Sunday Selections # 648

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us, just let us know in the comments and we will pop over and have a look.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Beginning today with a couple of photos I borrowed from a friend's camera:

close to the city in the Victoria Park area a wetlands has been created

this is a close-up of the rocky path cutting through the pond of the picture above

In the city now, waiting for a bus to go and visit the twins:

I noticed these tree roots had surfaced through the pebbled covering

I thought they looked quite pretty.

On the way home much later waiting for another bus, I saw this in Victoria Square, the writing reads "Beyond Greatness" and has something to do with a women's sporting team, I think "The Matildas" and they are a cricket team (the soccer team are called the Socceroos.)  I don't follow sports. 

window reflections which I may have shown before

Adelaide's Hilton Hotel, pretty fancy-schmany in it's first years but looking more like an apartment block now. Probably still very nice inside. Sammy Davis Jnr stayed here once and looked down at the Central Market next door and asked if he could walk around in there, he was told Yes and down he went and apparently had a lovely time seeing it all and NOT getting pestered by fans or paparazzi.

last Friday a package got delivered and I hadn't ordered anything, but the writing looked familiar and the postmark told me it was from my brother in WA.

Items inside were well protected with air bubbles and newspaper

five (new) old garden gnomes for me

these two little ones look quite tanned from many hours in the garden and they need a tiny repair each

the tiny ones just sit and watch

the biggest one has a battery compartment in the base and I suspect he might be my mum's old "fart" gnome, with batteries in and the button switched to "on" he has a sensor and when people walk past he "farts". 

Now to the twins:

Nanny, all my toast is on the floor!

I brought shoes for them and Gen had hers put on first so right away she grabbed the toes and pulled them off again

Ana kept hers on

they still prefer to crawl when they are in a hurry and that's what they did to get to the TV when they heard the Teletubbies, in the background is piles of clothes being sorted, they've outgrown so much!

Here is Genevieve getting the feel of the shoes and finding them acceptable💖😀


  1. That's a nice box of gnomes! The twins look twice as big as last week, so it's no wonder they've outgrown clothes. So cute in their dresses. Imagine what it will be like when you can have actual conversations with them! I'm sure they will be full of questions.

    1. Val; I'm waiting for them to begin proper talking but not ata ll sure I can answer a million questions a day.

  2. Hi River....the Matildas are the Aussie women's football/soccer team. I don't follow them...and am sick of all the hype that's going on non-stop at the moment...but, that's just's very popular with many others, of course...and each to their own.

    Such a delight it must be for you when you visit the beautiful little ladies. :)

    Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...have a good week ahead...take care.

    1. Lee; thank you, so who are the Socceroos I wonder? another team? Not important to me anyway.
      I LOVE visiting the little ladies. Lola gets plenty of cuddles.

  3. Like you I don't follow sport. Love the reflections, and worry about trees whose roots are embedded in concrete. And of course the twins are GORGEOUS. And growing at a rate of knots.

    1. The gnomes are fun too. Sorry, I was too quick to hit publish.

    2. Elephant's Child; I found your addendum in spam, good thing I check each morning. Two of the gnomes need a minor fixing which I will do later today or perhaps tomorrow after I get home from the dentist.
      I worry about the trees too, but they have been there as long as I can remember and seem to be okay.
      The girls are growing in leaps and bounds. There are piles and piles of outgrown clothes.

  4. It seems your brother knows his sister well.

    1. Mike; I think perhaps my brother is redesigning his own garden and no longer wants them. now of course I have to find places for them, but not in my garden where they might get stolen. I shall have to rearrange things inside the back porch.

  5. Priceless. Gen likes those shoes, that's for sure.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I was surprised she knew how to get them off so quickly, but once they were back on she had a bit of fun getting to know the feeling, watching them stand and step in shoes was interesting, they kept staring at their feet at first.

  6. The wetlands looks good. It was probably made where once there was a swamp.
    The Hilton Hotels, like our own, look very dated now. But you are probably right about the interior.
    Restore the fart gnome. What fun.
    The household doesn't have a resident dog to clear up twin spillages and dropped food?

    1. Andrew; no resident dog, they simply can't afford one, the twins have three older brothers who all need school clothes and shoes.
      I'll never know about the Hilton interior unless I book a room there one day. i may put batteries in the fart gnome just to see if he actually is the fart gnome, but not keep them in as I think it would be annoying.

  7. The kiddos are cutie pies. Love the rock walkway.

    1. The Happy Whisk; thank you, they are cute, even the older brothers don't mind helping with them. That might change when they start getting into their stuff. I like the rock walkway too and wonder if people are allowed to walk across or if it is just for show.

  8. I like your header photo R.
    Loved the video, wondering about those shoes that make a noise. Their high chairs are looking great too.
    The gnomes arrived safe and sound a lovely surprise for you..
    That is interesting the tree roots showing but that' to be expected and I guess in time those same roots will uproot the pavement.
    Must be so wonderful for singer to be able to walk in a crowd of people big or small and not be noticed.

    1. Margaret D; these shoes have soft non-slip soles so make very little noise. The high chairs are adjustable, the whole tray arrangement can be removed for when they are big enough to sit at the table, then the legs can be adjusted so they just have their own short chairs for tv watching. They'll be good for at least the next four years.
      I imagine Sammy Davis Jnr did get noticed, but not mobbed by fans wanting autographs or photos. Back in the 1980s I think that was.

  9. Matildas and Socceroos, LOL, a bit like Bavaria and Lederhosen ;-)
    I don´t follow sports (soccer), either. You can imagine I had a hard time yesterday on the way back from the wedding and the radio station with the best traffic service talked about nothing else than the women soccer-team losing in Australia.
    To Brothers!!! What a very nice gesture! Oh, please I´d like to hear the farting one!
    Interesting how different the twins react on the shoes.

    1. Iris; it was interesting watching the girls with the shoes. I sent my brother a photo to let him know the gnomes had arrived safely. I'm not sure how to capture the farting sound, I'd have to video it when something walks past the gnome, it doesn't just fart for no reason.
      Sports are boring for those who don't follow.

    2. The people´s reactions on the gnome must be as funny :-)

  10. The gnomes are cute - what a thoughtful brother. Toddlers find shoes are just fascinating. I smiled to see Genevieve crawling with them on. The transition to full-time walking takes a while :-)

    1. jabblog; I like the gnomes too and now have to find places to put them. The transition des take a while, they know they can get everywhere faster on all fours still.

  11. A farting gnome, i'm sure everyone who comes through the garden has a laugh at that.

    I like your selections, the tree roots especially.

    The girls are so precious, they'll get used to shoes sooner or later.

    1. messymimi; the gnome hasn't farted for many years now, he was my mum's and lived in her garden. I can't put him in mine as there are no fences and he would be stolen quickly. The girls will get used to shoes very quickly, they'll be outside as the weather warms up.

  12. Twins are sure growing.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  13. A farting gnome! What will people think of next?! LOL

    1. Steve Reed; he was my mother's and she died 19 years ago now, so he isn't new but back then a lot of things were "farting". Mum also had a battery operated "manikin"

  14. What a sweet thing your brother did there. I can imagine that farting gnome -- I have a hooting owl -- You live in a beautiful place, even it it's a town, I like the wetlands and the stepping stones. The twins are just adorable :D

    1. Charlotte: I have discovered the gnome does not fart but instead "wolf whistles" as workmen used to whistle at young ladies passing by. I saw the twins again today, they are learning things so fast!

  15. Lovely photographs. The twins are adorable! As for the football, England is still in contention so I have been watching it intermittently. Next game on Saturday v Colombia.

    1. AMKT; thank you, I think they are adorable too. I don't follow any sports at all.


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