
 I have a cold. 

I never get colds! 

Can't claim that anymore 😢

It's a chesty cold with much coughing that began yesterday morning, so off I went this morning to the supermarket for some cough syrup labelled "mucus cough + cold. 

10ml every four hours. 

The label says it helps to clear mucus from the chest, well it certainly is doing that and helping with the runny nose too.

We suspect I got it from the twins who already had mild symptoms when I spent several hours with them last Saturday. "no-one" was there too and she is also coughing now. The twins began coughing on Sunday and aren't getting much sleep in their misery. 

I imagine their tiny throats are as sore as mine 😢😢


  1. Oh dear me R. I hope you are soon better.

  2. I hear you, sister.
    At school only the students with the weakest health got colds and flu, and had to get a parent's note excusing them from sport. For the rest of my life I have continued assuming that while real diseases continued, colds and flu only attacked the weak.
    Even in the last few years, flu vaccines were not as vital as covid etc.
    Now in my 70s, I might change my mind *mucus cough*

    1. Hels; so much mucus! And when I lie down, breathing out becomes difficult. Though not every time.

  3. I am so sorry. Colds make a person feel truly miserable and I hope you recover quickly. V quickly.

    1. Elephant's Child; I am wondering what kind of cold this is. Surely not the dreaded RSV? I am unable to concentrate for long without wanting to sleep, and sleep does not come easy.

  4. It may be the 'common cold' but it makes sufferers uncommonly miserable and uncomfortable.I hope you feel much better very soon. The old saying is 3 days coming, 3 days with you and 3 days going - it's a silly saying!

    1. jabblog; I don't think this is the common cold, not with these levels of rib-jarring coughing. And if this IS the "common cold" how on earth do people put up with having these all the time?

  5. Oh no! It's good that your medicine is helping. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    1. Val; the medicine definitely helps, after each dose I'm coughing up mucus. I'm unable to eat much though, nothing appeals.

  6. Hoping you're back to health soon.

    1. Kathy G; me too. Health is my default state and I am not liking this one bit!

  7. Here's hoping for a quick recovery.

    1. Mike; thank you, the quicker the better in my opinion.

  8. The only good things about colds is they go away eventually. I pray you recover quickly, and "no one" and the twins, too.

    1. messymimi; I worry more for the twins than I do for myself and "no-one". They're too little to go through this.


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