red in between the greens

this fiery orange/red

pencil pines that hadn't been this tall last autumn

and the lilies in the front corner garden of the complex which faces the main road (my corner faces a side street)

in the city new planter boxes have been placed around the trees on Currie Street

and at "no-one's" house I saw her miniature Christmas planter with a tiny succulent in it, she has two of these, the one behind has a tiny cactus.

an over-sized coffee mug with another succulent

and her jades are flowering

I planted these four pots myself several years ago and they didn't do very well to begin with but are making good progress now, the hope was they'd grow tall enough to shade that front window which faces west.

these three scarves were my Mother's Day gift, "no-one" taught herself to crochet via you tube and these first slightly wonky scarves were the result. The wonkiness doesn't show at all once they are around my neck and I love the colours she used. She is now working on a couch throw.

after me going out several days in a row, Lola is never more than two feet away from me and often much, much closer, right now as I type she is butted up against the laptop. 

On Thursday I visited at the twins home:

Here is Ana with the front half of the birthday train, the back half is a trailer that hooks onto it and has a seat to be sat on when their legs are long enough to reach the floor and scoot along. They have one each but only one train is unpacked until the weather is nicer so they can go outside with them.

here is Gen really enjoying her turn

and now, get ready to smile even wider:

Ana loves rubbing her face against Daddy's beard

Gen's first steps!! She even stops and waves goodbye as she goes 😀💖💖


  1. Well done, no-one:-) Your video clips made me grin - how lovely they are.

    1. jabblog; I'll tell her and thank you re: the twins, they really are a joy to watch.

  2. Lots of smiles today. Thank you. Lola obviously missed you badly while you were out.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Lola ignored me for years apart from sleeping with me, now she gets anxious if I am gone for longer than it takes to buy a newspaper. She will have to get used to it since the twins live so far away.

  3. Gen is a go getter- No stopping her now!! Sweet babies.

    1. Linda Sue; I think she will be walking without support by their birthday next week, Ana will follow soon after.

  4. Replies
    1. Mike; yes you do and a claret ash, maybe even a golden ash.

  5. One small step.... such progress the beautiful girls are making.

    I hope you have a lovely week ahead, River. My cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola who is looking very lovely. ("Red" arrived back on our screens late last Monday night. I recorded the episode and watched it the following day). Take good care. :)

    1. Lee; several small steps have been made lately, the girls are doing really well. Next week they turn one! I have seen ten episodes of Red so far and have two more to watch tonight. The first episode didn't really grab my attention, but it got better. I am glad this is the final season though.

  6. I love the colors on your maple. I'm in love but unfortunately it doesn't grow in our country. Love all the smiles and photos.

    1. Nasreen; welcome to drifting. I'm not sure it is a maple tree, there is a similar tree that grows here and I don't remember the name. The darker red, smaller tree is a Claret Ash. Thank you.

  7. There was much to see as you made your way to no-one's, much of it you would not have seen if you were driving a car. Oh dear, walking twins. Here comes trouble.

    1. Andrew; there are so many reasons to be glad I don't drive. Trouble indeed once both twins are walking, thankfully there are gates across the doorways to the kitchen and a screen is soon to be bought to put around the wood burning heater in their living room.

  8. Twin girls, on verge of walking and exploring, are such a great gift!

    1. Susan Kane; they are a gift and my son is so grateful, he was thinking he might never be a daddy.

  9. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you. Your post with kitty warming up to you made me happy too.

  10. The orange leaves make me ready for fall, my favorite season, and we're not even into summer yet! Ana looks like she might be ready for some mischief, and Ana looks like she's thrilled with her new walking skills. That's a nice scarf collection you have now. The one on the left looks particularly soft and fluffy. Your neck should never be cold again!

    1. Val; Ana is always up to mischief, she can open cupboard doors and is always looking for the nearest exit, she's a superfast escape artist on all fours. That's Gen with the new walking skills. My neck will be warm for years to come now.

  11. Beautiful colors - but... the planter boxes clearly need murals!
    I´ve seen some in Freo, soooo much more beautiful then!
    I banned Santa for Boofle for tea now :-)
    LOL. My brother got an oversized mug for his confirmation, black with flowers, he gave it to me (some people mistook his nordic male name for a German female one... poor boy, that, lucky me!
    Planted wildflower seeds - let´s see how that goes (Peanut!!).
    Great scarves... made with love :-) Mine is also handmade, by Ingo´s late Granma. It´s a treasure.
    Oh. I so feel with Lola. Maybe Ingo is right and as long as we travel around it´s not a good idea to have a cat. Or would it help to get another so they have each other? Another dumb no-cat-owner´s idea?
    She is so cute...
    What is it with trains all the time now that I work in railway? Never had that before! Tell Ana ALSTOM is a great company to work for later ;-)
    LOL to the beard scene! And to a polite waving, so sweet.

    1. Iris; the planter boxes are too new for mural I think, wait a few years and they'll have graffiti instead. I wonder what is your brother's name that it can be confused for a female's?
      Ingo is right, as long as you are travelling around a cat is not a good idea. They don't adjust to new places as easily as dogs and you can't take animals overseas withoput putting them in quarantine for several weeks on arrival. Leaving them home alone even with two of them is not kind either. I will let Ana eventually decide her own workplace. That's Gen waving goodbye as she walks away.

  12. Your autumn colours are beautiful and so are the scarves. Such a thoughtful gift.

    Those two little ones are a delight!

    1. messymimi; I love the scarves, they are so warm. The twins are always a delight. We don't get as much autumn colour as you do but we enjoy what we get.

  13. I feel the joy of this post. And those twins! Make me a little teary especially the daddy shot. I have many indoor plants having no garden outside now. I am devoted to them!

    1. WWW; Thank you. Happy tears I hope! I can't have indoor plants because of my hayfever, which is fine with me. I have plastic greenery in a few spots.

  14. I think the scarves came out well, wonkiness and all! Animals must be really perplexed when they see us working on computers. Olga hates my computer almost as much as she hates my camera.

    1. Steve Reed; they must wonder what we are doing tapping at the keys and loking at the screen for hours at a time. I love the scarves.

  15. All lovely pictures.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  16. Nature's fireworks are so pretty. I do not envy you autumn, as I love summer, but those colours!


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