Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Messymimi and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. abuse 2. pardon 3. posture 4. guideline 5. gavel 6. evening


1. drive me nuts 2. beating around the bush 3. high and dry

also including Charlotte's colour of the month which is bright luminous red (or neon red)

Here is my story:

Khoral settled into an empty seat as the women began gossiping about what they had seen and where they might stop for tea and cakes on the way home. A small quarrel broke out as Gertie berated Jenny for wandering off. “it’s an abuse of the system,” she declared. “If this nice young man hadn’t found you we would not have been allowed to continue our weekly trips.”

 Missy said, ”she’s right Jenny, the guideline clearly states we must all stay together.” “You are right of course,” said Jenny and I do beg your pardon for wandering off.” “Just don’t let it happen again!” said Gertie sternly. “Don’t you get to banging your gavel Gertie,” said Missy, “you’re no longer a People’s Court Judge.”

They soon arrived at a small town and the driver, Stanley, stopped quite near to the small park which had picnic tables and a café off to one side. “Everybody out,” he said, “and start ordering your afternoon teas while I duck over to the pharmacy for some antiseptic wipes. If one of you could order me a strong black coffee and a sausage roll I’d be grateful.” “I can do that,” said Gertie and set off towards the café. Marie watched Stanley and sighed, "he has such excellent posture, I wish I could stand so straight still."

Khoral and the ladies followed Gertie and soon were choosing between sweet and savoury items from the menu. Most of them chose sweet cakes, knowing they would get a substantial evening meal soon after arriving home, but Khoral chose a more hearty snack, a large sandwich with ham and cheese and salad and also a roast beef sandwich to take home for his own evening meal.  He came out to the picnic area to hear a lot of whispering and Sandra saying, “for heaven’s sake Betty! You are going to drive me nuts! Stop beating around the bush with all the hints and just tell us!” Betty spied Khoral and blushed  a bright luminous red. “They say he’s an alien!” she blurted out and all heads turned towards Khoral.

“It’s true,” he said and told them the story of seeing his planet explode, losing his family and how he came to be living at the Lighthouse. “Without the help of my friend Eric and then Old Pete giving up the Lighthouse to live in a smaller place, I would have been left high and dry, as they say. I am very grateful to have found such a wonderful place and all the friends I have made there. I would be happy if you all came to Lighthouse Village on one of your outings, perhaps on one of the Farmers Market days, we have them twice a month in summertime, always on a Saturday.”


  1. Like many of your other readers I do love to see another Khoral story. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; Khoral is an easy character to work with, he fits into lots of stories.

  2. Abuse is not something that can be forgiven with a legal pardon. Often that is just a posture following an archaic legal guideline that ends with the banging of a gavel.

    When I was a judge, every weekday evening I would review the next day's cases. The unfairness used to drive me nuts and as beating around the bush is not in my character, I will just say that victims of this hideous treatment are often left high and dry without a leg left to stand on. The injustice of it all should shine out from the rooftops in neon red.

    1. Injustice should be highlighted, abuse have a spotlight shining right in its face. Excellent use of the prompts, and please feel free, if you ever want, to come post your story on my WfW post as well.

    2. Yorkshire Pudding; excellent use of mimi's prompts and true too.

  3. I'm glad he simply deals with such things directly, short-circuiting the gossip.

    1. messymimi; Khoral does like telling people his story so there is no misunderstanding or false gossip. In the beginning, he did try to keep it quiet so people weren't afraid of him.

  4. The first"word" made me smile already.
    Love that there are sweet and savoury items. A former friend once brought sweet and... Pizza-muffins to work for her Birthday.
    The Pizza-ones were actually for me, and I even managed to get one as everybody loved them!
    Great turn that Khoral admits and invites. Clever, honest move, I can identify.

    Just how do you come up with such clever, wonderful, heart-warming stories?
    Thank you for a big morning-smile :-)

    1. Iris; thank you. I do like Khoral, but I really have no idea how I come up with the stories. a word might suggest a sentence or a place and it just flows from there.

  5. As always you found great use of the prompts. Love your stories.

  6. Khoral sounds like a hospitable friend. I hope the ladies accept his invitation.

    1. jabblog; I'm pretty sure they will and they might bring others eventually.

  7. Khoral has a new audience that can use his wisdom!

    1. Val; Khoral gains an audience everywhere he goes, he's a story-teller as well as a musician/artist/party planner.

  8. How did Khoral Kai end up in an old ladies' outing? It is a nice story well written, and like so many other I'm happy about getting a story about him again, but still I can't stop wondering.

    1. Charlotte; from the story a couple of weeks ago; Khoral was out riding his bicycle and walking too, when he came upon the bus with the women frantically calling for "Jenny" who had wandered away and he found her and brought her back to the bus.

    2. Ohh, I missed that one. And I so love your Khoral Kai stories, Thank for pointing me there!


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