Sunday Selections #651

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Beginning with things I saw on my way to the dentist (yes, again the dentist and I'm going next Wednesday too)

this moreton bay fig tree by the footpath in the grounds of Fullarton Park

this blank spot is supposed to be a hollow log

this is the other end of the hollow log, these were left to return to the earth as nature intended after being cut from a dying (?) tree years ago

another hollow log

this sign is close to the house and near the driveway and I don't remember what it says.

this is the original house which is now used for several things, a small library, a small art gallery and rooms for community things, like "Fit after Fifty" classes, Tai Chi classes and so on.

On the porch is where you'll find stalls selling secondhand books when the Farmer's Market is happening on the third Saturday of the month unless the weather is too bad.

part of the driveway where other market stalls are set up, all secondhand stuff and garden things

this section usually has stalls with clothing and jewellery

the lawned area has a few tables and seats and many stalls selling foods and hot drinks (no alcohol)

between Fullarton Park and my dentist is the Purple Pooch dog grooming shop.

on my way home now, this huge stand of cabbage trees (?) always catches my eye

there are so many! the front yard is completely filled with them and they have been there for many years.

I like this little gnome and sign letting the meter man know where the water meter is

a neat picket fence with a spring blossoming tree behind it

a very nice wrought iron and stone work fence with matching gates in these ^ two pictures

freesias are blooming and nodding in the breeze

a purple iris fluttering like a flag

and jasmine is everywhere! it's so pretty and I hate it because the very heady scent causes migraines for me so I can't go walking around the block for a few months, and it isn't just in my area 😧

I noticed the clouds had gotten much darker and the wind was cooler while I was walking

so I was glad to be close to home.

I don't have new pictures of the twins this week, but as soon as I get some I will share them with you.


  1. The fig tree is enormous and I suppose it's very old. I like the hollow log being left to return to the soil.

    1. jabblog; the fig tree is medium sized compared to the really old ones in Botanic Park. There are plenty of hollow logs in Fullarton Park, kids and sometimes adults sit or play on them.

  2. Can you please...
    Ingo goes to the dentist on Monday and will make an appointment for me. Helllllp!!!
    She promised (to Ingo) she will have but a look. Do I trust her????
    The log looks like it pukes... but with a laugh! OR!!!! it just came on TV again (I didn´t watch) - that white dragon from The Never Ending Story!!!
    The house looks great. Great idea with market stalls.
    I never heard of cabbage trees. Funny thought thinking of our cabbages.
    I don´t know the name of the trees we saw traveling your great country, we called them "broccoli-trees".
    Found Henry on a fence (pic to come). Haha, that fluttering flower. Quite strong with those thin leaves! (Guess what I got for my parents... pic to come).
    Sorry for the migraines, I can relate (from the past).
    Not even 08:00 pm Saturday here.
    I think I got a cabin in Madeley, yippee!! (I "think"!)

    1. Iris; of course you can trust her, a first visit is always just examination, then if anything needs fixing she will tell you and you make the decisions and the appointments if you need them. The log does look like it is puking. I love The Never-Ending Story.
      The old house does look great, but inside the floors are creaky and a bit wobbly, they keep up the maintenance though, so it should last a long while yet.
      I'm not sure if those are cabbage trees, they may be something different, but I agree it is a funny name.
      I haven't had a migraine yet, I am staying inside as much as possible, but I think Lola has one, she is hiding under the bed where it is dark and quiet. She will be fine in a couple of days.
      Hooray for a cabin!

    2. Acupuncture did help me out of Migraine in 1994. No idea if that works for cats, too?
      I have the cabin!!! That dude works on Sundays!
      I still have to ask Ingo to make 100% sure when we are where in Adelaide. Ack, it´s soooo long still (a long time to look forward to something special - not that bad).

    3. Iris; acupuncture is too expensive and Lola would claw the skin off me if I tried to take her for that. She is fine now anyway, eating and drinking normally, not hiding under the bed anymore.

  3. What a delightful walk. I am sorry about the migraines though. Jasmine is VERY penetrating. I hope the dentist visit went well - and that next week's visit does too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I haven't yet had any migraines, I am staying inside as much as possible and can't smell the jasmine from my yard, it's around the corner in a side street. All dentist visits are easy now, just measurements and fittings for a new denture now that the gums have finished shrinking. The temporary denture no longer fits well. The cost will be the hardest part, but I have saved for it, so that's okay.

  4. Good morning, River. Thanks for taking me along with you on your walk. I hope you the coming week treats you well....cuddles from me to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Lola needs cuddles this week, she is back to hiding under the bed, not eating or drinking, she will be better in a couple of days if early patterns are any indication. I enjoy the walk to and from the dentist it's only twenty minutes each way.

    2. I hope Lola is okay, the dear little virtual cuddles are with her always.

    3. Lee; Lola is fine again now. Eating and drinking normally, watching TV with me.

  5. Lovely photos, River. Being a dumb American, I was expecting to see wild animals in all of the shots because that is all I ever see when we watch a show about folks in Australia. And I was kidding, of course. I don't know how well my sarcasm comes across in comments.

    1. Mr. Shife; I am too close to the city for wild animals, though we do see a koala now and again. Most wild animals are in the outback and we don't have all that many, mostly kangaroos and dingos, snakes and lizards. Wallabies and Wombats too, but in different states and areas. Koalas need gum trees because they eat the leaves, so they stay in hilly wooded areas for those. Wildlife Parks which are similar to zoos have more animals.

  6. You do have an interesting walk to the dentist to distract from what might be at hand.
    Jasmine does not affect me beyond I just really don't like the smell/stink.

    1. Andrew; I like walking to and from the dentist it is only twenty minutes each way and there is nothing painful going on there anymore, just measuring and fittings to get the new denture just right. The temporary one no longer fits now the gums have finished shrinking. I like the look of jasminus polyanthus, that's the one with the pinkish stems to each flower, and the smell is quite sweet, but very "heady" which means of course that it fills the head and that is what causes my headaches, along with the heady perfumes that some people wear on the buses in winter, all the musk based ones and patchouli. Star Jasmine doesn't bother me that way, the flowers have a light aniseed fragrance in the evenings, but when they get older the smell is more like tomcat pee.

  7. Great walking roads. How lovely, I like the purple "iris". It reminds me of home at the end of spring.

    1. Susan Kane; it's my suburb and the next one up, not too close to the city, but not too far out either. I like the colour of the iris.

  8. I enjoyed your pictures, and am very sorry you can't enjoy the jasmine. It's one of my favorites. Thank you for taking us on your walk.

    1. messymimi; I'm glad you enjoyed them. I don't mind about the jasmine, there are plenty of other plants that I do enjoy.

  9. Maybe at some point you will see a (leashed) dog coming out of the dog-grooming place. If they're like my childhood miniature poodle, they will be quite pleased with themselves, and prance along in all their glory. My fluffy, curly, cuddly black Buster turned into a svelte, proud, standoffish royal, clicking his toenails on the kitchen floor, parading his ribboned ears and perfumed hair around house.

    1. Val; that would be smething to see and maybe get a photo of.

  10. Nice shots R. Hope you get on ok at the dentist.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. The dentist is easy these days, just fittings for a new denture. The cost is the hardest part.

  11. I like the hollow log! Hope the dentist goes well.

    1. Jenn Jilks; I like the hollow logs too, fun for kids, and homes for tiny critters. The dentist is no trouble now, just fittings for a new denture.

  12. The original house was created in a time of delightful domestic architecture. Luckily it is now used for a library, an art gallery etc and should be kept in top class condition. I am not sure if the condition would be as protected if crowded activities take place on the porch.

    1. Hels; it is a delightful old place, with creaky old wooden floors and lots of character. I don't think it is in top class condition, but I am pleased it is being used and not just left empty.

  13. Never heard of cabbage trees.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora; they are uniquely Australian I think. I could be wrong.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Interesting neighbourhood, those cabbage trees looks like they have filled up the garden and are about to make it crack open to spread out ;)
    I like that those logs are left to return to nature where they are. And I agree with Iris Flavia that it looks a bit like the dragon from the Never Ending Story (which I loved as a book, but not as a movie)
    Sorry about the deleted comment, it was meant for ECs blog :( Old half blind MotherOwl commenting before the morning coffee break is not a good idea.

    1. Charlotte; those cabbage trees certainly make an impenetrable fence, maybe that was the reason for so many. I think they are full grown and won't spread any further. I liked the book and the movie. Usually books are better because you see the story in your imagination ad see things differently than a movie producer.

  16. Thanks for the walk River and I hope all goes well dental wise. I love that building with the library and its porch. And those sales sound interesting.

    1. WWW; I'm finally finished with the dentist, have a new denture now and don't need to go back for six months. I love the old building too, but haven't been to the Farmer's Market for several months now, it's been too cold.


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