Sunday Selections # 712

 Long ago, Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

something weird up in a tree near the bus stop

sulphur crested cockatoo eating a pine cone, sent by "no-one"

spotted this as I neared the Big Green Hardware Shed

a closer inspection revealed the white flowers were Pandorea Jasminoides, also known as Bower Vine

red bouganvillea

and pink bouganvillea

this two-tone pelargonium surprised me by surviving and blooming, my younger son loves the colour so I will take a cutting for him to plant in his yard.

I'm sure I have shown this before, more than once I suspect, but I love a rose bush that delivers many shades from orange buds to orange-yellow blooms that fade to pink or yellow before turning white as they age. I'd take a cutting if I knew it would survive but I don't have a good track record when it comes to roses.

a closer look at the delicate colouring, can you see the pink and the yellow centre?

a citrus fruit mural on the ground floor wall of the Arab Steed Hotel

interesting wheel trims these days

remember the days gone by when all cars had plain hubcaps that could double as frisbees? Or slung over a campfire to cook the chops?

This sign made me smile and wonder what exactly is a Horse Coffee? I should have gone inside and asked, but it was looking a little busy. I suspect it is just a larger stronger coffee.

the underside of the footbridge where last week's dragon was and possibly still is, I'm not sure if the OzAsia Festival is over yet.

The rosebed in the gardens area of the hospital "no-one" works at, taken from an upstairs window.

and one of the rosebushes.

Genevieve is a pretty purple butterfly,

Anastasia is a pink butterfly

waiting for trick-or-treaters

the brothers dressed up too and Mum S was a witch.

this month's calendar page.


  1. Lovely selection. The pretty fairies get my vote.

    1. jabblog; they were so excited when they first saw the wings and couldn't wait to get them on.

  2. Cute little butterflies! I thought they were fairies. The brothers are dressed as I would imagine brothers would dress for Halloween! That's a nice pattern for a troll living under the footbridge to look at while waiting to troll.

    1. Val; thank you, one of the twins didn't like the shiny mask, said it was "angry" and it did have a scowl. I like this calendar page and one of the skulls has a moustache, for "Movember" I guess.

    2. I think the footbridge underside is lovely when the river gets lit up for various things and the colours reflect off the water.

  3. Blooming lovely - particularly the butterflies.
    I like the underside of the dragon bridge too.

    1. Elephant's Child; the butterflies are definitely blooming, growing fast and making sentences from their words now. The footbridge is very pretty and almost probably worth the $$$$mmm spent on it.

  4. Lovely flowers. We have many rose bushes, thanks to a previous owner, who ceased to water them due to Calif State government. thanks, Newsom. I had a pelagornium and it was so fragrant. Lots of geraniums, which revived once we started watering them. Your fairies are delightful!

    1. Susan Kane; I can't grow roses but there are plenty around here for me to enjoy. Geraniums are hard to kill, they'll grow just about anywhere, wheich is why my mum always planted some everywhere we lived. The fairies are butterflies but still delightful.

  5. That second wheel is super cool. Love the flowers too. Happy November!

    1. The Happy Whisk; the wheels are great aren't they. And the flowers. Happy November to you too.

  6. Good morning, River. I've just juiced some oranges and a lemon...something I do every morning, and have been doing for many many morning ritual.

    Jacarandas are in full bloom at present. I love them, and have done since I was small child.

    No trick or treaters were out and about here...but storms were.

    Have enjoyable week ahead...take care. My cuddles to Lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I'm not a fan of citrus juice, I prefer apple, but mostly my morning ritual these days is seeing how long I can stay in bed, ha ha. Jacarandas are blooming here too and I had a blosson flutter down and land on my shopping trolley this morning.
      The twins house had a few trick or treaters, drawn in by the lights and decorations.

  7. The colours of the bouganvillias are rich and would stand out in the garden perfectly.

    1. hels; they would for sure, but there aren't many around here now, most get ripped out when a house is demolished for townhouses. These ones are by the big Bunnings Warehouse across town.

  8. You need to get up that tree and see what that is!

    1. Mike; no thank you, the tree looks prickly and is behind a high fence, I'm wondering what it is though. With the silver covering to protect it maybe it is someone's drug stash?

  9. There some great looking wheels around now. I had not heard of frying by using a hubcap, but why not? The hospital rose bed looks very nice. The girls anti Halloween protest outfits show they will be unconventional.

    1. Andrew; I'm not surprised you never heard of hubcap frying pans, it's a bogan thing. I saw it quite often as a child, someone would build a fire on the beach, grab a hubcap off their car, line it with foil and cook sausages. The girls love being butterflies at the moment, but their tastes might change as they get older. If they are like the rest of us (my family) they'll love the spooky stuff.

  10. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you, I thought you'd like to see some since yours are now gone for the winter.

  11. Lovely selection R. The girls look sweet with their wings. The roses, love them and along with the Pandorea Jasminoides of which we have just purchased two to grow up a couple of poles near where we sit outside.

    1. Margaret D; the girls love their wings. I've given up buying flowers, what I already have has to be enough, all the succulents, because flowers just don't get enough sun or water in my patch. There is enough colour in surrounding gardens for me to enjoy. The Pandorea certainly is a lovely plant.

  12. Cute cockatoo! And, ohhhhh, those beautiful flowers!
    And the mural :-) Yum. Warms one up.
    People and their cars,I´ll never get it. Back to camp fires (oh, I miss that!).
    Horse Coffee,funny. And interesting architecture. Reminds me of when I went to Ingo (he was still with his then-girl-friend) to help me understand statics for my next test at uni. That dumb woman checked every 5 minutes what we are doing. Ingo taught me MATH!!! But then, she was right in the afterMATH ;-) A long time later.
    So Halloween is really there now? Cool!

    1. Iris; I knew you would like the flowers, not many would be around now in your weather. The underside of the footbridge is really nice. I see the girl was right to be worried. Halloween isn't very common yet and might never be, but some people decorate and have candy for kids and others hold Halloween parties in their homes where kids will be safe. Most older people don't bother.

    2. His girl friend later betrayed him. Irony, huh. Ingo really only taught me math. My then-boyfriend betrayed me... we don´t do that,I do not understand that logic.
      The bell here rang 4 times so quick I did refuse to go. Ingo went. 3 halloween-kids and that was that. All the other candy goes to... Ingo. That was his plan, I guess ;-)

    3. Same with "no-one" all extra candy is hers.

  13. From the images posted I have deduced that you probably like flowers. Just call me Sherlock Holmes!

  14. I've never heard of a horse coffee either!

    1. Steve Reed; if I pass that way again I'll stop in and find out exactly what it is.

  15. How lovely. Like the sound of the Sunday meme - need to check it out!

    1. mrsnesbitt; welcome to drifting and you are welcome to join the meme.

  16. There's so much beauty, and intricate design, and joy in your post.


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