Sunday Selections #649


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

I put this here in case anyone wants to know just how old their pet is, I picked it up in the vet waiting room several years ago.

Found this in Woolies and thought I'd give it a try, it is yummy!

the very nice lamps in the dentist waiting room, I'd love to have these in my home.

the two small gnomes that needed minor repairs have markings on the backs and a number, this one is 938

and this is 937, from Heissner, West Germany. I don't know if that is a place or the maker.

Lola sleeping between my feet as I watched Lucifer (via usb) on TV

I pass this planter box on my way to and from the dentist and was happy to see the aeoniums flowering

the middle of the box has a few Black Prince amongst the greens and the end of the box has jade (crassula) which is also flowering.

blue sky and clouds taken from the bus stop on my way to see the twins, see the yellow at top right?

the wattle tree is in full bloom 😀

on the way home from the girls house, "no-one" and I spotted this fence painted to look like  a shelf of books and in front, a small community library swap box

my volunteer sunflower is finally opened and we know they usually turn to face the sun and follow it across the sky

but mine is being contrary and faces my front door instead

a caribbean lily bloom is beginning in the pot by the steps, the other pot which bloomed last year still has only leaves.

my crassula "lady fingers" is covered in spider webs and if you look closer

there is a bee caught in there, I hope she died quickly and didn't struggle too much

ignore this copycat picture

Savoire Faire? oh yes, I has it - Genevieve has learned to climb up onto the couch, Anastasia has too.

taken by "no-one" here is Ana watching Gen, then she picked up Gen's hand and I thought she was going to just hold hands,

but instead she brought Gen's fingers to her mouth...and bit them! Oh the screaming! Which didn't last long. Some cuddles from mum helped.

Anastasia playing hide and seek under a blanket

with Genevieve

Ana loves playing with bags

Turn on your sound for this one, it's Gen


  1. Lovely selection of photos, as usual. The pet age chart is very helpful.
    Some people are so talented - the 'book shelf' fence is delightful.
    The winner, of course, is the video of Gen playing peekaboo. Just listening to a baby giggle makes me smile over and over again.

    1. jabblog; thank you, my favourite is the girls playing peek-a-boo too.

  2. I am loving the things blooming in your part of the world. And the twins. And am still smiling after listening to Gen giggle.

    1. Elephant's Child; a laughing baby is the best sound in the world.

  3. It's been a while since I've seen the "real" pet age info. I'll have to print it out and post it on the fridge. It's way to much to remember than is 7 times years.

    1. Mike; it's handy for sure and only 7 times for the largest breeds of dogs. Smaller dogs age slower.

  4. Great collection of photos. Love Lola!

  5. I really like all the blossoms, and those babies are most precious. That giggle is the best!

    1. messymimi; I like the blossoms too, but the babies laughing is always the best sound.

  6. Well, our cancer-sick dog sure was older than I thought.
    I was too young to ask Mum to let her go. I feel still bad about it. She, her name was Inka, was so much in pain she was highly aggressive.
    Only Mum could get near.
    I wanted a cat btw.

    Garlic, gaaaa...Ew to me, I am sorry. The smell makes me gag. I do know it´s healthy, though!!! And it might keep vampires away, oh, wait,... I cannot take the sun, hate garlic.. my teeth look normal, though ;-)

    Dentist. Ingo went. She asked him when I will show up. HELP.

    West Germany, LOL. Bro has binoculars that have "West Germany" as hint, too.
    Wonder how long this will stay in our minds?
    Will have to ask the Nieces maybe.
    I sure have too many memories to forget about that darn "wall". And now with Put#n on his way... are we safe here? To freedom. My sunflower is giving up, hope Ukraine keeps fighting ... and "winning" (who can win what now?)

    Lucifer and sleeping, LOL(a).

    Do you have to keep mentioning that dentist? Do I want to read on? Heck, yes, I´ll see her .. before I go to Perth OK? So nothing can happen there...
    (My plan).

    Beautiful planter boxes - like in Freo! Great fence, too!
    To (Sun-)flowers.

    What a pic! You have a princess there!!! She sure knows how to live the life! :-)
    And I truly thought: Twins. Easy, they play with each other, not much time needed.
    I was wrong.
    Cute they are anyways :-) Have a happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; go to the dentist, anything small that needs fixing should be done before the problem gets big and painful. If you are lucky, you have nothing wrong.
      I worry about Putin and his war too, I hate thinking that he really wants all of Europe for himself. To be part of Russia is unthinkable.
      The twins do play with each other and separately too, the finger biting was only once, (except the week before when Ana bit my finger) and their mum keeps close watch now. The best part is they know when they are tired and ask for a bottle and bed, then they sleep for a couple of hours. And they sleep well all night too.

  7. Ana and Gen are so cute! I didn't expect that Ana took Gen's hand and bit it....I guess they put everything into the mouth..that's probably how the babies explore the unknown world. I just made an aioli with 20 garlic cloves :-) Garlic rules!

    1. Angie's Recipes; welcome to drifting and thank you. We didn't expect the biting either, but now we know to keep watch. They do put most things in their mouths, it's all part of the learning process. Garlic does rule here for sure, but there's no way I'm making my own aioli.

  8. According to the chart, Olga is 80-ish, which is about what I would have guessed. The garlic aoli sounds good.

    Here's a Flickr page dedicated to Heissner garden gnomes. Apparently the older ones (like yours, marked "West Germany") may have some collectible value. If you click the "show more" button on the page you'll get a whole history of Heissner.

    1. Steve Reed; wow, Olga is quite old, she's doing very well at that age. Thank you for the gnome information, I'll check that a bit later. My gnomes are quite weathered so probably not worth much but the history will be interesting to read.

    2. Steve, that was interesting to read and the pictured gnomes are all so pretty!

  9. Garlic aioli is indeed tasty! I mix it with mustard to dip chicken fingers in. My little Jack is middle-aged! That makes him 47 in dog years. I love that book shelf fence. Maybe Ana was just trying to see how Gen would react if bitten. Knowledge to store away for future interactions!

    1. Val; I'm not a big fan of mustard though I do like it on hotdogs. My Lola is 72 in cat years, older than me! I like the bookshelf fence too and if I had a fence I might copy that idea, but with children's books of fairies and dragons. I don't think Ana would think about reactions, she got a shock when Gen screamed and then they were both crying. I think from this Gen will learn to pull her fingers away.

  10. Wonderful to hear little ones giggling, your video was much appreciated River.
    A lot of cobwebs on the plant, spiders having a good time.

    1. Margaret D; it's one of the best sounds in the world isn't it? i don't mind the spiders and the webs as long as they stay outside.

  11. Wattle and those twins in one post :D Thanks Baby gigles are the best, and I miss it.

    1. Charlotte; I love baby giggles too and the sight of wattle trees blooming.

  12. Replies
    1. Tomichan Matheikal; welcome to drifting. Gen got over it fairly quickly, as babies do.


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