Sunday Selections

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

I opened this new block of cheese recently

to find all four edges looking like this, I was going to email the company about that but haven't yet and can't bring myself to eat the cheese either

I stepped outside one morning recently to find it was foggy

not a 'peasouper' but the end of the street couldn't be seen

in either direction

the leggy black aeoniums, and the green ones, were cut back last autumn, then I forgot to water all winter, assuming it would rain enough to keep things going

I should have known better, I do live here after all, so I'm glad to see some new growth has appeared, though I may buy some flower seedlings to take up all the empty space, maybe some zinnias, I've always liked those. Marigolds too, for the other half empty pot where the garlic is growing.

from my ten Caribbean Lily bulbs

six are showing flower buds

In other news, someone here has had a birthday:

ME! and I was invited to a birthday lunch at the twins house.

gifts were received 

and appreciated, two sweatshirts with handprints from all of them.
"That's Handy" I said and everyone laughed.

me being silly while Happy Birthday was sung, the lights were off for this and the twins were saying "oh no, oh no"

and were relieved when the lights were back on.

Before the cake though, we had playtime

me proving that I can still get down on my knees to play, I would lift them on to these big foam blocks and they would wobble and pretend to fall as I caught them

helping to build towers with the plastic blocks, similar to Duplo, but cheaper and more blocks per box

here I am asking which colour I was holding, all answers were "blue", though I finally managed to have them saying red and yellow, green and pink, purple too. 

they recognise letters and numbers easily, so it won't take long to learn the colours

I think I posted this calendar page last time, but I like it so much I'll leave it here again.


  1. That cheese looks suspect; I'd return it!
    I do love the fog ... not driving in it, though!
    And Happy Happy Birthday and Cheers to Many More! 🎂🎂🎂

    1. Bob; the cheese is still in my fridge and I'll throw it out. I got the cold right after the birthday so haven't been to the shop for a week. I may still email the company.
      Thank you, I'm hoping for many more birthdays, I'd ike to see the twins grow up.

  2. That cheese looks dreadful. Can you return it?
    Happy birthday. I can get down to my knees but struggle to get up again. I am impressed at your agility.

    1. Elephant's Child; it's too late to return it now, having sat in my fridge for a while now, I'll just throw it out. I'm very glad to still be agile, playing with the twins is worth all the getting up and down. It's probably the most exercise I get these days. Thank you.

  3. Happy Birthday! The sweatshirts are a great gift. I am jealous of your ability to get down on your knees, AND back up again! Looks like you had quite a good playtime, and a wonderful party. The girls must think you are SO BRAVE to not mind when the lights went out!

    1. Val; thank you, the sweatshirts will be so handy next winter. I'm very glad I can still get up and down with no trouble. The girls weren't afraid with the lights out, there was still light from the other room and the candles by the cake. And they sleep in total darkness too, no night lights needed.

  4. Birthday Cheers! The cheese, yes, looks wonky. Balloon is fun though.

    1. The Happy Whisk; thank you. I love balloons. I don't love wonky cheese and hope the next one I buy is better.

  5. I am not a cheese lover so I wouldn't know if that cheese looked any different than what it is supposed to look like (?) The BD cake looks gooey and yummy and I think that you would have to fight me for it!
    Little girls are so sweet! I am sure that they showed you haw it all works...

    1. Linda Sue; the cheese edges were white and sweaty with some brown edging too, Definitely NOT what cheese should look like. The birthday cake was a sponge with very very sweet icing. You could get diabetes just looking at it! The girls do show me how things work and I show them too. We teach each other.

  6. I don't why. But they stop selling colby cheese in the store.

    1. Dora; perhaps it isn't popular enough to generate sales. People in your country seem to like cheddar and pepperjack, cheeses with more flavour. Colby is very mild.

  7. At least take it back for a refund. I would email the company too. You may well get a voucher or something....maybe more mouldy cheese?
    Last Sunday when I was away we had very thick fog one morning.
    It looks like you had a ball at your party.
    That calendar page is rather cool.

    1. Andrew; the cheese photos are quite old now, too late to take it back for a refund and I will just throw it out. I might still email the company. I haven't seen a thick fog in decades, though my oldest says it gets very dense up in the hills where she lives.
      The party was a lot of fun, though that's where I caught the cold from the twins. I like my sugar skulls calendar.

  8. That colby has to go back. One of the college boys who helps in the kitchen is named Colby. I've wondered why.

    1. Joanne; I should have taken it back the day I opened it. Too late now. Perhaps you could ask the boy about his name?

  9. The cheese looks weird R. Happy Birthday and you had fun by the photos, good on you. The twins bring you great joy, it's written all over your face and in your words. Wonderful.
    Your plants are looking ok, love the fog as in photos too.
    You are doing really well to be able to get on your knees and up again, it's the up again I have great trouble with, need something to push on I do.

    1. Margaret D; I emailed the cheese company last night. I sometimes need something to push up again, but not always. The twins are one of the best parts of my life these days.

  10. When you opened a new block of cheese, did you check the used-by date on the package? If it was past the used-by date, urgently write to both the supermarket and the cheese manufacturer. And get a written apology from both responders.

    If the cheese was dated correctly, then you have to get into a discussion with the responsible party - your own fridge failed? the cheese was part of a mouldy block? the supermarket got the date wrong etc etc? It is not a financial crisis... but it could be a health problem.

    1. Hels; I did check and the use by is a couple of months away still. I suspect the cheese was part of a mouldy block that didn't get noticed at the packaging company. I used to work in a dairy/cheese factory and that's what it looked like to me. There's nothing wrong with my fridge, everything else in there is good and the freezer section too. I don't even remember now the date I bought that block, though I do know which supermarket.

  11. Happy birthday to you! How nice to have a party, especially with little ones to play with.
    The cheese looks manky - you're right not to eat it and you should complain.

    1. jabblog; thank you. I did get around to emailing the cheese company last night.

  12. My internet-connection is a pain, sorry, I am that late and ohhhhhh that cheese looks yummy, despite all th eanger I get hungry!
    Well the first pic did.... But. German cheese has these edges, too, just throw them away.
    It might be a sign it grew in it´s time, which is actually good.... if it smells good... give it a try?

    Oh, I so miss fog. I used to stop the car at the bridge where there was fog on the way to work, enjoyed and took a pic.

    Happy, happy Birthday!!!!!
    To a GREAT new year in your life!!!! To health, fun, yummy food and funny, sweet Grandkids!
    Those shirts are so sweet!!! (I stop now with the exclamation marks).

    A fun, good teacher you are.

    I don´t remember this calendar-page, but I love it! Duke Henry says hi! (hi...)

    1. Iris; my internet isn't as good as it used to be. The cheese is sealed within plastic and shouldn't look like that, it should have clean dry edges. Usually it does, this was a rare occurrence.
      I don't see fog here very often so it is always a nice surprise. I think the last time was five years ago.
      I remember teaching my children colours and which foot is left and right and other stuff, it's better they already know these things when they begin school. Letters and numbers too.

  13. Happy Birthday, River, and may you have many more! I love those sweatshirts and your pun :)
    My, the twins are growing up. What sweet little girls!

    1. jenny_o; thank you, the girls are growing up fast. I hope to have many more birthdays.

  14. What a delight and I wish you many happy returns of the day!

  15. Happy birthday - may you have many more! I laughed at your "handy" sweatshirts comment!


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