It's fixed! It's fixed!

 "no-one" came knocking on my door around morning-tea time, I gave up my computer chair and she got to work. 

Plugged things in, turned them on, downloaded and installed a new updated printer driver, did  a few other things and then we tested it. 

It worked!! I'm so happy. I owe her my sanity. I printed copies of my most recent Friday stories, but sadly the rest are lost as I accidentally "cleared queue" and if I want copies I'll have to scroll back through several weeks worth of posts and print from those. 

I've done that before when catching up after being unable to afford printer ink and it's a lot of work. I have the time, but I'll have to wait until I'm in the mood. 

Thank you "no-one" 💖💖


  1. "downloaded and installed a new updated printer driver"
    It either works or you spend 8 hours trying to figure out what little step you missed.

    1. Mike; she dis a few other things besides the download, there were little windows open all over the screen and I didn't have a clue what they were. But the printer is working 😃😃

  2. I know the relief of having the computer working correctly! Glad you got her done!

    1. Bob; I'll never fool around with any of the settings ever again. Not that I did in the first place, the printer just one day was "offline" and I didn't do it.

  3. Good for you in getting it all up and running. Printer drivers are the worst. I've tackled far too many for friends on the verge of offing themselves in frustration.

    1. Wisewebwoman; wasn't me, it was "no-one" my genius daughter and I am so grateful.

  4. Wonderful news. Yay for your daughter and her expertise.

    1. Elephant's Child; I am always very grateful for her help.

  5. What a relief. Well done, 'no-one.'

    1. jabblog; it's a big relief and I thanked her several times.

  6. Hurrah for G.D. (Genius Daughter) but why didn't you contact her first instead of having a nervous meltdown?

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; I did but she wasn't sure she knew what to do, having never had that problem herself. But she knows better than me what to look up and how to interpret the instructions.

  7. Well done and it's a pleasure when your printer works. Achievement was done.

    1. Margaret D; rescued from spam again, it is a pleasure to have a working printer.

  8. Replies
    1. Dora; me too, now I can print hard copies of my Friday stories. It's handy to be able to look through them for inspiration and maybe be able to continue one of them with another chapter.

  9. A friend who can fix tech problems is a true gem!

    1. messymimi; rescued from spam, this friens is my daughter, "no-one".

  10. Oh, yipeeeee - and it sounds like you are doing a book after all?
    I SO read you. I MUST start with the taxes and my mind and body yells "noooo.....!". I do anything else but that!
    Let´s do what we must do?

    1. Iris; no, not doing a book. But sometimes, if the words are right, I can add a chapter to something I wrote before. Yes, get those taxes done and your mind can be free from worrying about doing them.

    2. Sad about no to the book and yes, today I´ll try again - got an e-mail that might help....

  11. I too print all of my stories. and when my printer acted up this spring, I forgot to print a heap of them. Thanks for the reminder - and I'm happy for you that "no-one" knew what to do after all.

  12. Charlotte; I think I have now printed extra copies of something I already had, I'll have to go through all the binders and get them organised. I'm very happy that "no-one" knows how to find tways to fix things.


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