Sunday selections # 650


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Starting today with a couple of older photos from 2014

Me holding a koala at the Cleland Wildlife Park, these koalas are carefully chosen and well fed before the "holding time", I was surprised by just how heavy he was!

still in the park, I climbed up onto this turtle statue just for laughs, I'm a lot fatter now but could probably still manage it, I'm reasonably agile.

Back to the future present now:

the buds on the caribbean lily have begun to open

in a different section, someone has placed a capsicum fairy house in the agapanthus leaves

last weekend I set my washing machine to the hottest setting

chose a long wash program (2)

then had my sheets spinning in the clothes dryer, for those three hours my house was warm as toast and the sheets almost smelled as good as line dried. 

roof repairs happening on a house nearby

with all the proper safety scaffolding in place.

a fancy box of birthday chocolates from a neighbour, each one comes with a little message like a fortune cookie

and a fold out card from "no-one"

with flowers and butterflies.

Blogger friend Mary showed us her Christmas stars which she keeps up and plugged in all year round

and that reminded me of mine, which are battery operated so not turned on all the time

I put these up the first Christmas I was here, so twelve years ago now

and they are a little hard to see

with everything else added to those bookshelves over the years.

Ana has a new skill, cot climbing! 

and this is Gen, on my computer this is sideways, so if it loads that way just turn your  monitors, okay?

She is learning to count.


  1. Another delightful selection. I envy your agility. And am pleased that other people are putting pretty things (as well as plants) in the garden. I hope the capsicum fairy house stays.

    1. Elephant's Child; I hope the capsicum house stays too, maybe I can make little displays in my own garden again. I have so much packed away since a few things got stolen. I'll see what happens when Spring rolls around again.

  2. The scaffolding for the roof looks like overkill. The roof pitch isn't that steep. I don't think I've ever seen roofers around here use it. Is that an AU thing to do?

    1. Mike; yes it's an AU thing, workplace health and safety are big issues here. Companies who don't follow the rules can be heavily fined.

  3. Godd morning, River. I love koalas, such beautiful creatures they are. I was fortunate to get up close and personal to one when I lived on Newry Island. They were members of my island family. And, boy...they do grunt loudly letting you know they"re around and about.

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly....cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; I like koalas too, but don't think I ever want to hold one again, they are very heavy and the claws are lethal. It was a good experience though. Lola gets plenty of cuddles, mostly in the evenings.

  4. The fairy house is great.
    It's a nice kindness from your neighbour and the card is so nice.
    Ana remained upright, thankfully.

    1. Andrew; I hope the fairy house stays, if it is still there by spring/summer, I might be tempted to put some of my own back into my part of the garden. I think Ana was helped down before she fell, probably got shown how to lower one leg to the floor then the other.

  5. I've held a joey, but never a koala. Isn't it fun to sometimes pretend to be a kid again and climb things like that?

    Your birthday card and chocolates are beautiful and I wish you many happy returns of the day.

    Those shelves must bring you much joy.

    The girls are a delight, as always.

    1. messymimi; I have always liked to climb, my older son was a climber also and now Ana&Gen are climbing, mostly on and off the couch. Thank you for the birthday wishes, I don't feel at all old though, until I sprain something like my shoulder which happened about ten days ago and is alomst 100% better now.
      The shelves do bring me joy except on dusting day.

    2. I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder, I am praying it finishes healing up quickly.

  6. I love your flower/butterfly card. The twins already counting and cot-climbing! As for the scaffolding, I've never seen such an elaborate set-up. Around here, a ladder is leaned against the house, and the roofers climb up and traipse around on top. An "apprentice," meaning someone they've paid a few dollars to, and sometimes underage, carries bundles of shingles up the ladder on his shoulder. It's a dicey business, often done for untraceable cash. Hard and dangerous work done with shortcuts, but the result is usually good. Not saying that's right. In the city, there are probably more regulations and chances of being caught for violating safety rules.

    1. Val; I love the card too, "no-one" is a master card-chooser, she always seems to get just the right thing for each person. The scaffolding is following Australian workplace health and safety rules, far preferable in my opinion, to a ladder leaned against a house and workers walking on the roof. I know if any of the workers were my sons I'd feel happier knowing safety regulations were being followed.
      The twins are very clever, they get talked to and read to by their parents and by the older brothers, so there's plenty of stimulation besides the TV.

  7. A great selection of variety R. Love the butterfly card and learning how to climb, that's children for you...I've been told by mums the child stacked chair after chair on top of each other to climb to the very top of a cupboard to get a bottle of something like turpentine and drink it from the top of those chairs, then poor mum brings the said child into the hospital casualty all flustered and worried regarding their child. Let's hope you grandchildren are not like that..
    All your decorations are ever so cute too.

    1. Margaret D; I think the twins will be watched more closely. Thank you, I like my "stuff" too.

  8. A lovely and varied selection. Health and safety is stringent here, too. It's a bit over the top sometimes but necessary for everyone's good.
    The Caribbean lily looks so pretty and your birthday card - Happy birthday to you! - is delightful.
    The twins are entering the bumps and bruises phase, I see. It's an essential rite of passage.

    1. jabblog; thank you. Health and safety is so important in workplaces, in past years we have had construction sites close down because the regulations were not being taken seriously.
      The twins are into the bumps and bruises stage, one has bitten her tongue after a fall. I hope they come through this stage safely.

  9. Koalas are the most beautiful animals in the world, but they are suffering these days from deforestation and from bush fires. However in the 2014 photo above, the koala looks VERY well fed :)

    1. Hels; welcome to drifting. That koala certainly felt well fed, he was one of the older ones and quite used to being held. They had a two hour window for holding times and people would line up and I think there were three koalas taking turns so they didn't get cranky. I've heard about the deforestation, mostly from bush fires, but other sources too. I hope we manage to grow enough new trees for the koalas.

  10. I just gently touched a Koala (and remember this pic of yours :-)...) Never thought they are heavy!
    Thank you for reminding me. I quit training due to tiredness last week and now it´s finally warming up - what better excuse to still better sit on the balcony!
    Do I eat less, no! I enjoy a cool beer instead - well, we need to live the life!!!

    Thank you, the movie yells "watch me!!! It´s nearly Perth-weather soon!"
    (We saw Back to The Future II Christmas 2006 in Landsdale/Perth in the caravan-park/cabin.
    I ... long story, vegemite involved!)

    The capsicum fairy house is very cute! When do you say capsicum and when pepper? You mean the confusing same, is it Aussie/American/British? Who uses what?

    Wow, you have a dryer. Ingo´s went to the floods in 2008.
    Ever since it´s the space behind my back (because I am too lazy to use the balcony for both, clothes and myself).

    Oh, it was your Birthday? I had no idea, what a great pressie and happy happy belated Birthday-Wishes from here!
    That card is wonderful, too (reckon you "celebrate" as happily as I do. I stopped it at age 14).

    "My" (Ingo does not care) Christmas-stuff is out all year long, also.

    No yoga, Gen is upright, counting, very cute!
    To a great Sunday!

    1. Iris; Australians say capsicum and Americans say pepper or sweet pepper, since they aren't hot like chillies. I have had a dryer since my babies were in nappies, they weren't disposable ones back then, but towelling cloth that needed to be washed and dried every day, easy in summer, but the dryer was needed for the winter.
      Thank you for the birthday wishes, I don't celebrate anymore, but I am happy to get cards and messages from my kids.
      I don't have any other Christmas stuff out, just those stars, everything else is packed away since 2015.
      The koala was an older full grown male, much heavier than I expected and I was glad to hand him back.

    2. River, I still don´t get it. "Sweet" peppers is just crazy! ;-)
      Nappies. Ingo wore those, too. And he (as I) were potty-trained at age 1 1/2. These days kids still wear disposable ones in the first years (!!!) of school, I heard!
      Niece even at age 5!
      I´ll remember the "time-range" of your Birthday :-) And still need to find out when we are where in Adelaide! I have not forgotten!!!
      Big task this week: Try to get the cabin (it´s so darn difficult with the management in Madeley).

      "Glad to hand him back", LOL.
      "LOL"? Us old folks are not as cute as the young ones ;-)
      Counts, too, for my Niece. A difficult 13 today and I am supposed (and will) call.

      I´ll stick to "pepper" (cause it´s easier to write) and let people guess. We say Paprika.
      Have a great start to the week. Already 21C, climbing - likely no sport today :-)

    3. "Sweet" because they are not hot and can easily be eaten raw or in salads or used on pizza. "Hot" peppers are chillies, jalapenos etc.
      My children were potty-trained by 1 1/2or 2 years, I have never heard of children going to school in nappies. I do know there are mentally challenged or autistic children who don't learn to use the toilet until they are older, sometimes much older, possibly some can be in regular schools, but I haven't known any.
      I know Paprika as a powder, we can get "sweet or hot".

  11. I love the Caribbean lily, and the fold-out card is really beautiful!

  12. You have an lovely smile.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  13. The twins are amazing and it is clear Gen knows two comes after one.

    1. Granny Annie; she now knows two, three and four as well. this will come in handy when she is learning to count items.

  14. You look a bit overwhelmed, but very sweet in that koala photo. I never saw one, but hope to one day. Happy birthday! I hope the sun shone on you.

    1. Charlotte; probably just surprised at how heavy he was and how big. Also it was a hot day. Thank you.


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